šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

People not managing to use bridges amuses me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Ya, i feel you. Often times when i play on my main- hunter, there is a lust person and i am free of this clunky for me duty, but I kinda, maybe forgot to hero a boss or two at the right second, oops šŸ„²šŸ˜‚

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losing battleground by 1499-1500 score .


I just did a theater of pain m+ on my priest on alliance, one of the dps got lost.

We did the whole of kultharok wing without him because first he ran down to gorechop then he ran back, then he ran off to xavā€™s wing and then he want back down to gorechopā€™s wing again. Like, what. This time he used the hooks I think to get back up though instead of running back and then he started running into xavā€™s wing again.

Like, how is it even possible.

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Covenant legendaries being mandatory in 9.2 leading to deeper balance issues and less fun, when you canā€™t choose yourself but youā€™re stuck with some effect which are in some form of content insanely strong and in other useless meaning itā€™d lead to specs being useless in some content.

Because if they buffed the specific covenant legendary, itā€™d be too strong in one content (letā€™s say m+), but as of now, itā€™s too bad in other content (letā€™s say absolutely bad effect in PvP, that itā€™s literally better to have no effect). Meaning that class will simply be no longer played in one content (PvP) as the legendary is good for PvE.

This will be applied across board to all classes.

It made me realize that blizzard didnā€™t really learn any lesson. Probably more people have to quit.
And it made me frustrated that they donā€™t listen and repeat same mistakes.

I thought I was doing ICC 25 H by entering with Raid setting set on M. Not a single Conquerorā€™s Mark of Sanctification (Heroic) dropped, and I saw on the lockout list that what I had cleared was Nā€¦

I am 1 rating off getting Keystone Master (1!!!) And every key I ran last night was a deplete and I couldnā€™t even get 1 rating :frowning: wouldnā€™t annoy me as much if it wasnā€™t 1 measley point


Praying for a NW 15+ next week for the group i am in KSM we all get it at same time :smiley:

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No invisible transmog pants nor coloring option for your underwear. Wearing the same underwear past 17 years with the same color has been dreadful.


I just need a Mists of Tirna Scitheā€¦ Iā€™ll be seeing it in my sleep at this rate :rofl:

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I bumped into a sneaky forcesharer today who used me fighting an elite to their advantage and stole the fel iron I was after. From what I know the person is part of one of the pro guilds on serverā€¦ I get it they need the mats, but itā€™s no excuse to act like a j-erk. Not a great commercial for a guild if you ask me :thinking:
If Iā€™m fighting near a node, I likely do because I donā€™t need it, hey, whatā€™s even a node? Iā€™m there because I like the green sparkles! :joy::joy:

Not only that, I agreed to help in Arc HC to get the daily done and lost 2 rare but wanted crafts (the whitemend pant recipe and +35 agility on 2H) to the same person outrolling me, aside from constantly wiping to me getting stunned/CCed (causing the tank to die to a lack of healing, there was none else to take over).

Painful 6 badges :persevere::persevere: Not a rant person but that wasnā€™t a great start of a day.

I got it! Timed a 16 Halls of Attonement and the point! Woohoo!


Realizing that the freaking Domination quest that lets you use mounts in the mawā€¦
How the hell am i supposed to rescue 20 souls with my alt in the maw when everyone is running around on their god damn mounts yoinking them all.
They added so many QoL things but this is the thing they left out.

Seriously nearing the end of my patience.

I watched again Patrick

You get your alt to do the Korthia skip and voila, you can ride mounts too.

Not to mention somewhat unhygienicā€¦

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That Iā€™ve never experienced the feeling of playing wrath when it was current. It has something sooo magical in it and i hope blizz will make a classic version just for us the babies that didnt play it thenā€¦

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Akamaā€™s edge not being Boe.

OMG that is so frustrating. One of them things that is out of our hands. One time in WSG I was carrying the flag to win and my leccy went out. There had been a powercut. I never did find out how that battle ended. What can one do?

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Donā€™t worry, Blizz will definitely release it! But until then TBC is a great way to prepare for its gameplay, as in they are similar in mechanics.

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