100/12 Horde VS Alliance Mythic Castle Nathria

I have no trouble with cross-faction PvE. Talking e-sports, that’s how other games balance stuff btw.

But there will always be those “don’t take away any of my cookies”.

BFA ended with 42 Alliance guilds clearing Mythic Crucible lol

Couldn’t even fill up hall of fame in 2 patches following the raids release


Because too many people on these forums are entrenched in the idea that because the faction barrier have existed since launch, it can’t be removed. Even though it has been the single biggest reason for why servers have become either horde or alliance server with the losing side being almost vacant.

And the game could still very much have War even if it isn’t Alliance vs Horde, as it was with Warcraft 3.

it’s only gonna get worse and worse.


During BfA Ion commented on this alluding to “new” Horde and Alliance facing problems but then heavily backtracked stating that H vs A is the “core” of the game to now introduce faction agnostic Covenants with a comment in one of interviews about possible covenant based PvP. This could be preparing for a faction re-organisation but if they won’t have time or idea they are really proud off they will backtrack again.

Also the Torghast rescue missions are heavy with “we are united/friends”.

Checked WoWprogress and their last documented numbers were 60%/40% Horde/Alliance population wise…

Thank you.

100 data points is not enough for stats.

your kidding right, back in mop i believe it was the horde racialls were mega strong for a certain raid. literally most of the mythic progression guilds jumped ship for it. it was eventually nerfed, but why would you spend thousands to FC back afterwards. no incentive.

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that’s the original cause, but at this point it has to do with population sizes, not racials. like you say, there is no incentive to switch back, and even worse, there is incentive to switch to horde because the player pool is much larger which both helps individual players with finding a suitable guild and guilds with their recruitment. with each player and guild that makes the switch, the problem gets progressively worse because it gets more and more difficult on the alliance side.


That does not mean there should by nothing done to balance it !!!

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And what should they do? Overbuff the alliance?

There is no way to fix the problem without destroying the fundament of the game which is alliance and horde as factions

And it have been proven time and time again that it can’t be balanced. And the few realms that are balanced are oddities rather then norms.

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yup. there’s the problem, there’s no great solution to this problem (that i can think of anyway), which is probably why blizzard hasn’t done anything yet. but they simply cannot let it sit, they have to do something.

It has become really bad. Takes me back to WotLK - MoP era where Alliance was dominating because emfh was more valued… But the imbalance wasn’t as big. Even bringing that one spell back didn’t solve the problem much.

The faction barrier is hardly a fundament for the game. If anything it’s a huge glaring contradiction only enforced on the players. In WoW the Horde and Alliance frequently have to cooperate to deal with bigger threats and notable characters interact with eachother with no issues, and Races we encunter in the game aren’t hard locked to the factions such as us players. Remember a minor faction of Kul Tirans of all “races” teamed up with the horde in THE faction expansion.

WoW would actually become more of an proper RPG if the barrier were removed since it would give players more freedom to dictate where their players fit into the world.

Not only this but we know there are orcs and taurens siding with the alliance faction.
And there are Humans in the horde.

There is no real reason for the factions not teaming up for instances and raids.
If you can do it for PvP why would you not be able to for PvE content that in lore we are already doing together both factions.


The only real solution without destroying the factions or creating just another imbalance would be to increaste the whole playerpopulation.

IMO the main reason why we it get worse every Expansion (even when alliance is better for a lot of content theoretically) is because the whole playerbase shrinks every expansion. I guarantee you that if we would have about 10 Mio players again people wouldnt notice a 40/60 imbalance (playernumbers). But thats the problem we dont have that much players anymore…

But to do this the devs actually need to make the game better as a whole… which I cant see in the near future.

The playerbase has a cycle of when they complain about stuff, the cycle for the Hall of Fame has come back around. Tomorrow the weekly cycle for the Vault will come back too.

Cycle? The faction barrier have been a persistent punitive feature. HoF is just yet another of it’s victims.

Seems like your realm needs to be merged with another one. They did quite some realm merging in the past. Maybe your realm will get attention at some point. My realm is at medium population, it used to be high maybe even full, not sure.

And yes, any change that helps is welcome.