šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Absolutely furious. Had been in Korrak for about an hour and a half and we were slowly fighting back against a group of Russians who were as organised as usual. I died trying to defend TP, arrived in the gy and, before I could res, someone kicked me. I donā€™t know how and have no idea why and canā€™t even report them because I donā€™t know who it was. Fuming as I donā€™t have time to do it again today as I have to stop in 2 minutes


Lol, right? :laughing:
I thought of this, you are correct, i just wanted to ding 250, but nope, still 249 and it wonā€™t matter in a very short time anyways :laughing:
Also, i dont think i will push that high in the new season, because we will have taza in the rotation for ksm prly and this is a big no for my pug life :laughing:


People bouncing back arcane lightning constantly to me, killing me. Nice.

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I am sure people donā€™t even know about this mechanic or dont care, cuz you know pride s1 zerg through bosses and etc. Now without it on tyran it wipes groups very often. Been there, itā€™s annoying and i thought this boss wasnā€™t a big issue, lol.

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Still no mog chest-peice drop for my rogue on mythic krosusā€¦
Itā€™s the last peice to round out the full Rogue set.

Krosus ? more likeā€¦, smelly toe-sus! :triumph:

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A man of 28 so full of hate and obsessed 12 months after i last spoke with them on the forums that one of my friends told me today that they had been bad mouthing me again and using clown picā€™s to try and troll me .
A person at that age doing things like that and blaming me for there posts getting buried when ive had them on ignore for 12 months now.

I know i am disliked on the forums and this person calls me damaged good yet his is the one still making those posts with his group of friends up voteing them sorry to say i am not going any were i am here for the long run.




Doing +15 on my paladin. We wiped on mistcaller and it didnā€™t get timed because of that wipe. Why? Because the healer decide to run into the fox and die.

I have no idea how to get Champions of the Legionafall quest back and Iā€™m completely lost on my monk. I just want the mount for my transmogā€¦

Sylvanas bow didnt drop for me last night and stil didnt get any heroic weapon yet :c

Unlocking Mechagon on a level 60 alt that didnā€™t really play BfA. Why does it need to take almost an hour to unlock a zone so I can farm a dungeon.

Not sure it is really necessary at this point. And we are back to the game not respecting players time again (I have unlocked this 10+ times during BfA already) I suppose I should have continued to fly there.

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Trying to get my Terocone for Elixir Master.

Heavily overpriced on AH, non-stop farmed in Terokkar, or I can try my luck at an insanely low drop by herbing mobs, which wouldnā€™t be a hassle if I needed 15 of itā€¦
If I knew this, Iā€™d have farmed 90 stacks before transferringā€¦

For some reason i cant open a topic, so i just reply hereā€¦
I cant go/click on portal what leads me to Throne of Thunder raidā€¦
Plz help me or fix this bug???

Had a tank leave a dungeon I was in when playing my druid.


Because I used treants. Treants bad, somehow.

Anima-touched weapon fragments. A complete sweep of stitch-masters quests and just 10 (have 330 in total) will be 2025 at the earliest before I get the 750 needed at current rate.

Is there some smarter way to farm these?

Does that not spawn inside dungeons aswell ?

Not really, from what Iā€™ve heard. Ancient Lichen is the dungeon herb, apart from that, Underbog trash mobs can be herbed - but then again, itā€™s not a surefire way to get what Iā€™m after.

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Lol, what??? :smiley::smiley::smiley:
People are literally begging droods to switch to trees

Yeah, idk. That tank was special.

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So many special snowflakes, yes, but that one
exactly amazed me :smiley:

Great Vault: Oh, whatā€™s this, your new alt in very low gear has LFR domination shoulders? How would you like shoulders? Or these other shoulders?

Great Vault: *Oh, gloves are your legendary for both specs? How about these gloves that you actually have a pair of in your inventory?"

Great Vault: Oh, I see you have a 252 chest, would you like another?

Great Vault: So you want something for your offspec? How about the worst trinket in the game?


Took the Attendantā€™s Token of Merit on 4 characters today. Donā€™t know why I spent so many hours doing dungeons last week because the game has given me nothing back. Usually at least 1 of my alts gets an upgrade, but this is just sad now.

Oh, and itā€™s fortified sanguine necrotic week so I probably wonā€™t even be able to persuade people to run any dungeons for the next 7 days.