10.0.7 the Onyx Annulet is a downgrade for almost all dps specs

Don’t worry about it, it will be massively buffed when it goes live so we will need to get it and use it.

Correct, it’s a term from medieval heraldry for a small band or ring design on a crest or shield. I assume many people initially read it as Amulet, which is of course a type of necklace.

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This is exactly what I did.
Good to learn new things…

An upgrade compared to what? Heroic raid gear? Mythic raid gear?

I’m a non-raiding player, it’s likely to be an upgrade for me (And my alts, who all have terrible luck with rings), so i’m quite fine with the way things are.

Besides, imagine the outcry if the Onyx Annulet was an upgrade for hardcore raiders, “WAHHH! I have to do stuff outside my precious raid for BiS gear!”

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365 ilvl rings with secondary stats that benefit your spec.

Ok, ouch.

Are the effects that weak? It seems like a huge oversight if the item that’s supposed to keep us going into Zskera vault until 10.1 only barely beats 5-man heroic stuff…

I’m the sort of person to go for cool or interesting over raw power, so i’ll get some mileage out of it, but in a numbers-game like WoW, a weakness like this makes the whole system a complete non-starter for most players, regardless of gear level (Except for freshly-dinged alts).

It has no stats and its effects don’t scale with haste. So specs that want haste as a primary stat are super shafted by them.

Some specs, which both don’t value secondary stats that much, and tend to favour crit and vers with the secondary stats they have (Outlaw, Windwalker) are getting value from the damage procs the ring provides. Most other specs though its completely useless.

To be clear this is only from a dps perspective, the way the shields work out might be ok some tanks in some scenarios but I doubt it’ll be optimal because survivability is rarely relevant for tanks to the point of wanting RNG bonus shield procs.

Tbh, I’m split now on borrowed power. On one hand it has been horrible in shadowlands due to the grind. On the other hand, it might be interesting as long as it doesn’t overcomplicate everything

Hold on, you can not customize it (with the gems or whatever) to have any secondary stats? There is absolutely no way for it to have any secondary stats?

None of the gems I’ve seen have secondary stats on them

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either the sockets themselves will see a massive buff or some form of secondary stat will be added.

  • Ion reiterates that the goal for the onyx-annulet is that it should be an upgrade for everyone, with players replacing it in Season 2.

  • Some specs, such as BM hunters due to the way pet damage works and some bonuses not applying to pets, don’t have the Annulet as worth using over current items and they are digging into it. They are also looking for feedback on other specs that are currently saying it’s not currently an upgrade. They want to fix that since it’s meant to be an upgrade over current gear.

  • If they need to buff things in order to make sure that it happens they will, and if Season 2 comes around and the ring is still Best-in-Slot, they will rein in the power accordingly.

I was afraid of this when i saw they had no secondary stats. The effects have to be powerful to make up for all the lost stats.

In my opinion, they should add the ability to insert a missive with [crit/haste/vers/mast] stats (like to crafting items). At the moment, for players who have been progressing since the very beginning of the season, it is a worthless item (because in most cases it is a downgrade). For some classes (such as BM hunter) - these gems actually don’t work properly due to the specifics of the damage we deal.
The ability to add stats will make everyone get an extra buff to damage / heal / absorb . It is quite late in the season, the top 100 kills of Rasz Mythic in both factions have been closed. This is the time to support those more casual players to get their Keystone Masters / AoTC (there really is a large group for whom this is a huge challenge), and give some fun for high end players.
With the start of S2, simply turn off the gems.

Yep Onyx Annulet is trash

No idea why they didn’t add secondary stats on it…

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It’s definitely going to be an upgrade for some of my toons. So I don’t mind.

In ST it’s an upgrade for a lot of specs, not a big one but still, it only really sucks in aoe situations.

At this moment Onyx Annulet is bis for almost all classes/ specs. Combination of Prophetic Twilight Stone and Desirous Blood Stone. It doesn’t show in sims, but its insane how much healing and damage it does. Its expected to be nerfed soon. But who knows… Maybe blizzard is merciful.

The reason for that is a synergy, that was fixed on PTR and has returned in live. Wether or not that stays remains to be seen.

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