😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Oopsie woopsie she is mad again over not being right good night .

Talking to yourself again I see. Oopsie woopsie, someone that doesn’t even know that Classic is built completely different than originally with COMPLETELY different patches that effect things differently!

Patches are coming out with the same content and i am talking to you about raids are being brought out in same pattern hence me linking you facts .
Ooopsie wooopies looks likes she cant read links .

Calling me he how classy when she whines about being misgendered always .

Ooopsie woopsie.

Night .

Patch 2.0.1 (This is prepatch btw)

  • New Talents

Guess what’s there that wasn’t on release, and is just now being added?

  • Looking for Group Interface Tool

Oopsie woopsie! I’ll keep going,


  • New arena, [Ruins of Lordaeron Arena]
    That’s been in since release, not in a patch!

  • [Black Temple]introduced

Oops! Looks like THE EYE wasn’t added in the same patch as the blank temple, you were wrong again! It’s not even mentioned in the patch logs!

  • PvP Trinkets redesigned

Oops another thing that was on release and not a patch instead!

  • Read in-game mail will now be kept for 30 days

We’re actually getting SSC and The EyE next patch instead of what would’ve bene on release

Uno reverse

ACTUALLY you misgendered me then edited your post because I DIRECTLY quoted you. Nice job calling yourself out.

Oopsie woopsie

Nightx2 because you can never actually go by your own word.

to prove a point

If it had editied my post it would have shown

Ooopsie Woopsie .

All the above means nothing to me as i said

Ooospi woopsie looks like she can not read .

You have only proved that you like rowing with people who actually agreed with you to start with .

Ooopsie woopsie .

Wrong. I edited this into my post TWO minutes after making it.

It doesn’t show edits if they’re in short enough time.

Guess that’s YET ANOTHER THING you don’t know about but you talk like you do!


Look I did it again two edits


Uno reverse

Calling me narcissistic how ironic.

Yes they were in game but you were not able to access them exactly like now Ooopsi woopsie ,

Oh? Where? :3

Wrong, they were in release for TBC and you could get to them as soon as you could get attuned.

No you could not at all sorry .

Yes, actually you could. Karazhan (Nightbane required for SSC)
Gruul’s (Gruul required for SSC)
Magtheridon (this, and three relatively hard Heroics done with special requirements, were required for TK)
SSC (required for Hyjal)
TK (required for Hyjal)
Even HYJAL was technically in the game but Patch 2.1 and Black Temple were released on 22nd of May 2007. Patch 2.1 made Vashj (and likely Kael’thas) drop vials for the entire raid, while prior to patch 2.1 Vashj was dropping only four vials per kill. Therefore Hyjal became in practice available with 2.1.

Easily searchable, it’s why they’re not mentioned in the patch logs.

Also oopsie woopsie, looks like you still won’t even admit prior things and try to move on as quick as you can but you’d have to do it for LITERALLY everything.

Ooopsie woopsie i see she wants the last word as always and will not admit to being wrong else guilds back then would have farmed early TK and SSC bosses to take down Gruul and Maggy who were harder then entry level TK for example .

Nice of you to derail a thread with personal attacks over a person agreeing with you MAJOR OOPSIE WOOOPSIE !!!

Guess you don’t know how things work and that the game is played entirely differently hmm? They were accessible, provided people could get attuned and felt they were geared enough. Literally nothing was stopping them

You’re the one that did that not me, you responded to my post not the other way around! I didn’t respond to your posts in here now did I? Nope! That onus is on you, which makes you the one that would be in violation of that rule.

I actually raided throughout TBC up to Meru pre nerf ooopsie woopsie your wrong again .

Me agreeing with you that things are a pain is a break in CoC “LOL” okay see what i did there ooopsie woopsie .

Your achieves show you didn’t kill them until 2009, which is AFTER WOTLK release. Sunwell 2011.

OOPSIE WOOPSIE, wrong again.


You also forgot the part about attunements to GET INTO those raids requiring you to kill usually later bosses in ‘previous’ raids so doing ‘early’ boss kills wasn’t a thing being done!

Wrong again OOpsie woopsi

As i said i cleared up to Meru i didnt clear SWP during TBC .

You can clearly see i did

all during TBC .

Achieves are account wide, SSC is 2011. Sunwell 2011. TK 2010. Oopsie woopsie.

Actually, can’t. Can only see what you did afterwards because achieves were added with wrath prepatch. :3 Oopsie woopsie!

Your claims were also about TK and SSC you said were ‘not there on TBC release’ or able to be entered when they were.

People just didn’t know entirely about all kinds of stuff and were too busy clearing other raids and needing things from said raids for attunement in the first place. Like NIGHTBANE from Karazhan.

Of course you provided ZERO evidence of your claims that TK and SSC were not available on TBC launch except ‘but I raided then and I didn’t do those’. I pointed to far more than you did including PATCH LOGS which don’t mention the addition of EITHER raid.

Literally stop making yourself look bad.

Achives were retro active dated Ooopsi woopsie .
For example

Tabard of the Protector retro active oopsie.

They were retro added with a very specific date, the WOTLK prepatch. which you cannot DETERMINE any of the patches from when they were killed in tbc. WHICH would be the entire point of the discussion being had! Oopsie woopsie!

All i said to you before you got all insulting and oopsie woopsie was content read the word content is coming out in a set pattern just like TBC back then you were the one started being rude and i did not call you a he at all as i know how over senstitive you are .