[10.1.5] Current Gearing System is the BEST one yet!

I do mythic raids and keys. I have no need to do world quests as they dont reward anything worthwhile for me. They would continue to be irrelevant to me with increased rewards because i can gear much faster in dungeons and raids.

You know as well as i do that people who raid and do M+ wont bother to start farming world quests for 2 weeks to get 1 bit of loot. Please stop using this garbage as an excuse.

Again with your blinkered view that people who dont do what you do are doing it wrong.

Your view is driven entirely by your ego.

Because you think you have the right to dictate to other players that how they are playing the game is wrong. You dont.

LOL do you really think that if this came in the Race to world first would see players doing worldquests for gear upgrades?? You cannot be that stupid :smiley:

It really depends on how it would be implemented. Right now you get veteran and champion items from events, which can really not be summarised as ‘Oh noes, woe and horror for M+ players and raiders, the grind is so terribly long’. Right? The currency to upgrade it needs to be grinded tho. Grinding the currency is a) capped, b) far more efficient to get in higher content. In that sense, with the current model, there’d be very little extra activity required for the players you worry about.

That said, your assumption people who prefer world content and prefer to stay out of group content are simply bad players who need to educate themselves is appalling. I really, really despise what group content has become. I find it frikkin unenjoyable. I wasn’t a terribad player, I don’t need to get better, I just prefer to keep my peace of mind and sanity intact instead of playing Chase the Tank on Speed.

I’m with you this far, but I don’t much care about upgrading crests to higher levels. I don’t actively object to it, but I’m not clamoring for it.

The lack of available different pieces makes me really long for reforging. I’d be more interested in a wider variety of stat distribitions, and getting crests just feels like a pain and an annoyance, not to mention the vain eating of bag space. The Whelpling crests, which are of no use to me at all, are just piling up, but I can’t get rid of them because I suspect they may become BoA or in some way useful later, and I’d kick myself if I deleted them.

No, I’m not.

Yes, as long as mythic gear is hardcore timegated because blizzard is too lazy to actually design good raids.

Which as I said before - would purely be because of blizzards lazy raid design, would not be an issue if we didn’t have lockouts + the only people that would ACTUALLY force themselves to do that are the WF raiders.

Let’s not pretend every single mythic raider spends 10+ hours on WoW grinding, because they don’t, you’re talking about less than 100 people that would actually force themselves to (once again) bypass blizzards lazy raid loot system.

WF Raiders will always do insane things to get ahead, like what method did during BoD lmfao, it has absolutely no bearing on how the systems should be designed.

In the end what ilvl gear open world content players get is irrelevant to me because I do not play it, I only play m+ and nothing will ever make me play it, but I definitely understand that they want some kind of progression.
What ilvl it should be is completely debateable and effectively irrelevant to me as long as blizzard doesn’t fix the fundamental flaws our current gearing system has.
But if they wanna spend 4 weeks to end up with one mythic ilvl gear piece they should be welcome to do that imo :dracthyr_shrug:

All pluses you named - was before, but much easier, without trash in inventory, and with some reason to do lower than 16-17keys. Now if you have no rio to invite in 17 and lose your train - ure dead in m+

Then whats the problem?

I am not saying you can’t. Just saying that some other content require more than others.

Which doesn’t require as much coordination as mythic raiding/high m+ keys.

Doing the same thing mindlessly isn’t as much of an effort.

I am explaining my points and trying to actually widen your view.

Of course I do. (see below)

Of course it’s not me to decide that. You can even only do battle-pets or spend your time making selfies all across the Azeroth, I don’t care.
I just don’t think that someone who isn’t putting enough effort should receive the same reward as other people who actually do. :blush:

There are no WQuests items that could be handy for raiding. There are currently zero items from the World Content that are BIS for any classes for the mythic raiding/high end M+.

As I wrote above plenty of times already: mythic raiding/high M+ keys are the only ones that requires the edge for every players.
That’s the place where people seriously need the gear, otherwise they meet the wall that’s impenetrable.

Anyway, you’re still kinda too obtuse and narrow minded to realize I am not talking only about myself, while you - are only using arguments that, according to you, could help you and only your situation.

The point is that your arguments were rejected because they were meaningless, while I was presenting a few alternatives, which were logically more fitting in the current gearing progression.

It’s really worrying that you didn’t answer the only question I was hoping that you’d answer and that was:

Kinda weird, isn’t it?
But I guess I know exactly the reason why. :wink:

You are either non-informed and playing in a totally casual guild or you are trolling if you think that there are not people who are farming M+(16-20 keys) for the chance of getting upgrade from the weekly reward in the Great Vault.

It’s blinkered view if I expect the reward to be equall to the effort?
I think that expecting the same reward for less is pretty much most egoistical point of view I’ve ever encountered here. It feels like children who didn’t put enough effort to win the basketball tournament and now they are crying because they didnt get the same reward as the ones who actually won -“B-but I played the game!” - yeah but you didn’t win - “B-but I need the same reward!” - then put some effort next time - “you are driven by ego!!!”.

You think that didn’t happen?
Are you saying that there wasn’t almost-BIS trinket for the balance druids from the WQuests with mastery on-click that was farmed/used by the players in the first season of Shadowland during the World-First Race?
(talking about the Instructor’s Divine Bell)

That thing already proved that you are wrong, and have clearly no idea what are you writing about.

Shame, because I seriously did expect to have more constructive disscusion from you.

