Legendary items shouldn’t be crafted like that anyway but that’s another topic.
Yes I know it’s frustrating not getting the piece of loot you think you rightfully deserve. But what is a good balance in drop rates? Blizzard tried to mix around the drop rates, tried to make gear more “accessible” since people felt “discouraged” because they didn’t get their loot. it lead to the dismal loot system in Legion and BfA, which a lot of players hated even more. In essence this discussion feels very much the same as previous discussions surrounding loot, as ancient as the game itself.
Thing is, if you give people the little finger, they want everything. They saw they got response on that thing, then they moan until they get the hand. Once that is over they moan until they get the arm. A lot of players seemingly don’t want to work and grind for their loot, they would be happy getting it at the start of the dungeon so they could hurry up and AFK in a major city again.
Heroic raids in BFA were a joke and only meant to gear people for mythic raids.
Even now world first people cleared the heroic raid in a day or two, and were sitting at ilvl 221 raid avg on first sire kill on the second week of mythic raiding.
m+15 210 ilvl loot level is a insult to the m+ dungeon community. There are many of us who have lost interest in pushing, being a challenger in pvp gives better gear - equivalent to someone pushing +9 keys.
And literal afk bg already gives better gear than +6 dungeons
5 hours without loot? Hold the world press! This is major news! Headline: WoW player didn’t get loot in 5 hours. “Worst day of my life!” the poor victim proclaimed".
Yes I get it, I truly do, it’s annoying doing dungeons and raid and not getting loot. But honestly, do you really want that pile of donkey droppings of a loot system from Legion and BfA back again? Where a gear drop didn’t spark a “finally!” but a “No titanforge and no tertiary, this loot system sucks!”. Because I saw a lot of entitled players moan their heads off because they weren’t showered with the exact right kind of loot.
I don’t mind this system. It’s fun. Yeah I get a lot of anima powers, but that one piece that drops now and then. Love it.
I take it that since you had to resolve to my profile that you’re running out of actual arguments. Since you’re so invested in knowing about me, I don’t care about mythic dungeons. I do some raiding and find enjoyment in levelling and gearing alts. Sadly I grew up and got myself a job so I don’t have the time required to invest much into the game. Does this sate your curiosity about me so we can continue with the topic, or was there anything else you wanted to know that’s totally unrelated to the topic in regards to my person? Want to know what I work as or what I had for dinner? You can’t spot that in an achievement but I can tell you if you like.
I always find this a bit fun to be honest, not only do you want the loot to drop more frequent, it also seems like you want it to be tailored to your cookie-gutter specc.
In all honesty I fail to see the problem. Yes items have sub optimal stats at times and it takes time to fill your BiS list (a lot of time actually) but it should be like that. The expansion isn’t even in its first content patch yet and you sort of seem to expect to be decked in BiS items already.
You’re most welcome, if you think your word has any impact at all you’re even cuter than you look. I’m too old to worry about written words on an online forum
This is exactly why you don’t see the problems with the new loot system. For you, loot is a goal in itself, and in this case, the system is fun. You’re happy whenever you get an upgrade, and it seems even more meaningful because it’s rare. Loot is not gating you from any content you actually want to do, and you can always start a new alt if one gets stale.
However, the majority of the player base does not enjoy loot in itself: they want to gear their characters so that they can clear content that they can’t right now. Maybe they’re doing +10s but they’d like to do +15s. Maybe they’re doing +15s and they’d like to do +20s. Maybe they’re clearing HC raid and they’d like to start moving into Mythic. Maybe they’re trying to climb the PvP ladders and are hitting a brick wall.
Having to farm content you’ve already cleared over and over because you don’t have the gear to be able to clear harder content is NOT fun. Even worse, if you’re pugging, you’ll not even be allowed to try the harder content, even if you have the skills to overcome your lower ilvl. Worst of all, there is a loot curve, and if you fall behind it because of simple bad luck, you often can’t even play with your friends anymore.
Gear progression is not a goal or fun for most players - it is just the ladder they climb to be able to experience new content and challenges. It’s not wrong to not care about this yourself, but it’s also important to understand why the system you personally enjoy may create problems for other players’ enjoyment (that go beyond being “spoiled by loot”).
when they nerfed the drop rate from raid and m+
they flocked over to rated bgs
seriously they play to lose and leech honor for GV reward
this shouldnt happen
Then why play WoW? That’s how the game has always been, clear the same content over and over again, until you have enough gear to move on. And lets be honest here, most players wont see mythic raiding at all. Heroic is where it goes for a majority of us.
So should we throw gear at people to make PuGing better? It’s like patching a sinking ship with straws and think it fixes the problem. As for falling behind, given the free 197 gear we get from covenant, that’s hardly a problem.
I wouldn’t presume to know what is fun for others. Others need to figure that out themselves. I care for raiding and progressing there. For that I need gear. So I care about the challenge, but realises as well that gear drop chance is fickle. Nothing to do but grind
“Until you have enough gear” is not a fixed amount of time - it was much less time in BFA or Legion than it is now in SL. (You’re right about mythic raiding, that was a bad example)
197 just happened this week, it may help somewhat. In general, what other suggestion do you have to make pugging better, if not giving more loot? I would also be very much for some bad luck protection mechanisms instead of just flat more loot - e.g. a token.
Why settle for that? Why not ask for a system that doesn’t waste your time?
The problem with Legion and BfA gearing was that you were never done, because every source could upgrade. It was tiresome to not have a fixed path. And it was so easy to gear up that you at times outgeared an entire raid difficulty at raid launch. To me that’s a terrible system, when content become obsolete before it’s even released.
Can’t change people, PuGs will be PuGs. With Legion and BfA we saw that giving people gear didn’t make the raiders. Lost quite a lot of hair during Legion due to well geared players who failed at basic mechanics. I think FF14 does it right, everyone can join all content through PuG tools, but you have to follow tactics. And you get good gear from it too. Just have to grind a lot.
If I was afraid of wasting time, I wouldn’t be playing an MMO. And what system? What would be better?