100/12 Horde VS Alliance Mythic Castle Nathria

I mean, people thought they were doing that with the bleeds in Castle Nathria, and then they made it so that Stoneform doesn’t remove the bleeds. Even before they announced the change, only one of the top guilds announced that they were switching to Alliance (Exorsus). Doesn’t look like this is an option Blizz want to go for, or one that’s sufficiently tempting for the high end who might influence others to faction change.

I don’t think they ever intended for the bleed to be removed by that racial.

OK lets be honest here…people dont care what they look like when they raid so giving this argument about * but horde has pretty elfs * does not work here. Horde doesnt have more players because of blood elves Dont make every topic about freaking void elves needing to look like us too…
Alliance is too casual and way too RP… you high elf screamers have proved it already on the forums.

Also to everyone …night elf shadowmeld has been broken for a while now but i guess we hordes are bad guys again?

I’m sure more would follow, streamers would start making a big deal out of it soon. I can even imagine the clickbait titles: “DWARF RACIAL OP IN CASTLE NATHRIA!!! TIME FOR FACTION CHANGE?!”

This one is obvious. What are they scared of though? That this might actually tip the scale in Alliance’s favor for once?

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i don’t agree that it’s a small change, but it might be the route they are forced to take when this problem eventually gets too big.

i don’t think so, at least if it’s within reason. of course if they go crazy there will be a big change immediately. i think it would work very well in pvp, which is a game mode where the top players swap around all the time, but guilds are large, inflexible things. convincing your two mates to go alliance is trivial compared to the 25 people in a mythic guild (plus socials).

i think something that points to this as well is that the pvp version of the hall of fame, making r1 faction specific, has been quite effective. back in wod (before the faction specific r1 titles), alliance had ~98% of the population in high ranked pvp. i may be off a little, but you get the idea, it was really bad. initially in legion, it was a lot easier to get r1 on horde because it had a smaller playerbase (as with hall of fame), but that evened out fairly quickly. right now, horde is still a little bit lower, but they’re pretty close. this has not been the case with the hall of fame.

Yeah, I did think (hope?) that this raid was going to be some kind of attempt to address faction balance, but alas no. It’s ok for horde racials to be OP on some raid fights (arcane torrent on Zul) but not Alliance ones, which does fuel the claims of bias.

I don’t know what they can do to address faction balance, but it needs to be aimed at whole guilds/communities and not just individuals. You aren’t going to transfer and leave your friends even if Alliance is best for a raid tier. But if your whole guild is transferring for free/a reduced cost? I bet there’s quite a few who’d go.

Blood elves both look good and had strong racials from the get-go. As stated before, the main reason the devs added them to the Horde was because of the faction imbalance back in Vanilla days. Since then it has been a constant downhill for the Alliance. I remember my brother buying the game for me 13 years ago when I was 15. The very first character he made, was BOOM, Blood elf paladin! I would have made the exact same, had he bought TBC for me as well. Alas, he had only bought me Vanilla. What a shame. What I’m getting to is, this is how powerful the charm of Blood elf paladins were when they were added, that people did not even have second thoughts before choosing them. I would not advocate like this in favour of High elves in the Alliance if I did not know first hand how popular they actually are. Why don’t you quickly visit charts of race population in WoW to see how big the percent is of players who play Blood elves? Why should Horde be the only faction with the sexy models and Alliance stuck with Vanilla humans and Night elves with chunky thighs? Did anyone ask me if I wanted to play a female human that runs like she weed herself? Or if I want to play Horde just to play blonde elfs? What a joke

Many high end guilds are communities that make money from sponsorships and different competitions. Being famous and competitive depends on that. I think even the slightest advantage would be tempting.

Not to mention that many guilds already migrate to the Horde under the current situation, so I don’t see it impossible for it to go the other way around.

Exactly this. It has to be free and unlimited for a good while. Anyone should be able to transfer.

Why should alliance have everything we have? This question can be thrown back at your face too. Please stop making every topic about elves? Blood elf racial btw isnt strong anymore its just aoe dispel with massive cooldown…heck my demon hunter can dispel more in that cooldown time. You made your choice…live with it you chose alliance.

I do tho…

at that level, sure. if you give them a real advantage for being alliance, they’ll go alliance. that will slowly start to trickle down. i think the rate at which that would occur is slowed down substantially by how big of a thing it is to faction change a guild, as compared to something like a 3v3 or mythic+ team.

but this is occuring because of recruitment reasons. desperation, being forced to change or face guild death as your recruitment pool gradually dries up.

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Nope it does not prove that.

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Except that as of now, the difference between alliance and horde have gotten so large that it outweights racial bonuses.

We did not ask to have everything that you have, yes we have elves with the same models now but different hairstyles and the colours will be different to yours. It’s not your fault. Maybe if Blizzard had pulled their finger out of their you know what they would have fixed the ugly looking humans by now and made them actually have good looking bodies this would not be happening now. Or if they gave us more unique elves that were not so niche in their silly little void theme, limiting them to blues and greys. This is why the Alliance cannot shine in anything, bad races, bad racials etc.

sure but alliance got all the pretty girls

for me, yeah. for the vast majority of mythic guilds, yeah. but if, say human racial was really important on progress on a difficult boss, i’m sure guilds like limit would make the change. i don’t think your average mythic guild would.

Not to mention that Blizzard has the means to pay these streamers to advertise whatever advantage Alliance has in raid and make a big deal out of it.

not sure why it has not happend, I do think anyone should be able to join what ever guild they feel like regardless of faction.

And it would even be completely lore friendly… Just count how many NPC “guilds” that we have joined over the years that does not have racial restrictions.

pretty much all of them are I would say, maby some exeptions, heck even the evil factions has all kinds of races in them.