I don’t care. That system is broken top-to-bottom either way.
Here’s what I think about loot in general:
I’m not gonna ask you to read through all that, but if you don’t care about the reasoning and just want the TL;DR: I like vanilla loot better - and let’s talk about how we can apply it to the modern game. Blizzard have done an okay job here, but they could do much better.
The reason I’m talking about the number of items is that WoW should always be able to offer you upgrades - or at least close to always. If you just buff droprates a ton, and not much else, then everyone ends up wearing their BiS list very fast, and that wasn’t even considered.
That’s a good question, but also a little besides the point of this thread.
But it’s definitely something that I’ve tried to talk about. I always look at:
- world/story
- community/idetity
- combat/power progression
And the more of these boxes I can tick off the better, and if we really wanna have fun we can tick off intersections between them as well.
And I have that list from the vanilla devs by the way.
Go… gearing everybody up super fast. Great for the first few weeks, but then: Everybody’s wearing the same, there’s nowhere to go to collect more gear, thus no reason to engage in combat to improve your character. Since everybody’s wearing the same, there’s no feeling of distinction between people when looking at them or fighting them.
Giving people gear too fast is just plain bad. Giving them gear too slowly risks causing frustrationg in the combat department and risks a lacking sense of personal identity and growth, which can lead to a stagnant community where people don’t move anywhere, which then leads to an inability to ever see more of the world.
Neither extreme is good.
The first Shadowlands interview there was with the release of Alpha had Ion be asked about what kind of questions he was hoping people would ask more of, and he said he was hoping for more questions about the community aspects and world design and those sorts of feedback loops. He never got it.
Join with me - be the change he and we want to see, and let’s talk about it. Just not in this thread