šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

A remnant of the ā€œendless grindā€ philosophy of Legion which should be removed :frowning:


Having to redo the campaign on two new Alts :sleeping:

Yeah itā€™s tough, Iā€™ve just got number 10 and 11 to 60 but I cannot face the campaign again (I think Iā€™ll wait for 9.1.5 to skip it)

The one I hate the most is the Korthia campaign " An Army of Bone and Steel" It is hard work on an alt tryinig to pick the non-elites in the area up and around the world boss (if you happen to pull a pack is it run away or die) . It is far more difficult than any other quest set in either campaign chain.

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Mods are still not here or they are all fine with nonsensical OP/posters here for some stupid reason.

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There is nothing to grind i wish there was .

Mine was not that long ago I detest players who use World PVP to kill you and then when you team up with another player they are attacking to fight them off they do a disappearing act on you I know that there is such a thing as tactical withdrawals and so on but this Rouge was a bloody little so and so because he took the cowards way out which is the usual Rouge path when facing a tank and a good DPS player. Really sucks that kind of cowardly attitude. If you get it out you should damn well expect people to come back at you and kick your backside as payback.

I decided to farm the super pretty girly dragon from DS (heroic), was like - lol, i am 245 level, should be fine, but, oh man, the stupid, horrible spine of deathwing, wthh- tried it 737383847 times after youtube guides and reading and etcā€¦and i cant. I just hearthstoned and am very sad ;( I managed to break just one shield or w/e it is.
I hope that i can find someone active in my guild willing to do this, but the thought of not getting it and doing this again just puts me off
I even got the idea.of.putting my pet in one of the holes or just on of the sides to prevent the roll, but probably a stupid idea, that wont work, lol

Falling off an edge in Korthia because apparently the space bar no longer means jump.

That fight can be a real pain indeed.

If no guildy is willing feel free to poke me here Iā€™d be happy to help.

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Soloing spine is pretty simple. I know I did it nearly 300 times before the mount dropped in legion and bfa. Maybe you are looking at a bad YT video. Once you get the method itā€™s straight forward.

IIRC Amsongolds yt was useful. Yes I know to many he is the devil. But once he made good useful guides.


I can help if you want toā€¦ if we do it the same way as with Daestra, itā€™s mostly a pushover. :grin:

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Aaww, you are too nice :blush::blush::blush:!
I will write you if noone in the guild wants to do this.
Ya, btw, i looked Asmonā€™s video (i dont mind him), managed to blow the thing, but the second mob flew away, cause obviously i didnt move left and right properly.

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Me wanting to plan on my Horde alt and realising I have to do everything again :unamused:


Yep, feel ya, i have a few alts in the range 50-low 60, i just canā€™t šŸ„²


My character lose one of her shoulders on profile forum pic even if in-game it has two shoulders mogged.

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There is no consistency with profile pics. Some are closer, some are further away and some gnomes just hide behind their weapons :laughing:

Quitting WoW for FF14. :confused:

Not frown, just disappointment. Because I am having so much fun in FF14!

Iā€™m happy for you, but I just donā€™t get it (Iā€™m strange I think Squid Game is a total pile of :poop: for example).

I played about 5 hours in FF14 and uninstalled it. WoW feels superior in every way to me (even in its current state - I donā€™t want to be told why I am wrong, that is what I feel and is not up for discussion)


Wellā€¦ I donā€™t wanna tell you youā€™re wrong, I wanna tell you my experience with it and what Iā€™ve discovered.

Itā€™s been rough installing it, took me 2-3 h to make heads or tails of the registration site, while I was downloading the game. After that fiasco, went online and did a few quests, read up on the multiple systems that it introduces off the bat and while questing I made a friend who took me on a ride into his car :smiley: Then I entered a Free Company (guild) and made more friends, then I complimented a player regarding their glamor (mog) and made more friends. And I still talk to them and ask them how they are feeling, a week after encountering them.
Then, gameplay-wise I leveled a Thaumaturge (shooty boom boom mage, with a ton of EXPLOSIONS!) but at one point I felt bored with it so I took up another class to level, and thatā€™s what hooked me.
The idea that my single solitary character can switch from being a robed mage to wearing heavy armor and cleaving everything with very flashy effects was what sold this game to me. The community is nice and helpful and no one (that Iā€™ve encountered) scoffs at one another, because they are different.
The game is silly and I like that.

Of course if thatā€™s not appealing to you thatā€™s completely fine. But, personally, I would rather choose to waste my time in FF14 experimenting with different classes on one character or spend all day talking to current my friends, than have my time wasted in WoW doing endless chores and grinds from 1 point upgrade in ilvl.

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Iā€™m enjoying Squid Game butā€¦whilst I wouldnā€™t call it a pile of crap. I think I can explain the hype a bit.

This is the first time, properly, western audiences ā€œin the mainā€ have been introduced to the Korean thriller genre in the proper Korean style of cinematography. They are losing their crap over it because everything about it is audacious and gripping and ā€œdid they just do that?ā€ And shock and awe etc.

Now that is not me saying I donā€™t think Squid Game isnā€™t a well spun piece, I do. I do however think the idea itā€™s the ā€œbest thing since sliced breadā€ is largely due to being unfamiliar with this style of media and storytelling and so it has a huge impact and makes a really big statement because it contrasts a significant deal with the typical western way of doing things. Every plot twist, or spin, or bare faced grim moment is amplified in the reception because of this.

As far as Squid Game goes in ā€œitā€™s own laneā€ within the Korean thriller genre, itā€™s pretty decent but itā€™s nowhere near the ā€œhot gospelā€ it is according to the western world- because the gritty realism mixed with some kinda dystopian but fantastic-realist elements of storytelling is pretty par the course in genres of Korean filmmaking. Squid Game isnā€™t doing anything massively unique in that regard. It does good, but itā€™s not the trailblazer fit is regarded as in West Netflix where you just donā€™t get storytelling and filmmaking done like this in the main.

Iā€™m kinda happy it has taken off because Iā€™m a bit of a fan of Korean thrillers due to their surreal-gritty and hard hitting tendencies mixed with typically amazingly impactful plot-twists (Old Boy) and it has allowed people to see some nice elements and strengths of filmmaking beyond the west. Old Boy is probably my favourite film of all time and I donā€™t speak a word of Korean and Iā€™m not even a fan of ā€œfighting filmsā€! Iā€™ve happily recommended it to friends who loved Squid Game but have no other experiences of Korean media.

Sorry to derail!