^---- That needs to be changed, that’s what people are annoyed by.
Using software to duplicate clicks should be against terms.
It’s the same damn thing as software making the first click, if you use software to click for you, your cheating end of, doesn’t matter what rules say, using anything to automate anything is a form of cheating.
You can’t tell me 100% that every multiboxer sits at their PC 24 hours a day clicking.
Sure some might do 8-16 hours a day farming herbs, but a lot of them are afk and botting, the issue is, Blizzard just ignores them as if they are not botting.
It’s especially clear which ones bot, if you have warmode on.
If you kill 1 of them, they carry on as normal and the dead one sits there dead for hours, that’s an obvious bot.
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i never said that, thats just you assuming things and jumping to conclusions, im just stating facts.
of course multiboxing is prone to being used by botters cause its more profitable for them instead of botting on one character, doesnt mean that every multiboxer is a botter though.
if you suspect that someone is botting just report them and move on. and yes, they will not get banned immediately just because you have reported someone. its all subjected to scrutiny over a certain period of time so they are banned in waves and, after all, not every report warrants an action.
i think better same oportunities to all players, 1 player 1 shoot, why 1 player have to won 10 times more???, because blizz have 10 account as payment? it’s illegal 3rd party software to control actions, no exceptions!!!, but the problem here not Multibox, it’s BOT everywere as a multibox, you have bot reported for long time diferente players and with 100% bot evidence and nothing happen to them, so i think just report by system not work at all!!!
It is not against the rules to use multiboxing software. The onus to make sure you are using permitted tools falls on the player.
all we know only herbalism and mining are multibox, skinning and multi target moobs to farm greens and trash are 90% BOT, they spread bot and all of them select diferent targets because macros and scripts, they colect moobs other do automatic skinning, etc… and they farm more then 10/12/16 hours in same place same actions all the time
That is not how rules works. What you said could be your interepretation of the rules, your opinion. But your opinion is irrelevant. You are wrong because you can talk about rules in terms of opinions, arguments or logic. Your opinion is irrelevant, your arguments is irrelevant, your logic is irrelevant. The only relevant for rules is what it excplicitely mentioned in the rules and the sentences given for the ones who authority over the rules , in this case Blizzard.
So, if you want to say that software to automate 1 click 10 functions is againts the rules the proove it with the only valid proof that matter for rules: rules and official Blizzard’s statements.
i have 2 account in home because my son also play this game, and one time i was advised by a GM i can’t play 2 toons at same time, lol so multibox can do it???, here 2 diferent computers and 2 diferent person playing, they use 1-2 computers depend number of toons, and no one advise them??? they are special i think!!!
I am not sure how the conversation with the GM came about but that does not sound right. You can play two characters on two separate accounts you own. You just can’t play two characters on the same account at the same time.
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You can play with 2 toons at the same time if you have multiple accounts, I did it without using multiboxing software many times when I had other accounts created just to earn recruit a friend rewards. What you can’t do is play with 2 toons at the same time if one of them is from your son’s account because accounts are personal only, you can’t play with other persons account
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Some players have a character sitting at the AH all day while they play on another account. Not everyone who has multiple accounts boxes them.
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i have 2 account merged in one e-mail account
You can have up to eight wow accounts on one Battlenet.
That is something that I have always asked myself. Is only considered multiboxing if people is playing with both characters at the same time with the help of multiboxing sofwate? But playing with multiple accounts for example like you said with one in AH or just like I did playing with one account and the other account just following the main account without doing nothing would be considered multiboxing? It is multiboxing if a player just switch between windows with alt+tab an only do actions in one account at a time?
all family can play in 1 account, they can’t forbiden that, it’s not illegal if you buy any game and all person at home play it
Well, I checked and that is not exactly true, but if your son is a minor and there is no other family member using the account except you and your son then yes, you can share the account with your son.
“Only you are allowed to access an account registered in your name. We don’t recognize the transfer of accounts between individuals”
You may not share your account or password with anyone, except if you are a parent or guardian, in which case you may permit one minor child to use your account.
my son have 24 years old, and he play since 16years old
he have his account since 18 years old that’s the situation 2 merged accounts
What I find funny is that the OP expects Blizzard to jump to his tune and ban every bot on the spot that he reports.
Well, then you both of you are breaking Blizzard’s rules. Do not missunderstand me, I do not care if you share your account with your son or not, and I do not believe Blizzard care too, I do not believe they have ban anyone for sharing account between family members even if is againts the rules. Probably this rule exists so Blizzard can ignore any problem that happen between people who are sharing an account.