😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Lol, are there more than these two? One a swirly and one a frontal? Omg, sooo much purple, I’m blind, it seems :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
Though these pug guys died to the big, fat, obviously casted frontal :frowning:

Welp, that didn’t take long to be the peak frown for this day.

Thought I’d do a low key plaguefall. Someone ninja pulls and we wipe. Then someone ninja pulls again and we wipe again. 2 wipes before first boss.

Then I pull all the slimes and people just kill them one by one instead of just dpsing them evenly and then bursting them down on low hp and we wipe again. “it’s bolstering, we can’t pull all”. K, that’s exactly what we did in a +16, with bolstering and then explosive on top of that and it wasn’t even a problem:

I just cba, give me a new week that doesn’t require DPS to have half a clue on what abilities to press or what to target.

The only time all the slimes hasn’t been pulled in any group I’ve been in, is when it’s bursting if there’s no priest in the group, like, wut.

Did you get punted off any platforms via the frontals? Or just die on the floor? Or both?

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I died to that yesterday opening a canister. I was thinking “FS this canister takes too long to open, I’m going to lose aggro!” I was just staring at the cast bar. Then I was flying off the edge like “I’m sorry…”.


Gotcha, when I was nf, i always was on the edge of dying, because this takes forever to get opened, especially on the mask where everything is covered with red swirlies :unamused:
But, yesterday people were always facing it every single time even though they werent nf to go and open the urns…


This, with the MoD spell dealing like 3/4 of all incoming damage. On Forti +15 it was dealing ~30k damage, for reference.

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but the way is always different bruhhh

Aiding Maldraxxus came up, so I figured I might as well do the daily Grateful Offering WQ with my Necrolord. So I flied to the quest area for Not Much to Goo On, killed a blob and got no progress towards the WQ. There was no information given about how to progress, so I looked it up on Wowhead.

This isn’t how World Quests should be designed, and I hope the degenerate responsible for this WQ is fired.

For the record, due to it requiring browsing off-game sources for learning what to do, it remains uncomplete and goes into my boycott list.

It is a terrible WQ but more the behaviour of other players who scream abuse at people for dropping the ‘wrong colour’ in the pool where there is little indication in the game of what and why colours matter.

The language and abuse that area produces is a stain on humanity.

That “kill blob carry spore to pool”-quest you speak of is somewhat straight forward although socially toxic. This one is worse, because no leads are given whatsoever.

It seems it was designed as a social experiment, with some wide-eyed dev believing people will work together (cross faction with WM on) but instead it becomes a cesspit of abuse and frustration. What makes it worse is the fact it is a levelling quest and a world quest so it brought together (more so earlier in the expac) new and established players by design!

A person in this thread trying to provoke others with immature insults.

Nah. not when you’ve done it as much as me. If I’m not doing the maze, it takes ages for the groups to get through it compared to when I do it unless they’ve got some addon for it.


Tried to jump from Gul’dan’s boss platform to get to the exit, landed in a fountain surrounded by an invisible wall. :unamused:

Also Mythic Odyn is practically impossible to beat with a low mobility class like a paladin.


a noob in this thread reading ignored messages and getting triggered

I was going to do the weekly Return Lost Souls with Anima Salvage in Torghast, but it turns out this week’s options are Mort’regar and Coldheart Interstitia. Guess I’m doing Twisting corridors on all my chars instead…

So. Hard. To. Not. Stand. In. Sanguine. And. Storming.

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Torghast still not alerting me whenever I forget about my to-become covenant companion and goes through portal to next floor without completing their quest. RiP Ella.

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Guy going ballistic at people for not bringing invis pots to a +9. Why even do a route that requires invis in a +9 with pugs, I could have seen it coming miles away that people wouldn’t have invis pots.


Having to unlock the Korthia relic dude on my newly dinged Alliance alt so I can actually hand them in :neutral_face:

He should just be included in the skip