😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Yesterday I was testing in my BE Discipline Priest level 18, a altered version of Ãnna’s advised Shaman Macros.

I mean it was a level 18 character, unlike my level 50 Forsaken Priest there’s less than half the buttons to press.

What could possibly go wrong right ?

I entered Dazar’alor with the mindset of doing as much damage as I possible could as a healer.

Unfortunately things didn’t went as expected.
The Tank was a guardian Druid, he died multiple times.
The worst case happened when we were at the Priestess and Tank was mass pulling the mobs in front of her.

I told myself:
“Ok time to DoT this guys, and …”
*Tank was dead …

He than asked:
“Healer ?”
“Aggro ?”
“What happened ?”
“Jesus Christ !”

Fortunately I was able to save face by keeping the rest of the party alive.

I than explained:
“I’m trying to heal and dps, but it’s not working so well”.

He than stated:
“OFC it’s not working”.

I think he was very calm. Other’s wouldn’t had probably been so polite. :sweat_smile:

I think people running the type of content where healer’s have to do dmg must have some godly reaction. :weary:


Playing disc without at least “target of target” macros is very difficult. Where I Mained one in BFA very much about always having a hostile targeted and having my helpful spells macrons to targeting the target of my target (if they’re hostile) but also mouseover macros for stuff I’ll frequently Chuck around the party (like dispel, PWS).

Tanks also need to understand disc is a ramp healer, so they need to pump their AM at the start of a pull where disc is setting up SWP, as SWP is a great source of trickle heal and dmg so the priest wants it up. Once it’s set up you can then default to maintaining atonement on whoever and just nuking between.

This is why purge the wicked is so good, reduces ramp time by making penance spread the DoT so you can get to your “proper healing and damage” that bit quicker. It’s a steep learning curve though but keep at it as disc is a very rewarding spec to play when you get fluid with it.

It’s always contingent on group understanding to some degree though. For example take bursting or necrotic . Disc loves chain pulls on bursting so they can cheesemode the affix with radiance and their burst damage. Waiting for the disc priest to “top up” people out of combat takes them about 5 times as long and probably ten times as much mana.

If you were level 18, don’t take it to heart. You will be lacking many of the talents and spells that make discs maintenance of atonement much easier such as Purge the Wicked, Rapture, Power Word Radiance, Power of the Dark Side passive and burst dps spells (which translate to emergency healing through atonement) such as Solace and Power Infusion. In the early game your offensive kit isn’t sophisticated enough to provide clout healing through atonement outside of very low damage periods, whereas later on you can do this through the above and with additional cooldowns like Pain Suppression.

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Very nice information.

Thank you.:smiley:

You’re welcome, added an edit as well! I always forget stuff first post. Keep at it! Sometimes the tank is just over pulling and having a pull with upfront big damage on a healer like disc is generally a bad idea when they’re low level as they have no “lifesaving” spells at low level.

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Really fun when you end up being 95% on explosives because tank and Venthyr boomies can’t be bother to target them and still end up being top dps (even if targeting explosives is a huge dps lost) in the key and still not timing it because tank forgets to watch percent.
Good week Blizzard, really fun, mega rewarding :kappa:

a couple of days ago i picked up my priest again whom i intended to play in pvp last season but didnt get around to do it.

trying to push my comfort zone i specced discipline this time instead of holy although it gives me low key anxiety having to rely on damage to do most of the healing. :sweat_smile: plus i thought…i main resto druid…spreading out hots and atonements, knowing how to do the former…kiiind of the same…soooorrt offff?

well, i queued for lfr and oh boy, what a rude awakening it was lol.

i SUCK and i hate it. its not like i imagined it to be at all. i dont want to abandon my priest again as i d like to have a second alt for raiding and dont want to spec to holy either.

now im wondering if i should stick it out or not.

The dire state of the forums .

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Sabriel still wont give me the mount, I hate Maldraxxus and I have to do stuff there every day :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Me and Sab are not on friendly terms either .


Nor me.