Anyway, could you answer this? Because it seems that the hunter above clearly couldn’t doing so for some reason.

I totally agree. WoW, despite of being MMORPG, have plenty of space for the people who want to play alone.
But it’s also an e-sport. Most of the people are looking to go above and beyond in some aspects of the game. It would’ve been a shame to force them grinding other contents aswell.
The only people who need the best gear possible are the mythic raiders/high M+ keys players/PvP players.
On the other hand, there are more casual players who do not enjoy such a content.
The golden middle would be: make world content gear ilvl upgrades AND to be usable mostly in the world content, just as it is for the PvP. So the mythic raiders/high M+ keys/PvP players wouldn’t feel forced to farm them. It would also give casual players something to pursue during the seasons.

Only from raids, because the M+ is almost freely farmable.

There are plenty of mythic(even heroic) raiders who are farming M+ for the good gear for either M+ or mythic raiding.

But that’s the point. Why forcing people to farm the content they don’t enjoy? It’s a fast highway toward the burn-out.

Of course it’s irrelevant for you. But if the world content were dropping 447ilvl gear, I am sure you will be farming them. Not because you enjoy the content, but because it’d give you the edge for the M+, the actual content that you wrote that you are enjoying to do.

My point is:
-give best gear for the world content players that are usable for the world content, nothing more and nothing less.

I think that would be the most fair option, don’t you think? If not, then at least tell me why you think so.

I’d make conquest gear a reliable and viable path for getting the best pve / raiding gear specifically in 2s and 3s so that there would be more lower rating activity for casuals who complain that its too sweaty at lower ratings and it will reward ppl to branch out and come play arenas too

The current system’s pretty good.

I still feel that the gap of power between raid and M+ loot is a bit much. Maybe we could have some sort of system that’d allow us to grind for specific items outside of their primary activity.

Kind of like the dinar vendors from SL but applied to both M+ and Raids. That way both M+ players and raiders would not feel that they need to do something that they don’t particularly enjoy just for one or two pieces of gear.

They did it for sets, they should expand it to trinkets and weapons as well, if they keep having OP items in the raids.

Heroic and mythic raiders farming m+ isn’t the same as doing an insane amount of wqs for the occasional mythic ilvl gear though :dracthyr_shrug:

I wouldn’t, I don’t even heroic raid because of how much I despise it, despite heroic trinkets being 100x better than any m+ trinket.

Would be fine with me :+1:

My perfect loot system would be a vendor to buy gear with currency that you earn from all content.

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This is the only thing I’ll be reacting to, because our discussion isn’t going anywhere.

My answer: Yes, I would.

However; it’s already been discussed in another thread that having different sets for different activities leads to other problems. And I can see that point.

So I made a suggestion there. It applies here as well:


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Gotta admit that farming +2 for valor and items was easier than farming 16 while the drop rates are still horrendeous. imho ofc.

Its good but to many different crests needed but it is so much better than VP system.

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But in the both cases people are forced to play the content they may not like, but they will, because of the items that give them better performance.

You wouldn’t do World Quests even if they were dropping better trinkets for M+?
That’s weird, but it’s just your decision. While in fact there are people who are doing high m+ keys and are doing mythic raids, and they want/need the best items they would get. No matter if they are from the world quests, M+, PvP, raiding etc.

Agree. I think if everything was dropping some kind of current, like mythic raiding twenty times as much as normal/world content - but the items would be the same for both - I’d be up for it.

Then we agreed on something. That’s what a constructive discussion is.

We’re both satisfied:
You get what you want: progress and fun while pursuing some goal by doing world content.
High M+ keys/mythic raiders: wouldn’t feel forced to do the other content.

I am happy that we’ve met the golden middle.

About the Heart of Azeroth or the Artifact Weapons - I liked them in the Legion. I think they weren’t harmful in any way.
Okay, there was one thing: where you had to grind the AP for the stamina %, because otherwise you would be dying on Krosus immediately.

I agree; WE would be. But there’s also players who like doing both those things; and they would have to farm seperate sets. That might be an issue for them (carrying around and leveling a seperate set is a bit of hassle).

Hence my proposal for a ‘artifact weapon / Heart of Azeroth’ esque item, which would only give you world content related bonuses and powers; nothing that would work or have a use in instanced content (and perhaps not in warmode either? Not sure how world pvpers would like/dislike such a thing; I’m not a pvper myself).

Players who play both would still need to gain power for their ‘item’ if that’s something they would wish to pursue, but at least it’s not a whole set they’d have to carry with them. But on the flip-side; if they’re doing ‘big 3’ content, chances are their gear is already so beyond what world content gives, that they wouldn’t even need that ‘item’, they’d already be stronger by default.

As for actual gear rewards; it can pretty much stay as it currently is then.

Efficiency over fun am i right?

That’s basically the WoW motto

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It genuinely makes me a bit sad. It’s in so many things, and so many players. And I sorta get it, but at the same time it makes activities rather soulless. When I’m by myself, just doing silly stuff, the world is still magical. It’s a strange contrast, for me at least.

Well in some weird way that’s why I hooked on WoW: research, excel gaming, minmaxing… I know it’s not healthy.

I’m happy for anyone who enjoys that because in WoW you can do a lot of it! :wink: But I don’t have that, I preferred the days where dungeon runs could take 5 hours, there was quite a bit of patience with each other, and smoke breaks and ‘need to walk the dog brb’ were regular features hehe.