0 socialness in this game

I’m not sure if it’s useless. Talking about BG strategies usually can work quite well, communicate about interrupt assignments/BL_locations/special pulls in M+ is very useful, and so forth, and so forth.

The dangerous part, if anything, probably refers to the ability to be reported. But I consider it nothing but an excuse.

The greater the sense of anonymity becomes, the worse the toxicity gets. It’s how the internet works.

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Having someone turn against you and mass report with friends, or multiboxing accounts. And it takes literally no effort at all to have someone turn against you nowadays.

We gave “snowflakes” too much power and this is the result.

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Oh please. Like it happens all the time to everyone. Give me a break. It’s a rare occasion.

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You asked, I answered. You didn’t ask for %, get off your fragile horse.

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Yeah, and if it rarely ever happens it’s not a really valid reason, is it?

Who’s fragile? Apparently you are afraid of turning a “snowflake” against you :rofl:

It’s highly exaggerated, I spam epic bgs and see people :poop: posting there all the time and nobody gets their panties in a bunch over it.


Simply writing a text message at all allows you to be reported for language.

Blizzard has almost no game masters and nothing is being properly investigated. Usually an easily exploited automated system will come after you if someone decides they don’t like you, and your actual guilt is of no importance at all.

So, as a precautionary measure, it is wise to simply say absolutely nothing. Especially if you already have warnings on your account.

I have never been on the receiving end of anything other than that time when I had waited for my GM ticket for 13 days then changed my ticket to “I R IN THE HAYALZOAN” in vanilla, and even I feel a little bit of unease when I open my mouth, so I elect to wait until a friendly atmosphere is constructed some other way - for example successful gameplay.

The forums of course are different. There are actually blues here, and over the last year or so they have started doing a very, very good job.

I want that for the whole game. It sucks that it’s like this.

But of course this issue is tiny in the grand scheme of things. The death of the town effect is a much bigger deal.

Yes. This is the loss of the town effect in action.

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Even loggin in allows others to report you. I mean, what is this for reasoning?

So you’re basically scaring others based on a “it’s technically possible, but if it happens…lord knows”-hypothesis. Don’t do that.

If it was that severe, anyone and everyone would sooner or later be faced with at least a temporary silence. That doesn’t happen, and you know it. This is just an exaggeration to warrant the anti-social behavior. But that anti-social behavior is more damaging than anything in a game like WoW.

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It’s certainly exaggerated and I’ve never had it happen to me but it exists. We shouldn’t dismiss that it can happen

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I’m not dismissing that it can happen, sure it can. I just say that it’s just an excuse, as to not to ever talk in-game. Following this reasoning they shouldn’t even log in.

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Not for language!

And this is important, because it is language that is most automated and language that they’re most puritan about.

I’m not. They’re already scared. You actually think I caused the OP to create this thread? Scared the entire community all by myself? They don’t even know who I am!

Yeah so maybe Blizzard should put more effort into getting people to talk.

What changed is that now people use Friends lists (people they know), Discord, WhatsUp, ect…

In the past there was nothing else but /party, /say or /whisper. Ventrillo was for high end guilds only.

Technology changed. You did not.

So dont blame the community. Blame yourself.

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Correct, they don’t know you.

But you know, someone reads a topic on the forum/Reddit/… and some comments, repeats it in-game, endlessly, and before you know it…it spreads like wild-fire regardless of the truth. And yes, I’ve seen this happen.

Lets not make it all worse than it is. You don’t get easily silenced for nothing. By far most players are fairly reasonable and can handle a joke or odd comment.

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But such rumours do not spread out of nothing. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Thing is, I don’t really want to talk to them anyway. There’s nothing to talk about and tons of time pressure. Who has time to type text? My fingers are already aching from my 120 APM rotation and movement. And I will never see them again anyway. Who cares?

The game takes every opportunity possible to be toxic or to create toxicity. I hate how it works on a social layer.

I think I’m going to quit. I’m so fed up. So bored and tired. They’ve destroyed it.

I can’t QQ and hope for improvement forever.

Smoke bombs exist. I mean, we can create smoke and pretend that there is a fire, or at least tell others there’s a fire that they do not seem to be able to see. I don’t agree with this sentiment in any shape or form. If anything it’s a reasoning commonly used by conspiracy theorists. Not saying that you are one, but it’s just a useless argument or statement.

Well, that’s fair and explains quite a fair bit of your stance. Anyways, best of luck to you if you decide to take a break / quit.

Mostly because if one reports you for whatever reason regardless if the reason stands or not, and there is anything in the chat that could even be misconstrued as “offensive”, the automated system or the bored moderator who doesn’t care at all and just wants to be done with his job will issue a penalty. Even sarcasm is sometimes considered offensive depending on one’s mood and if they’re the recipient of it.

So most people, especially those who don’t know where the line exists and how to be constructive, prefer to not talk at all or even outright remove the chat option, under the guise that typing even a simple “Hi” will get them permabanned and audited by their country’s IRS.

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But they are smoke bombs. They do not sustain and the amount of smoke released pales when compared to a full on fire.

The smoke bomb simply can’t have the reach you’re accusing me of.

It’s just so much. The game is just so anti-social now, it’s absolutely surreal. There are a hundred reasons. I could write a book, but I don’t want to. They’ll never listen.

judging you by your haircut no wonder nobody want to socialise with you :smiley:

Yet it never happened to you either…so I don’t know man. That full on fire may still be just someone’s imagination.

According to modern standards i’m TOXIC player.
And yet it didn’t happend in DF or TWW and i can tell you i was obnoxious sometimes at the begining of season :smiley: