😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

46 more kills of Rukhmar - still no mount :frowning:

I keep losing my posts and threads.
Edit: I was checking first post of this thread and was created on pre-patch right? I have three different CaylĂ­a-X in here haha.

You could make a placeholder character on your original realm with the exact name so you don’t lose your perks. It does need to be level 10 or choose an Allied race.

I could but I like to post on my main character or a character I play often.
Every time I transfer I leave a character with my character’s name so:

  1. I don’t lose the name.
  2. I don’t lose all my posts.

Still quite annoying.

If only we posted at a Bnet level

Spikes on Painsmith mythic! Got benched again. I’m so bad at that boss…

It would be easier for people that change realm and want to keep their posts.

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Knowing i have to do the kyrian challenges if i want to get the mog i want and its still buggy in there .

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I realized today that I have to do more Torghast than I want to. It feels like being forced to smell a stanky fart over and over again.

Another ducking wipefest on Mor’geth. I want my damn Stygia back!

Yesterday I wanted to time a couple of 19/20s after a couple of days of not playing, I joined 2 groups for 19s, both keyholders eventually gave up and stopped playing when they realized nobody was queueing.
After over an hour sitting in LFG doing nothing I finally get an invite for a HoA20, people make a bunch of mistakes but nothing dramatic, we’ve just killed Echelon and going for the third lieutenant, someone pulls the mobs near him somehow, we wipe, we retry, we kill him then we start the pack with the 3 bears and 2 houndmasters, for some reason the tank decides that he’s going to kite them in the next room and aggros the next pack, instantly dies then leaves :slight_smile:

Almost 2 hours on the game, nothing accomplished, just time literally wasted.

I just realised I’m going to miss 7 days of failing to get the Headless Horseman mount because I’ll be away. How could I be so stupid?


Take a laptop!!!

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I don’t have one :sob:

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Get someone to log in for you we won’t tell :zipper_mouth_face:


i read the forums. Forgot it was the weekend

That mount has alerady too low pixesl for modern standards.

Tbh I don’t care. I’ve been trying every year since it was introduced and hate to miss out on so many attempts this year.


ahahaha ,I’ve watched that movie recently .

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I wish you luck for it .

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Paragon reward system