10.0.7 the Onyx Annulet is a downgrade for almost all dps specs

Thats the message to the guys at blizz. Ion said that the Onyx Annulet would be desired and an upgrade for all, but this is not the case.

Only outlaw rogues sims show that is an upgrade.

Any fix or buffs?

this statement is true as of 20th march.


It’s an item for plebs like me who barely do any endgame content. I doubt it was ever supposed to be your BIS item if you are pushing max level content and min-maxing your gear.


I understood it like that aswell. 10.0.7. is barely any content if you ask me, just something small until 10.1. rolls out. I doubt the ring is catered for minmaxers / BIS Andys.


:smiley: Why would you care about some neck ?
if you know how to play this game you already have lariat
if you have multiple alts and you don’t care about the end game
you will be happy to obtain that neck
it’s that simple

BTW the biggest thing on wednesday is for me balance of power being now acc wide :smiley:


It’s a ring.

And yes, Bliz have indicated in recent interviews that they intend it to be used by the majority of people throughout the end of this season and early season 2.

Bliz seem to have changed their tune is recent interviews from “This is a bit of fun for those doing world content that not everyone’s going to really care about” to “This is a powerful item that everyone will be using for the remainder of the season moving into Aberrus.”

If that is the case, they’re going to really need to look at the design of this thing. No secondary stats is a massive turn off for a lot of specs, especially casters who derive a lot of their gameplay feel and general smoothness from haste. Also all the damage based procs are simple damage cantrips, not stat based, and none of them scale with haste further making them less appealing to haste specs. The only two specs I’ve seen excited or even considering using them are Windwalker Monk and Outlaw Rogue.

Well majority of people are below Heroic raifing lvl so it still applies

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It’s currently worse than a 365 ilvl ring with their two best stats for a large number of specs, something that someone can get almost immediately upon reaching max level from even the most untrained of Jewelcrafters. Personally I don’t want to use it, I don’t want to have to drop 600+ haste for some cantrip effects that are just random damage procs, but if Blizzard’s intent is for players to want this thing for their gear progression and performance then it’s currently failing to do that.

Not to mention an item that scales up to 424 ilvl and is still worse than a 370, even being generous for the specs that may not be as haste / mastery invested 400, ilvl item gives a warped perception of the value of item level and probably isn’t all that healthy.


i agree dropping haste on haste dependent specs have implications on gameplay and not just dps
however, i don’t understand your concern here
you’re saying it’s worse than a 365 ilvl ring
it’s also simming worse for most specs

so you’re safe not to use it
where is the issue ?

This quote from a developer in an interview last week.

The Annulet and Primordial Stones, once fully upgraded, should be relevant and should be an upgrade for basically everyone. That’s part of why it spans multiple item levels and has multiple effects. it should be something that’s worth chasing for everyone.

Whether or not at its current tuning it’s good enough to be worth using, Bliz clearly want it to be.

so you’re anticipating some tuning and buffs to make sim better
that’s fair enough

what i would like to see in case they’re not planning to add secondaries to the ring itself
then perhaps they could add extra stones with just secondaries
meaning you’d be dropping some proc in a socket and replacing it with a stone that gives flat haste or mastery

I’m not really sure how exactly they’re going to achieve it though. The power disparity across specs for this thing is almost 60 item levels of value. I’m not sure how you make it good for A without it being busted for B who already wants to use it.

Maybe, I’d probably use a 424 full budget haste mastery ring with 1 cantrip proc over a 418 crafted socket, as long as I can move my embellishment elsewhere. Again I want to stress I’m not looking for them to improve this item and make it an upgrade for me, I’d much rather just never have to use it, but if Bliz intend to make the item an upgrade for everyone I’d want it to be something I’m not dreading having to equip.

I think it’s designed to not be so good that mythic raiders and 20+ key pushers would feel mandated to do the single player content/chores required to get one. This is where Torghast and Korthia got into trouble expecting lots of time investment in boring grinds that weren’t people’s preferred content.

If you have an alt that’s noodling around in 10s and LFR, then it’s probably a fun item to have :smile_cat:


This was what everyone thought, and what was expressed as the design intent in the initial interviews / discussions surrounding the item. That seems to have changed though, with Blizzard going as far as to say.

The High-end players should be replacing in Season 2. if it feels like you should use this over Mythic Aberrus Rings, that’s something they’re going to want to remedy.

Isn’t that backing up the idea that mythic raiders won’t feel a need to get the Annulet? Or is the implication that everone will want it for season 1?

This is my interpretation, yes. I’d also say that while obviously hearsay, it’s not unrealistic to imply that they’re expecting it to be used over heroic ilvl rings next tier as well, meaning unless you get extremely lucky early on you’re going to be wearing it for a while.

Well… that would be a shame. I hope not.

Or if that’s going to be the case, I hope it’s not another Torghast grind. If it’s something we can do for a few hours once, it’s maxed out now and it’s good; fine, great, I’ll find those few hours. But I don’t want to find time every week to top it up.


Yeah I’m hoping it’s just something we have for a short time as a bit of equalizer between different levels of play, but my biggest concern is still the fact it has zero secondary stats and makes my character feel worse to play when I wear it on ptr.

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Itemization in WoW is so shallow I wonder why they even focus on things like that.

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It’s a ring, despite the name. I’ve never heard of a ring called that before but I guess it’s an out-dated term now or somehting…

Great news. This means I don’t have to worry about obtaining/grinding it and can chill with my current gear until 10.1.

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