😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I started leveling a gnome.

OMG Blizzard is shutting down the servers 2 minutes early!


FML it truly makes me frown.

IKR TBH IMO !! A whole 2 mins.

How fun other classes seem to be in Torghast.

Did two clears today with a friend on a BM Monk and it’s insane what they can do. Other classes also get over the top silly things. Pala is just dull.

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Still no

Kyrian mounts from Koritha .

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I have to find a new guild again.
What’s wrong with Sylvanas? I get it’s annoying but two guilds already had disbanded on her; at this point I have been progressing phase one for more than 100 pulls :crazy_face:

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The vault was useless like every week, but that goes without saying.

Today I did got yet another paragon chest and no mount. So sick of this sytem.

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Opened a Codex and Deaths Advance Paragon Chest this morning, nothing for me either (though I do have one of the two DA mounts)

Codex shouldn’t have a paragon chest imho, it just takes too long to get the 10k. Now my conduits are max and I have all sockets there is no real reason for me to go there.

I’ll wait until they increase the rate of acquirement (which they will at some point)


I’m honestly getting flashbacks to the frustration with the Legion Paragons. If they must insist on the dog poop system then they should at the very least have high drop rates.

It is not a good system if it forces players to carry on long after they are done.


Shudder… Highmountain 102nd box dropped the Moose.


Waking up nearly every day to some news that some flavor and worldbuilding was removed from the game, destroying the game but by bit. And new content is nowhere in sight for months, if ever.

Have a guess, how many Farondis Chest have I opened? And still no mount. It is a bad system.


It took me until nearly the end of BfA to finish collecting the paragon mounts from Legion. It’s a horrific make you play system.

Stick the damn mount on the vendor.

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I still need Fara after 70 boxes :frowning:

Read about the next step of Blizzard’s zealous purge. Trying not to care, yet I can’t help but frown.

Orc warrior was trying to kill people in Maldrax by one of the FPs. AFKs, low gear etc
He then attempted to gank me on my enh sham as I was trying to fly for Calling quests.
We had a good scrap and being tired I didn’t use my PvP talent of bloodlust

I rezzed, taught him a valuable lesson in humility , he didn’t learn so he got the same treatment twice
Made me frown but laugh as I don’t even have a legendary at the moment and he definitely had +gear on me :joy: :popcorn:

I started leveling a Vulpera.

Something … something fun … that is.

The vault every week :clown_face:

Guess I won’t be farming Scholomance on main, her :peach:s are being kicked by even some trash mobs, let alone bosses :sweat:

Will see my luck with the huntard at 70.

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