😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I’m like a broken record but still Sabriel. I do not like Maldraxxus and I have to spend time there every day to farm this mount on my Necrolord and she still wont give it to me!!!



Join a +14 Theater of Pain

Leader at the start says: “pull the mobs + boss”

Tank pulls the mobs into the boss.

We wipe.

“Why pull boss?”

Then people left.

LIKE, WHAT. BRUH, you told him to pull the mobs + boss.

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9.1.5 still not being here .And having 4 posts buried in one topic soon as they are posted something not right there.

Old content scaling of legion still not right

Ran a Mists key yesterday (12/13 can’t remember) which is a bit higher than i’ve been doing but i;m trying to step out of my comfort zone.

So okay the group is going fine, we’re nailing it, gonna make an easy time, fantastic, everyone is playing super well.

Final boss: tank goes “Shaman BL”

Now prior to this I have been using drums on bosses where needed as we don’t have a lust class in the group, so at this point I drums. We smash the boss, winners.

A DPS in the group says “You do realise we don’t have a shaman right?”
Tank goes “What? Shaman Healer?”
I reply “No, I’m a monk.”

So please note, we timed the run, the group was full of props and good vibes, okay, remember that.

Tank’s reply to this “Oh…I meant to invite a Shaman, I wouldn’t have invited you if I had actually checked properly lol.”

I mean christ on earth, what kind of response is that?

I don’t know what annoyed me more, the fact the dude obviously can’t tell the difference between jade-green class text or dark blue, can’t tell the difference between him getting a massive cocoon on him at several points (and me spinning around in fights) and someone throwing lava around and splashing people or the fact he just couldn’t find some kind of response such as “oh wow, looks like it didn’t matter! Awesome!”

Even the victory had to be used to remind me i’m just a freaking mistweaver and “not top pick” and that I only got the gig because of his mistake!

Not saying all groups and stuff are like this but this really really made me frown. It should have been an opportunity to remind the guy that sticking to the meta like glue ain’t needed for keys at this range, but he turned it into an opportunity to remind him to stick to it in future even though we timed the run and had a good comfy run.


couldnt do a old hillsbrad on chromie timewalk tbc on my alt
because healer healer replacement and tank quit for no reason
queue shouldnt take 20 minutes to refill or lfr shouldnt be 30/40/to 50 mins and 1 hour as dps
should make them normal queues for all specs and give a captcha requirement so you dont get “new” players ignoring mechanics and wiping your group

Ya, i feel you.:pensive:
I’m a marksman, (so, not even an important role as a healer) so people don’t accept me in higher keys than let’s say a 11,12, and when i get into 14s and a one 15-its because the lust and even then the leader whispers me ton of texts to make sure they will take me with thousands conditions to take me… I mean, i know my class and all of the dungeons, but people are meta slaves and rio ones also, so…sham and mage–gg, ez
I like monks, i even started one myself yesterday :blush:

It’s so dumb because i’d wager a majority of the people don’t even know the reason for the meta, or why they’re “not picking X class”.

Like where i’ve had people engage with me in group chat (friendly like, just causal chatter after keys) they’re like “Yeah sucks that Mistweaver isn’t as popular but their healing i guess isn’t as good.”

It’s like stop right there partner. Our healing is absolutely fine. If I want to, I can pump HPS like no tomorrow. I can triage people from death in a single GCD if i’ve set them up prior. Revival allows me to almost fully heal the group instantly and clean all the crap away. Our healing is absolutely fine if you know how to do it.

The reason we’re not meta is because our comaprative ST dps to other healers is crap and we have to be in melee to access it, whilst not being as sturdy as paladins whilst doing so.
SO basiclaly what people see is “i can pick this melee healer who does a lot of dmg and won’t die in a single front, or this one who does less and will, hmmm”.

But our healing is not the reason people don’t take us (those who follow the meta informed anyway) it’s mana efficiency plus DPS issues for us.

But yeah, winds me up when people are like “oh wow mistweaver seems pretty good at healing?” Like, yeah, it really is! People need to actually check out the basis for the meta and not just follow “what they think it means”. You know?

Mistweaver is a really weird healer because it has some of (arguably in my opinion it actually does possess) the best raw HPS means in the game. Thing is the higher you go in keys, you need less raw healing and more smart healing because people generally clue up and use their defensives.

