what i see it’s 100% legal use Multiboxing BOT´s even if reported with great evidences
2 diferent account m8 not illegal!!! they are merged because payment situation
Does the 2 different account use the same email to log in and password? Or you mean there are 2 different account with 2 different log in email and password that you paid for both?
yes if they merged, it’s 2 account same e-mail same password
Then it is against the rules for both to be playing, that 2 account it is supposed to be 2 accounts only used by one person.
“ Only you are allowed to access an account registered in your name . We don’t recognize the transfer of accounts between individuals ”
Why always regurgitate the same thing as people keep complaining over something that has clearly gotten out of hand?
It’s time Blizzard changed their policy and maybe rehire the 800 people they fired for a more active GM environment?
I wonder how many times we are going to ignore this problem, there’s a reason why FF XIV celebrates their 20M subsribers and WoW has had decline the last few years right?
Because always when someone complaint about multiboxing they always said that multiboxing it is againts the rules. That is not a complaint, that is just a lie. Just beacuse someone was to complain againts multiboxers does not give him the right to lie about the game rules.
we have 2 accounts, diferent players playing but we log as wow1 and wow2, it’s not illegal you can’t use 2 wow1 or 2 wow2, they are merged because payment services it’s 100% legal
Yet, the rules differs with you. You said it is not againts the rules? Then prove it, quote me where the rules said what you do is allowed, because I have quote you where the rules said is not.
I complain multibox BOT’s not single multibox!!! i have report by system some streams all of them with more then 1 hour that toons have same action all the time, all timed spells, diferent targets, diferent spells, diferent classes, and what’s happen NOTHING!!! they are here again next day, and so on!!!
I do not care about your complaint, you could have make the thread for that complaint, but in thise thread you also have a false statement about the rules and family sharing and I anwser you exclusively about that.
About your complaint there is nothing I can add because I have no objetion againts want bots to be banned. I only have objections againts making false statements againts the game rules, intentionally or involuntarily,
all confirmed with GM, all 100% legal, you can say what ever you want!!!
But I do not say anithing, is Blizzard who said it. I trust Blizzard’s words over your words about what you supposely said are Blizzard’s words
“ Only you are allowed to access an account registered in your name . We don’t recognize the transfer of accounts between individuals ”
You may think it’s okay for people to believe the wrong thing, I think it’s better to be informed.
If it involves mutilpe accounts, it involves multiple subs which means more money for Blizzard. Botting or not they don’t give a flying fork.
Why do you think they do “ban waves” lol ? Get 6 months of some scrub paying 20 accounts at once, ban him and then let him come back and do the same, rinse and repeat.
They’ll never fix the problem fully, and I’d dare say that the vast majoirty of Blizzards WoW income now comes from multiboxers lol.
Why else would they be allowed to carry on the way they do ?
Well yes and no, if people were so inclined they could always do a lookup if it’s really allowed first?
On the other hand how many threads and complaints have there been about these practices now already?
It’s time to tally up and decide what’s best in the long run for this game but i guess they just want to see how much people can take before they turn their backs on Blizzard right?
Blizz let diferent players marge accounts, so why they have merge system??? lol
Blizzard only allows to merge accounts that belongs to a single person because one person is allowed to own multiple wow accounts (max 8), it does not allow to merge accounts of different persons, if I tried to merge into my account the account of a person with a different name, even if is my brother, Blizzard wont allow me. But If I have two battlenet accounts both with my name I can merge them unles I exced the max of 8 wow accounts. In fact due to recruit a friend system I personally have 5 wow accounts in my battlenet account, currently only 1 is active but when all were active I was allowed to play with the 5 at the same time.
You can play your wow1 and wow2 at the same time.
You can always ignore me if you find it so offensive for someone to explain how the game works.