šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

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Having the same ā€œluckā€ on my alliance paladin as I did on my horde one.

Been spamming heroic necrotic wake to try to get the weapon from the first boss in there, no drops. No weapon drops from any m+ Iā€™ve done either. Iā€™m running around with a 158 weapon.

477 pulls on mythic sylvanas. This boss is a tutorial aboot HOW TO NOT design an enjoyable raid boss.

do you have any stygia to buy one or do you know about the mission table 220 2 hander one ?

Bar-Fusanā€™s Hackblade - Item - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)
Not sure if you wanted tank or ret .

I wasted all my stygia on getting shields from the weapon thing.

They really need to implement crafted weapons that are at the same ilvl as the other crafted gear.

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Me and a fellow SoD member trying to get a group for a simple ToP +4 - not a bloody chance, although i vowed to stop m+ until next season, i wanted to help this person but ah wellā€¦

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Please dont she knew i would not ask her friend to drop or S to drop to fit me in it was done on purpose when the group and day already sorted its fine its done now and will not happen again good luck on rest of keys i will not see a reply for various reasons.

Something like Onoriā€™s pug adventures :laughing:- got declined from a pug cause im no BM, lolllll
People dying 36373874 times to the purple frontal in DOS after all these 84 years
Pls, post the titanic meme here :laughing:

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I avoid that dungeon like the plague for that reasonā€¦ you know, get my 15 and get out forever :sweat_smile:

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Me too, i hate it as much as pf, have them on 15s, but i was like letā€™s try, welp, no, no, no :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Update- i did this awful dos, such a good pug party and hit 2,1k.rio, woot, now go burn in hell dosā€¦

WOW Token still in the game

Canā€™t wait to do it on Tyrannical for the mountā€¦

checks wallet

Is 70k enough to cover all my repair bills to Muehzala? :sweat_smile:

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If the home test was negative then perhaps you just have a normal flu. People these days seem to think every cough or feeling slightly unwell instantly means corona. Normal flu or coughs still exist. In this case i would just trust the hometest

Muehzala on tyran is a pain, the one mob which is a tank heal check never dies, so bring the wallet :laughing::laughing::laughing:, jk, you will do it!

As for the covid, we did test ourselves, because all the firestation where my husband works was sickā€¦and continue to have new sick people.

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Thatā€™s me.

I canā€™t for the life of me see which direction itā€™s pointed at if Iā€™m at range, lol. Why does everything have to be purple.

As for my frown, this is a low key;

Iā€™m literally standing next to him on the KSM mount and Iā€™ve got my characters linked to this char as well.

Check my amount of mist runs:

I think Iā€™ve done mists more than enough to know the way.

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Ya, i play on a low rez laptop, it really is hard for me to see it, but maybe because Iā€™m ranged i can see a tad bit better, dunno, but the healer ate them all continuously followed by the tankā€¦

Lol, clueless people are clueless. Also, how many routes can be in mists? :laughing:
Next time tell them you are there for a boost also :smiley:

If there were swirlies on the floorā€¦ thatā€™s what I always look for if the boss prepares an AoE andā€¦ this one just doesnā€™t place anything like that. Or any indicators for the matter. :pensive: You have to watch its face and hands.

A frontal cleave is another thing, thatā€™s done by the tank, so if youā€™re doing your job from behind like you should, it wonā€™t hit you. That one doesnā€™t need a swirly.

When he is casting this shiet he has a swirl in front of him mashing it in his hands, dunno how to say it more in details, it can be seen, but, ya, too much purple vomit.

Not that one, I can avoid that blast. Itā€™s the other ones, but I might be blind too :joy: