😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

The mage tower for sure. If it stays like this I’m not gonna even try it anymore.

Can’t decide if I should bring back my good ol’ Jessicka as a mage or a warlock… :frowning:

Will always remember Jessicka as a lock if its the one i am thinking off.

Mage tower xD

Reading about the MT for the 3636363883 time, bleh, spare me

Make one of each! - problem solved :stuck_out_tongue:

I was benched for tonight’s Kara, and it just so happened the horse dropped from the first boss.
Well, so much for a nice mount… :disappointed:

I used it both on both Goblin Warlock, and then Gnome Mage. ^^

Replaced the warlock wth mage back then.

I woke up, took a look at the launcher and got a grim reminder that the game is not for me anymore, not due to me changing but due to the game itself preffering to look for players that give more milk than i do.

Yes, logging on today to find the number of topics had multiplied since my last visit was a joy.

I guess it’s just one of those things. :slight_smile:


Yes, same :joy:
Cant decide which is worse- 3636373 topics for FF or for MT, hmmm

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So I am doing a Ve’nai daily on my Disc Priest killing some mobs in the Maw. Close by Morguliax, a rare elite lvl 62 have spawned. Around this elite is a Warlock, Mage, Rogue, and Prot Paladin. By the time I approach them, the Tormentors of Torghast event starts and spawns an elite right on the players surrounding the rare elite.

So what’s the problem? Can’t I just heal them while they melt through the elites?


The Warlock, Mage, Rogue and Paladin were all Blood Elves, so my Dwarf had no choice but to watch them wipe while evacuating the area.

This is World of Warcraft world PvE in 2021…

Then Blizzard should have implemented it the right way, honestly.

What made me frown is the number of ‘git gud’ replies.

I dont think so, many people succeeded already so idk. It’s a challenge you know, have to work for the sweet rewards :upside_down_face:
Either way, ff or mt- it will always be git gut on the forums, lol

Guy joins a group as a tank, pulls one pack at a time, even packs that only have 2 mobs in it was pulled one at a time. Then he starts being toxic towards the dps? Tf? How are they supposed to do any decent damage if you’re pulling 2-3 mobs at a time? Should they blow their strong CDs on -2- mobs?

Seeing the same few pathetic lowlifes hang around the mage tower all day taunting people.


Well, this is going to be hard to beat for Friday so might as well post it already now:

He wanted me to hex a mob to skip, even though I told him you can’t. I hexed the mob, paladin runs past and gets into combat with it and then the pack gets pulled once hex wears off. Then the druid left. It was his own key but fml, going to ardenweald just to have someone leave his own key like 5 minutes into it because he doesn’t understand how the game works is just annoying.

Funny thing is, we had a monk in the party but I was to hex the mob. Instead of the monk paralysing it and using ring of peace.


Mage Tower.



  • Fixed an issue where Karam Magespear could fail to summon Hands from Beyond during the Thwarting the Twins encounter.

“Fixed” an “issue”. My kid is sick and I didn’t have all day to keep trying, and by the time I got back to the PC the fight was made harder, as it it wasn’t overtuned to begin with.

Me and my friend learned benediction and anathema weren’t obtainable anymore after farming for a good while :’(
We’re many years late to the party but it still hurt :’) back to farming thunderfury…