šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

why does FF14 have a hot rod but not wow :frowning:

Forums were people use 3 to 4 chars to make topics all about negative things clogging up the forums with there selfish views .


Not being able to log in since Friday due to pc issues - all sorted now so just need to reinstall WoW later and itā€™s all good :+1:

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Kind of sick of that too. Itā€™s not even subtle


Coming to read the wow forums and seeing so many topics about ff instead. Am so tired of hearing about that game that I am like 90 % decided not to buy and play it anymore. People need to stop obsessing about it so much. Yes, we get you enjoy the game and it may have some interesting stuff. But this is a wow forum, not ff. I am not going on their forums to talk about wow either so learn common sense already. This is really tiring. Plus too much drama and negativity everywhere lately. People are clearly bored since they seek so much dramaā€¦


A whole group of us waiting in the maw for the Tormentor of Torghast event to spawn, it did not happen. Joining other groups was still eventless :frowning:


Being offered 12 rings out of 14 chances in the vault.

Being forced to stay longer in Korthia because RNG gave me a single purple item for clearing 70% of the zone.

I was more ā€œWOW! 14 vaults - thatā€™s a lot of characters!ā€ :slight_smile:

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They are posting on 3 chars atm on 6 topics telling anyone who disagreeā€™s with them that they are off topic abusive and witch hunters .

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Hahaha, no it was over 2 weeks across 4 characters, just this week my main got offered 2 rings out of 3 choices and my 3 alts got offered 4 rings out of 6 choices.

A bit frustrating when it happens.

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DoS 18 on muezalah with a good 4 minutes left to kill him, totem phase with BL, all adds are killed then we go back to the boss to see him get down to 50% instead of 14% when youā€™ve clicked all the totems, turns out the other two dps (2250 rio both) just stood there after killing the add, neither of them clicked the totem after killing the add causing a deplete :clown_face: :clap:

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another raid night, another week without a helmet dropā€¦ im despairing, i think im pretty much the last person in my guild who raids regularly to get a set bonus.

sad cat noises

i hope it drops on tuesdayā€¦



Honestly !

I used to love this dungeon, because it was easy to memorize.
Yesterday it went to the list of ā€œnot wanting to doā€ dungeon.
My BE Priest had so far a perfect track record of dungeon healing, except for 2 Tanks in Atalā€™Dazar.
Yesterday that number skyrocket to 5.
2 Dks on the same dungeon run and another Paladin in the second run, all three on Atalā€™Dazar.

It all started when our first tank a Orc Warrior decided to solo the Priestess.
He went his own way and soloed everything till the Priestess.
Meanwhile we were waiting for him on Rezan.
I donā€™t know what he was wearing, but that must had been some powerful gear.
He almost killed the Priestess by his own, before the group kicked him, for going his own route.

I knew this was a mistake.
It was late night and we had to wait more than 10 minutes.

A Ork Dk joined and I genuinely felt I was healing a DPS. So much spikes.
He died but we managed to kill the Priestess.
We than went to Rezan and he died againā€¦
We were trying to clear the trash pack in front of Volā€™kaal and Tank dies again.
He gave up and we hot a Tauren DK this time.

This time we wiped on Volā€™kaal.
By now the group was wondering what was going on.
We went for the second try and we wiped again.

I decided to quit and wish them good luck as it was obvious it was my problem.
My character was level 41 and the 2 tanks I got were beneath level 21.
Discussing with other 2 DPS players, I concluded it was a scaling problem.

Queue again and Atalā€™Dazar again ā€¦
This time it was a BE Paladin. We did Rezan,but we wiped on Volā€™kaal again.
Tank quits and I decided to change spec as it was obvious by now that the disciple spec couldnā€™t keep up with how fast the Tanks were losing HP.

We got a BE DH and I believe he was around my level, because, he hardly needed heals, I also noticed his HP bar took longer to fill up as opposed to the other 3 Tanks where I could fill their HP bars in 2/3 casts.

I guess Iā€™m playing Holy from now on ā€¦
Sorry for the long rant.


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I need dom shoulders, they just donā€™t want to drop. We did a heroic reclear, all but last boss, and all I got was two lousy trinkets I rerolled out to the group.


Someone in general chat expressed their hate for Gnomes. Wasnā€™t even a RP server.

Worry not Gnome community. We are working on a suitable revenge action towards that person.
I will share the outcome on Reddit. Peace out


I continued exploring HCs in BC, this time with SL.

I do admit, itā€™s relatively easy (except the big felguards and shivarra that hit like a truck), but I died an awful lot of times to healer aggro. No, wasnā€™t a tank threat matter, it was because we CCed with double hunters (that is, Distracting shot for aggro to lure enemies to traps but it only generates X threat). Problem is, when it ended, the mobs always banged up on meā€¦ group was really pitying me for dying in a single hit.

Still, the group was nice and funny. And the repair bill is low on cloth armor :pray:


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If you can and you have keepers of time rep buy a trinket from them in caverns of time it helps reduces threat. Works great if no mp5 issues also great for first boss BT if you lack stam as a clothie when you need 8500 hp min buffed to survive mechanicā€™s .

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Yup, planning to buff my stamina ASAP cries in 6900 HP, but donā€™t really wish to let go of the Aeonus nor the badge trinky, they are my BiS for now and too strong to pass up, so MP5+stam food buff and HP enchants it is :sweat_smile: as for threat I can fade and AoE fear, plus I often get pallies in my groups for Salv.

PS: if youā€™re planning on Arc HC anytime, the last boss has a 10k damage channel with a stun. Anything that increases your HP helps, even 10k raw HP might not cut it. Friendly heads-up :wink:


Sabriel, she still wants me to visit her every day to try for her mount :frowning:

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My HC madness continued in Arca HC, where I wanted to do my TK attunement, which is to keep the sneaky gnome mage alive while we deal with the final boss.

It went relatively fine (had a bit of setback at the beginning with the voidlord - shadow based attacks hurt a lot), and we pushed to the finale.
At first, we couldnā€™t even try the boss as the air elemental miniboss dropped aggro and bashed my face in. Second time, we again had a death before the main boss, but we managed to recover.

So, it was quite a tough fight. We were 2 shammies (ele and enh), a protadin, a retadin and me. The shammy totems saved the day as the boss facemelted them once or twice instead of us, but even with a mana pot and shadowfiend I went oom from all the spamhealing I had to do, then died when I got the mind flay, along with one of the shammies. So, I used the angel form to get out a HoT on every friendly in range, a PoM, and a few raw heals, with that they barely outlasted the fight, as the pallies autoattacked the last 5k boss HP to death. Whatā€™s so bad about this, you think?

The sneaky gnome was also getting all the good stuff from the boss but obviously I couldnā€™t heal him when I dropped deadā€¦ and the bad thing was, literally in the last 5 seconds before we got the kill, the boss finished him off with the last facemelt. :disappointed:

Had he 500 more HP heā€™d have scraped by.

Iā€™m not a rager butā€¦ really? Come on. So darn closeā€¦ :woman_facepalming:

Now I know why the warden refers to him as a ā€˜lowly gnomeā€™. He has 3 times our health and still not enough to outlast the fight. :laughing::laughing:

By Bonzoā€™s brass buttons, this mustā€™ve been one mother of a headache for himā€¦ right?