šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I have to level up my belf hunter there, but when tbc classic came out i wasnā€™t aware how different everything is. Now, when i dont have much to do in retail till 9,2 I have to try again :blush:

I was reading comments while listening to the northrend dalaran music and people wrote how they remember the raid when they hear this or even some daily quests, lol, they remembered playing with guildies and how it was magical to be in there. This saddened me, honestly, does anybody goes to maw or revendreth or oribos and says" Oh, wow, this music, it touches my feelings so hard, i remember doing the raid and etc, etc ", I doubt it and I am aware that classic may not bring this vibe for most, but for me it will be very special.
Sorry for the wall of text :kissing_heart::laughing:

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Is not today but yesterday.

Depleted a 21 by 0,012 seconds. :crazy_face:


Life binder mount still not dropping after so many attempts :frowning:

Tank whining about me inviting an ilvl 213 or something paladin healer to a key.

Why? Because apparently holy paladins canā€™t heal grievous or something and ilvl 213 isnā€™t enough for a +7 or something.

The tank died several times during the key and blamed the paladin for it. Meanwhile he had 1.3% uptime on shield block and didnā€™t really press any damage reduction abilities beyond that either. No wonder he was crying about me inviting that paladin, I expected him to have half a clue on how to play his own class instead of having the healer carry him.

Yes! I came to know about garonaā€™s back story and it reflected to that of blizzard hq inside storiesā€¦

It made me frown for its redemptionā€¦
Lucky, bobby saved the dayā€¦:grin:

Note to myself: Whenever I am helping someone picking their lockboxes, always ask for the amount of lockboxes and declare a fee before picking. Otherwise I end up getting paid 200g for picking 100 boxes againā€¦

Oof thatā€™s a lot of boxes! Patience of a saint.

Finding out that the originals is a weekly. Also lower levels cannot enter group to kill them. How very typical for them. Now I have to find some decent shows to watch.

Any suggestions for decent shows on netflix? Rise of the ottoman empire type shows?

Gemming the 2 new gear pieces I got from Kara, 1 MS and 1 OS.

I totally forgot the meta requirements and had to buy 4 or 5 more gems. Even then, Iā€™ll likely have to craft a prismatic gem myself, to somehow activate the one for Smite.

Tough to decide what to put where, when you only have 2 armor pieces with gem slots. :grimacing:

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Wotlk is going to happen they would be silly not to just a matter of time.

Wotlk to be fair tier 7 was awful and to easy , then came Ulduar a really amazing raid and time in the game .
Then they went and spoiled it with tier9 very bland mini raid until they finally unleashed the King on us with ICC . It might have had huge numbers but it was only t8 and t10 that carried it everything else was rubbish apart from Wintergrasp.
Myself i am looking forward to MoP if we ever get that far which atm i doubt.

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i have my doubts that they will bother after wotlkā€¦ but you never know tbhā€¦ itā€™s a tough choice

Nythendra (M) got left out of the 9.1.5 tuning. The solo encounter is discriminating and only favours burst DPS that can kill it before the MC phase, and tanks which doesnā€™t get mind-controlled simply by being tanks. As for Priests, we are stuck respeccing and praying for sufficient burst as Shadow Priests.

Am so confused trying to do the other covenant special events. Ignored my NF garden on alt until I got it to rank 5 but now have no idea how it works. Been bombarding Schmu with questions :laughing:

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Changed to Panda and my armoury still shows a naked Gnome! It was never naked before!


People outside of these forums making my life a lil bit worse in game and on discord groups. People that spread hate and post inane thoughts and clown emotes blaming others for the own problems. A person so obsessed and hate filled that 12 months after i last even conversed with them they still blame me for there bans when i have them ingore and wouldnt even give anything they say a bat of an eye lid i pity them for feeling so much anger.


I have one naked gnome because sheā€™s in the new store mog and it doesnā€™t seem to show up.


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Realising I will have to do the covenant story for soulbindsā€¦ sigh. Hard to express how much I donā€™t care about these npcsā€¦