However in a group where the group is soaking those swirlies like clueless chickens and the tank seems to be made of paper (lower groups) Mistweaver is actually proper solid because we can throw out big boy numbers on a regular basis, even for aoe (if set up prior)

With ReM spread to at least three targets, and an essence font prior, my Vivify alone in my current gear will be able to push out (sustained for duration of font and ReM) about 20k HPS on average.

On a single target (when set up) my HPS is something like 17k HPS on average. And by set up i don’t mean “big boy cooldowns” I mean so long as i’ve got ReM on them and essence font up, I can pull out these numbers.

But good groups don’t need 17k HPS ST!.


I fully agree! You know what, I prefer a healer who doesn’t do big dps, but keep us alive…i don’t know and don’t care what crazy dps numbers are healers pumpin in keys above 15 or 20 :sweat_smile:
In lower keys, the healer doesn’t need to be pressed to pump dps.
Also, this tank shaming you that you are a monk heal, i bet he doesn’t even know a thing about monk healers. You see, he can’t even make the difference in the visual abilities and colors, lol.
All in all, it sux when we have to pug, cause you see all these clueless people.
And before someone says to do my own key, i dont want to when the key is some gruesome one for the affixes.

Oh, and another thing- all the hype with boomies and droods healers is hilarious. I pugged so many keys with a boomie bcz ez boomie and they stay at the bottom of the dps.meter i am speechless, i can count on my one hand the cases where the drood heal or dps could play decently, so again- people roll classes that are fotm but they suck at them. People, use your brez, pls, why bothering taking you when you don’t know your brez key???

Yes FoTM reroll is a very real thing!

In the right hands these classes are pretty scary!

However in inexperienced “riding the trend” hands they’re abysmal.

I had a run a little while back where overall I pulled (as MW) about 1.6k dps and the Boomkin pulled 3.0 overall, so not even twice mine! Similarly despite being a ranged class with an instant cast nuke, their contribution to explosive orb damage was over ten times less than mine!
Now some will say “explosive is a healer affix lol” but looking at their dps, they clearly weren’t using the “free time” to DPS fully, and the mage and lock (whom both pulled about 6k overall) had three times more explosive damage than me!

Like whaaaaat.

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Ah, yea, explosive is the whole team duty. Whoever is able has to pop them and i assume in pugs the heal is busy healing the unnecessary damage taken, lol. Me as a hunter, yes, i kill them when i see them (playing on an oldy laptop with small display 🥲😅)
As for the druids- you are right, when they are played right they are very good, but as you saw- this is once in a blue moon :sweat_smile: (pun inserted)
Btw, i pugged a SoA with a monk heal and this topic popped in my mind- he was a venthyr one, I’ve never seen a venthy monk, but healing was good, we had a few deaths out of stupid or bursty fingers :sweat_smile:

Puny, sorry for spamming your topic!

Today i’ve seen a woman outside on my way to work and I felt utterly shocked by how sexual her existence is. I could not understand why she wasn’t replaced with a bowl of fruits yet.


22 PUGs zzz.

I wanted to do a few HC dungeons with the classic guild I’m part of, and we got quite a few like-minded folks together on Disc after making a calling.

When I arrived home from work, I logged as soon as I could and found the group already formed, waiting for me. There was a tiny problem though.

Everyone was in, save for our rogue who was one of the first to apply and been waiting 2 hours for the dungeon spams, who wasn’t invited by the leader (hopefully only by accident), instead a pug warlock got the last spot.

At that point, he became sad and sobbed how he was left out. I told him if he waits out the first, I’ll have him taken in for the rest, but he went offline a bit later and DM-ed me on Discord, telling me not to break my promises.

Poor guy. Wasting 2 hours only to not get invited… :disappointed:


6 posts buried and 6 posts restored by the admins its a time waste for them and its annoying for me as it feels like people are trying to drown out my views and rather attack me and not my posts/views .


wathing old videos of wow thinking how “fun” it was back then.

As the time goes on, these kinda videos and their communities stopped playing. kinda sad

but im still playing. For the Nostalgia and Mog farming at least, not for the grind


I got kicked from a dungeon for the first time in many years :frowning:

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Still no mount drop from Oondasta, Sha, Galleon, Nalak, Rukhmar… It’s way to low.

Who the duck thought Doom Conduits were a good idea? How the duck am I supposed to burst down rares and bosses like Sath’zuul if I am forced to kite around avoiding the conduits?

Sabriel, again, I think she likes the daily visits, even though I slaughter her.

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