I was racing to get to a rare at the south of Korthia. Jumped off the mount, got onto mine and raced towards it, completely forgetting there’s only one safe path so fell to a horrible death. Ressed. Rare still up. Hopped on Maelie, set off again in a straight line towards it and … yes, fell down to the depths in exactly the same place and yet another horrible death. Ressed. Rare dead. Frowned. Why does my brain never learn?


I got the necrolord paragon mount in my first box (whooo) but it was a stark reminder that I’d told myself to check out changing covenant to necro as Sepsis is just really underwhelming and I fancy a change…I dislike having too many of my chars as fae atm and as rogue is the least viable atm, they’re the swap candidate.

And the prospect of actually doing it made me frown a lot. The renown isn’t the bother as I can spam low torghast for it and get stupid renown/hour (assuming layer ones offer it guaranteed I’d wager about 10 renown an hour). It’s the freaking campaign quest and having to refarm the covenant specific conduit and rebuild all the sanctum…argh.

Does anyone know if you need to redo chains campaign if you swap? I’ve heard you don’t, but if that’s true, how do you reach max renown as the campaign is required for it, isn’t it? I can’t see how you’d get max otherwise as catch up calculates based on campaign stuff being missing (unless in this case the catch-up behaves as if I’ve done them and allows me to catch up all the way to cap minus the anima/Korthia weekly)

Can anyone confirm? I’ve put it off long enough but want to give it a go after I’ve stockpiled a ton of anima in my bags of course.

Just when I thought Blizzard’s quests had reached the rock bottom, I got trolled by the new Critter daily…

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Probably a question that has an answer elsewhere, but have you thought of Shadow. Shadow isn’t absolutely awful at the moment.

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yeah i did think about it actually. however, last time i truly enjoyed shadow was in wotlk (along with disc).

i tried shadow in bfa but just…i dont know. i didnt like it and i assume its not too different in shadowlands. i dont like this whole energy management they have going on now. probably the same reason why i also dont like moonkin a lot at the moment.

if shadow didnt have the whole void energy stuff, i probably enjoyed it a lot more, so i guess nothing can really be done about it as its a me-issue.

i enjoyed priest quite a bit throughout all my wow time but in the last couple expansions pretty much all specs have taken a crass turn for the worse for me. but i guess thats subjective, some might be decent with and really like them.

its one of those classes i really enjoyed in the past, didnt play for a while, want to play again and its just so…different now, maybe too different. which is sad because i love the feeling of being a priest, if you know what i mean.

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I fell out of love with Azeroth.

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Horde and Alliance killing us Taurens for emergency food supplies to feed their warmongering armies.

Cows are not Taurens…

He is a moose/elk though lol

I will start my post with:
“You are not prepared”.

Another tank fell today victim of my BE Discipline Priest experiences.

I was trying a set of macros like:
/cast [@mouseover,help][help] heal spell; [@mouseover,harm][harm] dmg spell; heal spell

But for a reason, I’m still trying to understand I had the target selected, I spammed the mouse button that was linked to the macro and it didn’t came out …
Perhaps it’s my old 5 button mouse needing a retirement.

Either way, everything that could had gone wrong went wrong in that run of Dazar’alor.

It was a Troll Druid and I kept missing shields, penance.
We wiped twice on Rezan.
The first time I got attacked by that Zandalari rogue at the start,only when we were fighting Rezan.
The second time someone pulled the 4 adds on the upper platform, while we were fighting Rezan.

Worst: even when spamming the basic heals I couldn’t keep up with how fast he was losing HP when facing the pack of mobs that were in front of the second boss, after Rezan. He had already died before, for the same reason.

He ended up leaving the group and so did I, because it was obvious I needed to go back to the drawing board.:frowning_face:

I wrote this in hope someone has a laugh.
Because that’s all this story was good for …


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I know that feeling. I tried healing M+6 Halls of Atonement on my Disc, but the party and especially the tank kept taking more damage than I could heal through Atonement, and even my desperate Shadow Mends didn’t do anything but depleting my mana. We wiped at the first boss, tank left, and the group disintegrated.

This wasn’t even my key, and the experience left me with a poopy feeling, not knowing whether it was on me or it was the tank’s lack of mitigation.

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