😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Ignorant players that:

  1. Create raid groups for world bosses in Group Finder when the boss already is killed on their shard. This is trolling, causing a whole raid to having to wait 10 minutes for respawn.
  2. Doesn’t delist raids after killing the world boss, effectively causing fresh people to join and a repeat of 1.

No, it’s not.

Unintended trolling of other players caused by own ignorance still is and feels like trolling.

When you’re leveling your pally, and she misses/gets dodged/parried 5 times in a row… RNG at its finest :woman_facepalming:

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Another week of Rukhmar and Sha of Anger goes by 46 kills (and 46 coins on Sha.)

One day…

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The actions and tone’s of some of the poster’s on the forums.


…and so God had created a delicious dish, which he named popcorn. :popcorn:

Whenever you see a baddie within these walls, remember His gift.


that ridiculous cat mount reminding me of the new direction and how far removed from Warcraft we are :frowning:


:heart_eyes_cat: :cat: :cat2: :cat: :heart_eyes_cat:

Have a few more cats and relax. Things change, they have to, to survive.


I kind of agree with this one. Also it seems I have run out of hearts to give today…that is just silly.


Sometimes I worry that I talk too much on the forums. I worry I might be annoying. Not directly WoW related, but indirect as it is a WoW forum I guess.


I just returned to game after being away for almost 2 months, the fact that I could have logged out just yesterday contentwise makes me sad.

We have people writing literal walls of text in a single post and those who look for the tiniest reason to set the place ablaze like Sylvanas did to Teldrassil.

It’s alright… keep up what you’re doing :heart::blush:


Just finished last attempt at the horseman.
I don’t think the Horseman’s reins (or the big pink rocket) will ever be mine :sob:


I mentioned in my spookthread that I replaced them with a red-maned version only a redhead may obtain! Why bother trying with blue hair? :flushed:

Common blizzard, Soulforge Cores are still unique-looted. Killing multiple Magmic Flamebinders at once biztardedly still grants one lousy Soulforge Core.

14 dungeons last week, spread over 4 characters: 5x 4x 4x 1x

1 upgrade from the vault out of all of them - and that was bracers, naturally.

Feeling like a big waste of my time, ngl. At least offer me 1000 valor as an alternative.

Patch day and the mess it makes of addons… change upsets my ocd. :frowning:

The character mail indicator on the log in screen… not a fan, will force me to log in and clear it… anyone one know how to turn it off?

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I logged in expecting to be able to play the Legion Mage Tower and Timewalking as a special event but it has been put back to December 8th

Will my dagger from the great vault ever return from war? :frowning:

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