šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Depending on what country you are in you can get a lateral flow test at home, they give a result within half hour (usually less).

Ofc most countries also offer test centres.

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True true, when a self test is positive itā€™s ofc 100% covid but when a self test is negative you should still get tested by a doctor/nurse.

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Depends on your country. Mine no longer requires a PCR, and after infection you can return to work after two negative lateral flow tests two days running (24 hours apart).

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Yesterday i went to the testing center asap in the morning with all my symptoms. Kid was with fever the other night also.
Let me start with that- i live in Bulgaria. Even if most of you havent heard of it, Iā€™m sure you do now, since we are top in the black records for covidā€¦
So, while we waited in the cold outside some impudent people climbed on your back in hopes they will go before you. When i told them to go away and make distance they told me if Iā€™m afraid go home, lol, like, seriously? People are so ignorant thinking only for themselves, donā€™t even know what a distance is, when you wait in a que with potentially covid positiveā€¦
My test came negative, my doctor said to make another one at home in 2, 3 days just in case. So, i will, for now Iā€™m taking medicines and thatā€™s it.
Thanks for reading, sorry for the spam, but this situation is making me sad.


Guy has done 15s and doesnā€™t know that the dungeon he just did doesnā€™t have neck or head dropsā€¦ How.

I called out a pair of AFK people in an epic BG and was promptly removed from the BG myself.

as i said speaking from experienceā€¦ i caught something the other week too but i was too lazy to get testedā€¦ i knew i would recover anyway.

and i did recoverā€¦

i think the whole pandemic is blown out of proportion tbh.

israel pushing 4th jabs on people for no reasonā€¦

uk saying no more jabs required after 3rdā€¦ (and 3rd itself probably not needed in most cases) and that pandemic will probably be over sooner rather than later here.

over as in it wont be a big threat rather just another flu.

feel free to live scared though if u want to ā€¦

lifes too short for that if u ask me though personally.

EDIT: i will say one thingā€¦ lockdowns did improve my life a fair bitā€¦ it got rid of all the idiots on the streets after darkā€¦ its like i got the town to myself when i go out jogging.

people are for whatever reason scared to go outside after dark now lol.

my main problem with vaccines and this is my own opinion ofcā€¦ please take it as thatā€¦

is eventually you will become reliant on them to build any immunityā€¦ if u keep taking them.

i much rather personally catch it and build immunity the way you are supposed toā€¦ and that should be my freedom of choice to do that.

I ask that if you do not understand immunology then please keep your misinformation to yourself.

People die to covid, and even if you donā€™t die there are still possible long term effects.


ofc its misinformationā€¦

just shake my head these days tbh .

i could go into further details to further the point that vaccines over prolonged time compromise natural immunity. but this isnt the place.

My uncle and his wife were unvaccinated and got covid. They were both hospitalized and his wife died.

So yeah, look where catch and get immunity got them.

they are one of the unlucky ā€¦ it can happen. i caught it unvaccinated and recovered 110% twice.

no hospital either. and i was still actively doing daily things everydayā€¦

its down to a healthy person shouldnt really have anything to worry about.

my dad was bed ridden two weeks after corna passedā€¦ with huge side painsā€¦ but he recovered as well when i changed his bed sheets for himā€¦ he was sleeping in contaminated sheets.

not joking eitherā€¦ soon as i changed those sheets he started to recover.

Thatā€™s rubbish, healthy people with zero pre existing conditions have died too. Just stop spreading anti vax rubbish.

Also itā€™s now well over 24 hours since reset yet still posting without a sub :thinking:

I guess you really are that guy :joy:


no ā€œknownā€ health problems

everyone has health problemsā€¦

So now youā€™re contradicting yourself? I honestly canā€™t deal with you anymore Iā€™m done replying to you.


even i have health problemsā€¦ but thankfully nothing which makes me weak to that virus.

and yes i am a healthy person.

36 yrs old, 181lbs/81kilos/13 stone 22 Bmiā€¦ dead in the middle of healthy by conventional standards.

but alas i still have health problems.

they look at someones fitness and if they been to the doctors recently then ball them up into ā€œhealth person no known conditionsā€ bracketā€¦ truth is there is a lot wrong with me personally which you cant tell from first glanceā€¦ unless they actively go out their way to run countless tests no one would ever know either. i doubt they do that for every single person in ICU

hell if i went into hostpital with covid now ā€¦ i run the distance of 6 marathons a monthā€¦

i havent been to the doctors for anything health releated in well over ten yearsā€¦

i wonder what bracket they would put me into ?

EDIT: put it this way ā€¦ why do you think the period of immunity in vaccinations decrease after each does?

the human immune system is not designed to be reinfected with the same virus in such short spaces of time. the immunity gets weaker and breaks down fasterā€¦

be grateful they arent pushing more vaccines ā€œyetā€ cause it will lead to weekly vaccinations if they do.

This isnā€™t the time or the place for the anti-vaxx stuff.

I had covid right at the start long before vaccinations existed. I was really ill and am still suffering from long covid 2 years later. I was lucky I guess. And I immediately got the vaxes when they were made available. It helps.

My vaccinated children & grandchildren nearly all had Corona over Xmas and none of them had more than a light cold. One had no symptoms at all.

So please stop. People here have lost friends and relatives who have died from the virus and your belittling of it is not fair on them and doesnā€™t help anyone.

Also Pfizer and Moderna donā€™t contain the virus so no-one is getting reinfected. Try looking up how modern vaccines work.


The XP given for running Torghast is far to low not a valid option to level in.


2 Alliance warrs and rogue ganking people trying to leave Korthiaā€™s base ( I managed to crawl back), so I had to turn off war mode to do questing.


People who think they should pull additional packs when the tank pulls ā€œtoo littleā€ and thus wipes the group.

Iā€™m finally about to complete a +8 this season. PC decides to do a massive auto update.

Iā€™m in my house thinking ā€œFirst of all, Iā€™ll blow this whole place away.ā€