😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Sabriel will not give up her mount.

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Recleaning didn’t give me a damn meaningful upgrade and I can’t rely on Wenesday RNG.

Why should I keep using 239 Head and Shoulders, by the light !!

well that there is this player who wants revealing transmogs to be removed from the game
all because of that painting swap in ravenholdt
others are thinking because of them doing this these tmogs “might” be the next to go
tbh its like a repeat of some topics which shall not be named
but it cant be real must be a lie or a trick

Achievement is bugged, it completes but doesn’t give you the mount :frowning:

I have to find a new guild if I want to keep mythic raiding :broken_heart:


Happens so much sadly, hope you find somewhere you enjoy :four_leaf_clover:


Running Sunwell Plateau each week on my Vulpi Shaman, trying to get that healer trick to drop. Aaaand it didn’t drop this week either.

So close yet so far. 1699 M+ rating.


Sabriel will not give me the mount


I understand the pain. Sunwell won’t drop the bow and I’ve been doing it for over a year now.


the thought of having to update my game :sweat:

Realising we’re still in BETA, and we’re still in 2004 when ALTing wasn’t a thing :frowning:

That reminds me I need to go to BT for my weekly glaive disappointment!

Discovering All the Things has a command called /att random … my left over free time has been lost :rofl:

…oh god no.

Gatecrasher and still Korthia.

Life binder from DS still will not drop.


Blizzard going completely off the rails “desexualising” the game rather than dealing with their employer working conditions and lawsuit.

My sub ended today and I’m thinking real hard to subscribe or wait till 9.1.5

There are so many alts I wanna level but idk. :thinking:

i got two for today
1 is bad players in sanctum normal pug or lfr who do no mechanics and just wipe us
2 me and this orc dk were disappointed to not get jaithys from normal kelthuzad
but the new leader invited great players and we killed him and sylvanas
(by doing the mechanics properly so that and my first group who killed the first 7 was good start)
good news one hunter got his sylvanas bow