0 socialness in this game

Social media happened and it made all of society not just the wow and online society extremely antisocial.


Something broken in retail. I had the same experience. Now I’m playing anniversary classic and people talk everywhere all the time, they add me to friends and they actually ask me to heal which I gladly do. Classic game experience is… weird sometimes. Classic social experience is top notch. I do nothing different but I’m getting different experience. After 15 years of WoW I don’t care that much about game experience as long as I can tolerate it, so classic is better for me, at least for now.


Heck, I used to go out fishing with my guildies for hours. Chatting like there’s no tomorrow, while staring at the bobber.

But that was vanilla, 20 years ago …

We went on and time has become precious, having a family and children.

But I do miss those midnight hours …

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Mummy told me not to talk to strangers… :pleading_face:

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more could be done to increase social interactions, but blizzard focus on combat and raids

  • if say there was a buddy system where we had to do puzzles in pairs or group that required communication and addons were banned from accessing it

that could be a good start

achievements could be more imaginative too, some achievements should focus on social grouping

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I don’t think it’s a problem because “our society sucks nowadays”. In FFxiv or Guild Wars 2 i have zero issues interacting with other players. It’s only a problem in WoW. Outside of your guild/group this community is hella toxic.
Small exceptions are RP Server or Classic.

Sometimes it feels like people are unhappy with the game but won’t stop playing it so there are constantly mad.

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You don’t, others do though.

Nah, it was, is and will allways be a general issue.

Depends who you talk to and what you talk about, etc.
No more other toxic or non toxic as other platforms.

Nah, just as good/bad, depends on who you meet.
RP Servers can be very bad, too, not even starting of Classic.

THAT on the other hand IS a very huge and real issue with some players.
Most of the time someone complains and rants about something it’s people that are at a point where they should just move on and play somehting else.

There are a lot of social systems in WoW. More than there were when the game came out by far.

Yet none of them work.

It isn’t for a lack of trying. They just don’t know what to do.

Join a guild and socialize with them. Problem solved.

I try to slow down and make sure to /wave /hello if I see people around.
It’s lovely whenever I do see others leveling, but it feels so rare.
The game is now so big, with so many expansions to level through, and then WM on/WM off - Chromie time, or no chromie time.

Most of the time, I wish I saw more people.
Then there are those VERY FEW times where I wish I was alone when others are there; cause a rare is being killed too fast, or a chest is being opened, or anything silly that doesn’t really matter.

I wonder if it can be solved at all, without also ruining it…
Seeing people from other servers is not really what I want either, since I will most likely never bump into them again.

The social aspect is quite squashed by the mere spread-out-craze we got, with all diff paths of leveling, and diff game modes to play, and diff servers.
I try be the good I want to see, I make sure to try be social when I can. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Smarter sharding would do wonders.


It does have effect on it I bet, its the same with all the soloq options for pvp modes. They pretty much made pvp antisocial since as people hardly play with their mates any longer.

Its participation influenced rated system and the only fix would be to compensate coordinated modes with % based rewards with how high they are compared to others in the said mode specifically.

There is some who would wish to play with their mates still but they cant bother when they see how deflated the arenas are these days, so they also spam soloqs like the rest.

It did use to be very social and communicative.

Now it’s very silent, very selfish-focused, and very rage-filled, too.

A lot of “I don’t want to learn anything, want boosting through everything, but I’ll swear and scream if I cause us to wipe lots and you told me off.”

Or dumber…

Way, way dumber.

You didn’t play on Vanilla Frostwolf (german) or equivalent english/US/french/spanish/russian it seems.
Those servers were a hell hole back in Vanilla.

I played Vanilla EU

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I also played EU vanilla on pvp servers and have only good things to say, we selected medium realms that had even horde - alliance ratio and we mostly played on party with friend back then and later I found likeminded ppl for instanced pvp infront ab stone in arathi and played ab in premas. I think it was nice that everyone on server knew each other, see an enemy in world and knew if touch this guy their whole guild is there soon to hunt you and things like that. I only found all this fun and have good memories of vanil but Im not going classics. One could try find it or something similar from realms in retail that doesnt have sharding I guess.


Maybe switch realm to a more social one.

the game is now a hamster running on a wheel .

Realms are mixed in bgs. Bgs are 90% of my gameplay here.