Alliance or horde, im up for anything, i just want to have some friends to play with and have fun with
“sorry for poor writing, im not used to write discussions like this”
Alliance or horde, im up for anything, i just want to have some friends to play with and have fun with
“sorry for poor writing, im not used to write discussions like this”
Play what you want, how you want and where you want.
He is looking for buds, not class suggestion as I understand
Ok, you mean. Which server to join?
Then go, Argent Dawn. Alliance. Many are there in stormwind and Goldshire.
So, you a realm transfer token and go there.
Horde pop are decent as well, in orgirmmar.
if its friends you’re looking for then you might wanna give this thread a go
who knows, maybe you will find someone
You’re literally on one of the biggest Alliance servers. Find a guild there or join a community and you’ll have people to play with.
Oh lets propaganda begin, You can join me, on Argent Dawn and Wildhammer. „You have only begun to discover your power. Join me and I will complete your training“.
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