šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

this name.

Transmute: Mithril to Truesilver still uses the daily Transmute CD.

I forgot how annoying it was to get grateful offerings :rage:


On that journey too at the moment. They really should flow a bit faster at this point (or let us send them to alts AND/OR make the items BoA , since they are on-use now, so we can buy anything on a character and send it to a correct one. (Iā€™ve over 400 on leather characters Iā€™ve acquired but nothing to spend them on)


People bashing minorities on the forums because they can and are allowed to do soā€¦

The realisation of how many hours, months or possibly even years itā€™ll take me to to get Avowed exalted :sob:


I did it in chunks over several months - you can solo the bosses now (even the big ones) . Took a while but added 2000-3000 rep per time and then let my ā€˜sanityā€™ bar recharge for a day or two.

It is a terrible grind though (in the truest sense, the term grind is over used on these forums, but Avowed IS a grind.)

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yea my bad got side trackedā€¦ blame whoever turned the thread into a covid one lol.

hitting level 60 in 2 days without heirlooms in the start zone and not having even close to the ilvl required for even normal dungeons, having NO idea when whatever these covenant things come into it, wanting to throw up over how utterly twee ardenweald is and thinking i really hope this gets better and iā€™m not slogging through this mess for the sake of it, please tell me it gets betterā€¦
give me a feeling of progression fgs and not, oh, iā€™ve saved the world again, thatā€™s good i guess.
really, why do we even bother levelling up anymore?..-.-


This thread made me annoyed

It should have been deleted hours ago and certern people kept on posting just to spam it very immature.

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I think people just treated it as a ā€˜weekend threadā€™ and had fun with it, well mostly.


daestra being boring

i think its more people are just tired of the pathetic offended over nothing nonsense in todays worldā€¦

and more people are starting to be vocal against it which is a great thing tbhā€¦

we sat silent for a long time to see if your way would change the world for the betterā€¦

it didntā€¦ so we wont sit silent anymoreā€¦

(we as in the collective)

its the same with face masks in publicā€¦ there is a lot of spiteful people who will go out of their way if they see someone NOT wearing a face mask to make their lives harder.

who is the bad personā€¦?? the person deciding for themselves not to wear a mask ā€¦ or the people outright causing conflict because of it because they see themselves as morally just?

just st*u everyone imo.

it is boarder line discrimination at times.

i cant tell you how many times a masked person has come up to me cause im not wearing a mask and told me they just tested positiveā€¦

i just laugh at them and said well i already survived it twice.


I dont want to see you band so remove the masked swearing i personally dont care but you been okish recently so would be bad to see you banned over masked swearing.

honestly i dont really care if i do get banned this place is most full of negative bitterness anywayā€¦ people thinking they are supreme but are no better than the ones they are accusing lol.

Was just a freindly bit of advice sorry for trying to be nice i guess.

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i appreciate it :slight_smile: but they got better things to do than ban me for telling it how it is :P.

EDIT: so i guess just to keep it on topic this forum made me frown today lol.


something WoW related that made me frown today

  • Some of the posts and replies to this thread?

  • Also not feeling the urge to sign in to do weekly vaults anymore which has led me to realise i donā€™t need anything and nothing is particularly fun when geared

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Set aside your Sunday afternoon to do keys to help somebody get there KSM only to not get invited because somebody else invited a random without saying a word ā€¦annoyed is not the word i feel atm.


ironic butthurtism