😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 2)

It’s a conspiracy!! Blizzard are purposely changing everything by 1mm every time we look away to just to mess with out minds :eyes:


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I guess I should cut the PPD posters some slack, they’ve probably been trying to warn us about this for some time :thinking:

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My current guild not telling me wether they want me to stay or go

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Well if they not told you to stay then it is clear… they are just don’t have the balls to throw you out and tell you the truth :roll_eyes:

Fun waiting for Oondasta to spawn in Remix for some jackass of a hunter to tame it, TWICE… wasting half an hour for no reason other than for some tit to do that. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I wanted to farm more bronze in MoP: Remix via dailies to get some remaining mounts and transmogs but most likely due to the further busted scaling as of the pre-patch, I’ve been waiting in queue in dungeon finder (both normal and heroic) for over 1/2 hour with no luck.

All the quests I was on on my legion timewalking character are now broken and I can’t continue :frowning:

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I head Chromie Time is a bit borked atm :frowning:

REALLY? normally till 1 week ago it was (even at 6.00 am) around 5\6 mins. i guess with the prepatch all the ppl went back to retail.
a pity i was planning a vulpera. nvm

The interesting part is that I can enter Chromie time even with this character, so I guess it’s already been raised to 70. Nothing works though once you’re in.

Warband back still dont open… I want send locked class mogs (from dropped raids) for alts like nooooow

Use the mailbox if it’s a token. If it’s class specific gear then you can’t send it anyway.

Cant mail. Since this

Me think warband bank would work when alt learn it

No, you can’t learn those. You can’t put them in the warbank or anything.

I have read that we’re not getting all the armour mogs for both factions when we complete quests. Either a bug or not starting until TWW. I am very put out, it’s ruined my plans and I have rejuggle them. Also read they are supposed to backdate them, ruining the point of my Loremaster character. Well, I’ll have enough to do anyway but I was so hyped for this for weeks and now it’s ruined. Meeeeeeeeh!

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That its still 6 weeks 4 days till season 1 tww begins.

When you’ve got the transmog bug and you quickly hit ten instances doing legacy LFR wings.



The fact that people are racist about certain characters and their appearances options. :pensive:

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No matter what I do, that ‘new’ won’t go away.


Rated Blitz bg not counting for unlocking mage tower appearance from rated bgs.

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