100/12 Horde VS Alliance Mythic Castle Nathria

The faction barrier sure pays off.

Edit: Alliance is at 16 now.


I’m not really sure of your point here, Horde has been the raiding faction for a good while.


Proves alliance just has much worse pve players.


Significantly less of them also.

Playing Horde won’t make you a better player.


Not really, it just proved that half the playerbase get shafted gameplay wise because of an arbitrary restriction that not even the devs themselves uphold.


Sure, those who Blizz’s mistakes made to faction change are the best.

Clearly too many noobs on ~Alliance… :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s just Blizz having your back. Nerfing dwarf racial cough. 50:50 would be too e-sporty … oh wait.


this is what happens when you allow racials to be OP for a tier and everyone switches. but then u nerf it but give them no incentive to switch back… its far to expensive to FC an entire raiding guild just for the hell of it.

Just like mdi is alliance only :man_shrugging:
Looks balanced to me tbh


Racials have nothing to do with this disparity. It is simply because of social pressure.

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Not myself, I’m pretty average. But the horde players on average. Everyone knows since vanilla that alliance has the worse players, especially gnome players.


Alliance is like a drained lake, leaving only a little bog behind (that’s how it is on many of the realms.) The more dedicated players are Horde side, but I won’t go Horde for lore or cosmetic reasons.

This has been the same situation for years though and it won’t change unless Blizzard do something drastic.

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That’s what you keep telling yourself? It has been discussed many times before. At first it was about racials, now it’s about bigger population.

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One more reason to add cross-faction PvE grouping and guilds.


You could be a bit more positive about it imo. It is totally possible to get stuff done on Alliance side. I agree that something has to be done though. At least I will not be a sheep and follow along to the bigger population.


Not even drastic, simple. The only part of the game that is affected by a arbitrarily strict faction barrier is PvE and Mailing.

Time and time again we have Horde and Alliance cooperating, or us cooperating with a “hostile” race aligned with other smaller factions like Argent Dawn.
PvP have means to bypass the barrier for the dominating faction, AH is shared and we are largely participating in the same pve objectives.


Maybe if you’re on a high pop realm, things are a little rougher on a low pop realm with a semi devoid AH.

But since I’ve been on Aszune from Vanilla days, I love the realm and have most of my characters on it. I do have some alts made on the sister realm (Shadowsong) from Legion and post Legion too.

Don’t get me wrong, I prefer Alliance 120%, but it would be nice to see something done to make it more viable for end game content in a broad sense.

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People suggested to have cross-faction for PvE content, purely for gameplay purposes, but people don’t want that… so…

I still say main reason are the gnomes.

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