100% Multibox with BOT system

Multibox with BOT system they are now 100% allowed, you can report them by system Blizz don’t care about them, i report some and with streams for evidence, bot’s do the same rotations for hours and guess what??? zero views and next day same bot’s do the same again, the news now they are double multibox team 3X3 and all confirmed BOT!!! that’s the reasons some players leave this game and no one new wanna come to this unfair game!!!
welcome to new multishadowlandsbot game, and no rulles for this!!!
By the way if Blizz want all evidences i have them and i can give them the streams again to prove all the things i post here!!! enjoy new BOT systems my friends.


They are still customers for Blizzard, sadly

Multiboxers are why I will go with no gathering profession in Shadowlands. I’ll let the druid hordes fight among themselves over nodes.

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This multiboxing thing is going in the wrong direction , they are literally bots , doing same thing for hours .
In classic they banned 74k bots . Prolly in retail they have 200k+ bots + multiboxers .


They should ban them if BOT, that’s it!!! If they use automatic funcions with macros and scripts and 3rd part software, also if they don’t let players do quest and camp on certains zones too. that’s the rules.

Multiboxing is not against the rules Botting is. Using software to duplicate commands is not botting. Botting is when the programme automatically does everything for the user and they don’t even have to be present at their PC. Botting can be done with one character or many characters.

Multiboxing is a person in control of the account and the actions they perform on the lead account are duplicated on the boxed accounts.

If you believe someone is botting then report them, Blizzard want to remove bots from the game. You should be able to right click report or there is an email address if you want to include videos etc.

Some players would like to see Multiboxing banned and others would like to see changes to the way things work in the game to make it harder for multiboxers to disrupt Battlegrounds or Herbing etc.


I complain BOT not multibox!!! read post again!!!
streams with more then 1 hour with double multibox bot all same rotation everytime, 1 bot die for so long and other do the same rotation what you call them??? i have few evidences streams with all this situation and nothing happen, and read carefull rulles for multibox m8

I read your post, hence I gave the clarification and included instructions on how you can report them if you really feel they are botting and not boxers.

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that reports don’t work at all!!! you can report them million times nothing happen

how can you explain this https://www.twitch.tv/videos/724978890

As I explained in my post above there is also an email address you can report cheaters including video evidence etc. It is in the FAQ I linked.

Naming and shaming is not permitted on the forums. You need to use the proper channels to report.

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thank you i see it now, i will report by e-mail now

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But Blizzard themselves introduced 1 click 1 function.
Using software to automate 1 click 10 functions is going against that.

Multiboxers litterally click once and all their accounts will click the same thing again, that is against Blizzards rules.

Not to mention using third party software is against their rules.


Using 3rd party software isn’t against their rules. Using certain 3rd party software is, Otherwise your mouse and keyboard software would be against the rules.

send email to hacks@blizzard.com that is better

Multiboxing is not against the rules. I know some don’t want to accept that. I know others would like to change that. I don’t make the rules :frowning:

One click on one account duplicated onto 10 accounts is permitted. Software making the initial click is not.

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already did it

“No Blizzard customer ever gets banned”

The article you link to says Blizz does not support multiboxing tools. Just fyi.

The article I linked does not say they are against the rules.

The onus is on the multiboxer to keep within the rules and use permitted software.

it is not though cause you still have to have the human input. botting, which is against the rules, would mean you can go afk or sleep at night and your characters are still working without you doing anything.