😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 2)

That’s a guy I somewhat miss fighting even if he’s got so much input reading and everything

I have even better : they should stop displaying these spams LUA errors, it’s just annoying to deal with

I haven’t had any at all :thinking:

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Addons. Start of dragonflight people were having massive issues and I just removed z-perl and disabled better wardrobe. The more addos/weak auras, the worse it gets

I don’t use any addons so that makes sense. That isn’t blizzard’s fault.

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Yup. I haven’t logged in yet but i assume the game will run just fine on my end

But Blizzard could stop spamming us with unclosable windows !

I haven’t had any.

But then people would complain of low frame rate, forever ignorant of the 100s of errors per second that some random weakaura is flooding the log with.

The handling could be much better though. Generic message has no value at all.

… I had 33 LUA errors across 2 addons - Handynotes/DF part and Scrap - switched them off and was ok, hopefully they get updated in due course :+1:

I imagine that the Lua code can’t find the specific addon that causes the issue more often than not. People just play with so many that it’s impressive wow works for them at times

Whole update made me frown.

The game is visibly more stuttery then before and it was already stuttering often, this is on a high end 7800x3d system.

UI is too big and looks stupid, character selection screen is too impractical since all your characters are in one place.

Sky riding and normal flying 5 second cast time switch is a lame fun police move.

Sky riding with old mounts looks janky and unpolished with many/most of them.

Tier armor set appearances not being unlockable by other classes is lame as hell and a huge nerf for the new warband system.

Patch is full of great ideas that are both poorly implemented, and came with an unhealthy dose of fun police treatment.


The trade bug, I traded a piece of armour and couldn’t use my character at all.
I alt f4 and now I can’t log in. I guess I lost a Mythic Sepulcher lockout.

Edit: at least I completed the set with that trade.
Edit 2: NEVERMIND I did not.

Updated mine before i logged in tonight - no issues as of yet, but the whole thing left me underwhelmed to say the least. 5-6 quests and thats it unless im missing something

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Handynotes had an update this evening

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Awww… the Furbolg language and the Snail race reputation is not Warband-account wide :sob:
I had high hopes I don’t have to grind them out again on alts

Yes, that was announced. Basically, for RP reasons they don’t want characters that haven’t done it to get it. Same as Aldors&Scryers in the future, etc.

Ticket AI and GM responses… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
You wait ages for getting the most useless responses ever.

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The number of duplicate topics is just too damn high!


Playing on a craptop. Installed and launched last night to see if it would run sufficiently well. And it does, well enough to do some casual catch-up gearing at least.

But when logging in again not long ago the resolution/UI was sort of out of whack for some reason (maybe a hotfix while I was asleep or something, I dunno) and I ended up editing the UI again for it to seem reasonable. It’s so much better playing on proper computers.