😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Awww :frowning:
I dont think so, what are these people? It’s a forum :laughing::laughing::laughing:. If someone doesnt like someone else, just skip them? Unless it’s holyheal :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Best of luck to you, i am watching a streamer that disbanded his guild after so many years and it’s sad i know…hope you will find fun somewhere in there

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I have borrowed my Son’s Switch while he is at Uni.

I bought Animal Crossing so that should keep me busy for a bit.


Hope so! I haven’t found another fun game for me so I’m still here, but not sure if I will play 9,2, I never was since the announcement :laughing:

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Same here, made a list of all old dungeons and raids that drop mounts and going for them. It’s nice to revisit old zones again



Lost every single Epic Battleground today. :frowning:

Its because people were using them for CMs and M+ skips and is it really worth insulting them and risking a ban over something like this ? :frowning:

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That’s right, but the limitation could have been set to only apply for current content.

They do sometimes deserve being insulted for the choices they make. It’s not intuitive that Goblin Glider Kits doesn’t works in instances, and that leaves the player characters in a critical and vulnerable situation falling downwards a possibly lethal height. That is some of the use cases of this Glider Kit after all, to avoid fall damage.

I’ve given up on communities long ago, in BFA. You have to schedule to play around a specific time or you don’t play in communities. At that point I might as well just join a guild.

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Frown of today: Spell effects from party members not being able to be disabled. I just can’t see anything when everyone is throwing all their CDs at stuff at the same time.

I remember when the WoD feather initially worked in raids and instances. It was definitely not intended. It was like being a DH on steroids. So they soon fixed that.

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Suspicious that comp stomp renown got nerfed… different covenants, ranging 48-60, and I’m still only getting renown every 2-3 stomps.

Felt much better last time round.

After a while, I had to make a painful decision to move to Horde. No other choice though. I am tired of fighting an uphill battle to win a single battleground, especially an epic one, and most of my friends went Horde a while ago. I hope we’ll get cross-faction guilds and grouping in 10.0.

Getting kicked from Waycrest Manor for emoting with other players, by how we were all emoting each other it seemed like it was all for fun. Even though partly annoying I was glad to be removed (without penalty too) because the other hunter wiped the group twice by beast cleaving the pig boss while the tank pulled the whole room’s mobs and tried tanking them in the middle.

When I whispered one of them after I was told “you punched a woman”, you have to be all kinds of stupid to think that someone using emotes (and not even /punch) playfully while you do the same is something to get offended over.


First two stomps of the day; no renown. I’m only on 50, why’s it slowed down already?

Only re-subbed for this event and it’s not even worth it this time round :pouting_cat:

Last time I did five or six comp stomps and got no renown. I wrote it off as a waste of time. Others said you just have to keep going. I only did Comp Stomp for Marks of Honor for mogs this time.


Being forced to buy an item on AH for the lowest price available. I’m probably missing something, but is there any way around this?
I hate the 1 bronze undercutters and try to never buy from them. In any game. But in WoW I’m forced to?

No you are not at all you press the item and you can see a list of sellers but poor attempt at trolling. 0/10


^^ This for individual stuff that can’t be sold in stacks, like armor for example

So if you have a desire to pay 988g for an item instead of the going rate of 57g, you are free to do so.


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