🦑 Forum Run: Glory of the Ny'Alotha Raider [Horde]

Because of demand, our next Forum Run will be a Ny’Alotha achievement run. :tada:

Attention: Because of a few achievements, we will again limit the group size to 20 people and make Discord voice mandatory. You don’t need to talk if you don’t want to, listening is enough. But please actually listen.

When: Friday, 5th June 2020, starting 20:00 server time.
What: Glory of the Ny’Alotha Raider
Horde side


So far, most of our runs had no experience or gear requirement whatsoever. This is a bit hard for current content though. We discussed the requirements yesterday and tried to keep them as low as possible:

  • Your gear should be at least 455. This is, because we want to focus on the achievements rather than on survival. So we ask everyone to slightly outgear it.
  • You need to have killed all bosses on normalmode already, so that we can focus on the achievement rather than on explaining mechanics.
  • Discord
  • Working sound (microphone not required)

I think these requirements are really reasonable. We can make a couple of exceptions, but if you are one of those exceptions, please let me know before signing up. I need to keep an eye on the group.

How to sign up

  • Join our Discord (we are nice, I promise): https://discord.gg/cWG33U4
  • Head to #event-signup
  • Click on your class icon. You will automatically receive a message with further instructions
  • Show up and get achievements + mount

As always, Forum runs are non-toxic and mostly there to have a lot of fun together. We’ve done a few of these in past already and it was always super fun :slight_smile: .

Also, here are a couple of screenshots of our past achievement runs:

* A final note on voice: The last couple of achievement runs, it happened, that we asked things in voice and there was no reaction from the person that was asked the question (for example: are you willing to do this achievement mechanic). At that point, I had to assume that this person muted voice and only joined because it was a requirement.

Please do not mute the voice chat. It just makes everything harder. You don’t have to talk if you don’t enjoy talking to strangers - it’s really enough if you listen and answer in the text raid-chat, but listening is really necessary to make the achievement run smooth.


This is my only problem for me to join.

I can however look up tactics (I use DBM either way, so).

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since you’re not the only one, I was thinking that I could probably make a spontaneous normalmode run one of these days with interested people + pug the rest of the spots.

Feel free to sign up and I’ll try to make a non-achievement clear this or next week with the people who don’t know the bosses yet :slight_smile:


I’ll do that when I get home. :^D

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Really nice incentive to make some friends and have some fun, keep it going and good luck with achievment hunting :wink:


Absolutely this, we found a lot of new friends in the past runs :slight_smile:


I am going to sit this one out but wishing you the best of luck with the run :heartpulse:

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Why do you hate us Puny? :cry:


I don’t hate you, I just have that achievement already. I went to the Uldir run and I’d definitely be up for Crucible and BoD.



I’ll be joining for sure, only one I got so far is the one off Wrathion that everyone and their grandma probably has without trying… :stuck_out_tongue:


Sounds like fun, I’d love to join but I can’t promise on making it.


Same issue, not a fan of raiding, but this community sounds so nice, that i’m willing to give it a go. Just not keen on pugging normal.


As I said, I might make a run before the achievement run to just clear it :slight_smile:


Wish I could, but not up to the task as I just recently leveled this toon.

Still an awesome initiative, though. The best of luck!

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Just join the run and have fun. What worst gonna happen? We can’t make it in one go?

We can extend raid and do it later.

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We die…

Oh don’t worry about that. I’ll bring you back hehehe…

Even worse.

Oh don’t be like that, my little troll. Death is but a door to a whole new world of possibilities. You’ll get a great upgrade, trust me. :innocent: :skull: