🦕 Mighty Caravan Brutosaur Return

There are multiple mailbox toys.

  • Katy’s Stampwhistle from a Legion Dalaran event.
  • Argent Squire / Grunt from Argent Tournament in Wrath can be upgraded with a mount, giving you a mailbox or bank when used (2 or 3 hour cooldown tho)
  • Engineers can make a portable mailbox

Those are the ones i know for sure, might even be more.

No, it didn’t. It’s been discussed already and proved wrong.

As I said, I got the entire BMAH, which wasn’t hard.
Trying to convince me that it is hard it’s pointless, it just tells me the speaker doesn’t know how to play BMAH, or has a very low amount of gold (probably no more than a few goldcaps top, if at all).

I won’t even bother answering that.

There are more meaningless points like that, but I think it pointless to keep proving you wrong, as you repeat yourself without trying to understand what I’m saying. Going on is just feeding a troll.

So I’ll keep it simple: You said you don’t miss the Brutosaur, and essentially that you don’t see the value of it, and it’s obvious you don’t know how to acquire the rarest stuff from BMAH.

I don’t know then why you are wasting your time and the time of the people who do want it, and who do know how. But it’s your time, I’ll just ignore the rest of the trolling from now on.

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More assumptions. You are great at that.
And i am not trying to convince you, it is just merely my opinion.

Why not get something when it is guaranteed? But now risk it through the BMAH? That doesnt make sense to me.

Lets not get a job for income, but roll the dice on lottery tickets instead, hoping i get lucky. Kind of vibes.

This doesnt tell me anything, i got most of the stuff that is on sale from time to time, but not because of the BMAH but because it is still obtainable through other sources.
Its only 7 unobtainable mounts currently on the BMAH all of which i rarely see being sold for gold cap. (Yes, i check the BMAH alot / even on multiple realms)
And its tier 3 from BMAH + some flavor items like the “guitar axe”

So whats your point? I do feel sad you apparently did spend money on things you didnt have to buy.

I feel bad i didnt buy it back in the day, since i had the funds to buy 2 of them atleast.
I just didnt buy it, and who is there to blame? Me.
Because even with the move to the bmah i decided not to get it.

Will i get it for goldcap? No, because it is not that valueable to me.
Do i see its value? To some extent, but i got set up AH char which i send everyhing towards who handles all my sales. So i dont need a mobile AH.

Yeah, many facts and proper replies with sources and doubting your “source and information” based on 1 addon and the “daily check” by brutosaur fanatics isnt conclusive evidence to me.

Which isnt replied to in the slighest, you just pick and reply what fits your story.

So you result to disguised insults (not know anything about the bmah / using it / or using the AH) and calling me a troll.

Anyway, good luck with your Brutosaur crusade. And for the next “Brutosaur type mount” just get it while you can.

I have no issues ppl expressing their opinion…all i am saying…is why we need multiple threads with pretty much the same content?? There were 2 brutosaur threads on the 1st page of the general forum

Because it’s bugged for 2 years and blizzard still hasn’t done anything yet

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But there is already a thread with 400 replies…why make another thread about the same thing?

There once were a lot of dinosaurs, then there were none.
This thread will get the same fate if the brutosaur gets returned i guess :smiley:

I haven’t reached wrath yet on my play through. A mount would be perfect though, to avoid nasty cooldowns as well… :sweat_smile:

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I think despite all arguments being brought up, we could all agree that the decision to remove the bruto from the vendor after such short notice was a really bad decision and shouldn’t have happened.

Anyone who disagrees with this is most likely just scared their prestige gets hurt, as nobody ever complained about the other gold sinks that weren’t removed and added to the BMAH.

Nobody ever asked for Bruto to disappear, absolutely nobody wanted or asked for this.


There are actually many more threads about it, not only here but also in the US forums.
The question should be why Blizzard is ignoring it rather than why there are many threads about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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11 months

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They will 100% bring it back at some point (or if not the brutosaur, then a new auction house mount), so you might as well start farming gold now. Might be in half a year or might be in 5 years.

They probably just want to give it a decent amount of time in between so the people that bought it aren’t too mad. I think this kind of game design is pretty fair. Make something time limited, give the people that put in the effort a good amount of time “exclusivity”, then recycle it back into the game for new players to gain.


Yes they will. But these topics like this should be kept visible to see what people really want and expecting.


There is no reason for anyone who bought it to get mad, as Blizzard never said it would be removed from the game. They said it will be moved to BMAH (which didn’t happen), and many people were counting on it back then and still today.
So fair it really isn’t.

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Blizzard are duplicitous at best tbh especially with the reasons they removed it. I ain’t playing retail until it’s back and other things like a good expansion. Last three have been beyond awful and this latest one is dire.

But I digress, it should never have been removed, I’m tired of FOMO BS and the disgusting business practices they do, stop removing content and mounts from WOW

It is back according to reddit.

and if it would appear every single night at BMAH it would take roughly 3 thousand years for everyone to get it, since it spawns only ONCE per EU/US regions.

bring it back to vendors.

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Not everyone has the spare change anyway. The starting bid is 5million and it will always go for gold cap for a very long while anyhow.

Not at the vendor though, I don’t wanna compete with thousands of others and bots tbh


I think it should be sold at the vendor again, but this time for 200K gold.

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