šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Unlocked that on far too many characters. It should have been account wide. Silly having a turn in for items etc. that is gated for the nteenth character. I donā€™t understand why the NPC needed ā€˜rescuingā€™ anyway.


I have no idea why this is not a thing it is so annoying now.

The actions of a poster yesterday in a thread using a vile amount of swear words and other insults but you just know they will only serve a very small ban if any :frowning:

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so you are roughly 6ft2 or 3. Going by the BMI.

I had a Halls key where we missed timer by 30 secs because of a bunch of deaths between 1st and 2nd boss.

Tank had this idea to invisibility skip (no rogue) but only him and a warrior had the pots.

If we were told beforehand weā€™re doing such a skip from A to B, everyone could have AHā€™ed a few quickly, but this resulted in some 10 deaths and it was a miracle I could mind soothe the way after a kamikaze diversion that was unneeded and went wrong anyways.

We engaged Lord with 1:20 remaining but 2 of us died soā€¦ the key broke. Even if that didnā€™t happen, still overtime by 10 secs.

Moral of the story, if youā€™re relying on some consumable for your run, tell the group BEFORE you start the keyā€¦ :point_up:


How some forum posters bashes and describes others as monsters, circumventing rule violation by not naming their targets. Where are the mods?

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If you believe you are being made a target write to


It does help as i had a person multi flagging me for a couple weeks using different accounts and when they looked into more in depth they caught the person.
Also i got called a child abuser and molester in one post and that is being looked into atm.

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I dont like being a kyrian hunter, cant play it optimally even if I try. Hopefully, in new season fae will shine againā€¦

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Im NF on my ali BM m+ hunter and Ky on my horde m+ hunter and NF feels more fluent as dreamweaver. Ky pulls ahead a little as the fluffy soulbind . I think just play as you like atm but really depends on double legies soon.

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Deffo more fluent for my taste. As a kyrian I have to stuck in the RA volley, trinket (both rotating on useā€¦), Double tap, trueshot explosive and itā€™s so clunky for a 10 sec burst even with macros, i just cantā€¦ my trinkets and cds work better with the nf cd, so i may go back
And chasing the pelagos thingies also :laughing:
Sorry for the tldr :laughing:

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I never really liked Kyrian, it felt weak for me during leveling but NF one is set it and forget it especially if you have ways to keep the enemies in it. Like with binding arrow.


I have a very annoying weak aura telling the tank to not move the mobs, lol :laughing:

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Tank on kiting weeks or overpull:


Lolol, that made me laugh and actually i had a tank not moving at all when WS was up. Maybe he was scared? :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
My husband was healer there and was like get this thing off, tank is gonna die reading it and staying still, lol


just shy of 6ft 2

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Todayā€™s frown?

Invite a warrior to a +3. He commences insane flame on the dps DK in the group because he thinks his dps isnā€™t high enough for his ilvl.

Like, wth. Itā€™s a +3.

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Ya, the only thing i like about ff is that flaming over dps with the help of addons is bannable, soā€¦

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Trying to sell some stuff on AH, and it got returned unsold today - 20 Heavy Callous Hide, 160 Korthia Crystals and a 235ilvl base plate legendary legs all taking up space again. I actually sold more cloth than that stuffā€¦

Edit - just sold the crystals for 65k after the AH took its cut

Some days, Iā€™d just bash my laptop for how sloggish it is when WoW is concernedā€¦

I froze out of the game after a failed key when going back to Oribos, and again when getting summoned to I think ToP.

It took a whopping 15 mins to get back, and 2 more freezesā€¦

Looks like I need to get a proper high-end rig to be actually able to play the game :c

Do you use a lot of addons?

A couple, like 6 to 8, but keep those updated.

Itā€™s more of a hardware matter imo. The laptop in question is 2.5 years old roughly, no idea how much one lasts in general when used for gaming, but might be a good idea to replace anyway.