1 mark after 5 minutes is always better than 1 mark after 30 minutes

It always pains me when people tryhard to defend an obvious loss in AV.


Because some players have dignity not to take it up the rear end without opposition.


…Hey, we’ll have less of the kink shaming. Thanks.


It’s part of my Christian religion, don’t faith shame. Thanks.


Is it a trolling thread? If so, it’s so old and boring.
But if you are serious, then “obvious loss”, is due to people like you.

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I’ve done many bgs in my time, and there is always this one guy yelling out its a loss, but I cannot count how many times said person was wrong.

Even in AV when alliance cap our hut, I’ve won games, might take a while, but the point of this game is not to roll over and die like a dog.

Do you also give up on life itself since you will die anyway and get the obvious loss? Or do you live the best you can.


It’s always a pain when players do bg’s just because they want to farm marks/honor/rep. I will join bg’s for fun and drag them out as long as possible for you because i don’t need the marks/honor/rep anymore :smiley:

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Playing for fun and not chasing the carrot on a stick?


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