10.2.7 Guild Achievement Broken

As you already know, all we have so far is this from six days ago.

I’m worried that the Guild Achievement-related bugs introduced with 10.2.7 like your Stay Classy and my Master Crafter are being forgotten. I really hope not.

Let me know if it gets fixed.

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Hi Yryadorne

Any updates on these unsolved Guild Achievement-related bugs yet? There’s this one, Master Crafter, and Faethor’s Stay Classy remaining, at the very least.

I’m afraid that we don’t have more information on this at the moment, but please do keep an eye open on our Hotfixes and patch updates in the News section.

Thank you all for your patience!

I hope this gets fixed before the release of TWW pre-patch.

Yeah, still not working. I was hopeful it would get fixed with the weekly reset but, no.

I really hope that this has not been forgotten.

The Developers have been too busy fixing what’s wrong with Classic Mists of Pandaria… oops sorry Pandaria Remix to fix the wrongs that happened with retail when the 10.2.7 patch was released. I would’ve thought that these bugs would’ve been picked up in the Beta, but I suppose the ahem… Testers were too busy looking for exploits to level quicker/get currency quicker (eg: Frog Farming) to report actual problems, I do not know if Pandaria Remix was even tested with Retail PTR to see if the Guild Vortex was a thing.

I had planned to level several characters to 70 in Remix to complete the Stay Classy achievement. I guess I’m done with the event if they don’t fix this.


Still not fixed after the weekly reset…

Just to recap:

Master Crafter guild achievement is still bugged and not rewarding any progress when crafting epic Draenor items (or any other items, as far as I know).

It’s the achievement that lets guild members buy the Cloak of Coordination.

I really do hope that they are still working on it and that it hasn’t been forgotten or de-prioritised because of all the Pandaria Remix bugs.

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Also broken is the achievement ‘That’s a lot of bait’. Stuck on just over 7000 for over a week. Only noticed this one yesterday when fishing pools in Draenor and had the track box checked.

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As yet another Hotfix comes and goes Developers at Blizzard seem to be ignoring the broken Guild Achievements.
Stay Classy - Broken
That’s a lot of Bait - Broken
The Daily Grind - Broken
Pandaren Angler - Broken
Master Crafter - Reports this is also broken
Master Pandaria Crafter - Reports this is also broken

By Broken, I mean players are not getting any credit advancement on these achievements when doing these activities. I have reported some of these as bugs (in game) after every Hotfix since 10.2.7 was implemented.
Do the developers just pick and choose what bugs to fix and ignore the others ?
With TWW’s release fast approaching these really need to be fixed before the next level cap comes in or before more tasks are added to these achievements.

Great list, Faethor!

I’m glad that I’m not the only one trying to keep these bugs (that were introduced with the 10.2.7 patch) on Blizzard’s radar.

EDIT: here’s another one to add to the list, Faethor. I believe the achievement in question is Guild Cataclysm Dungeon Hero.

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Hello, trying to unlock the Standard of Unity, but even when doing the heroic cata dungeons in a guild group, the guild is not getting the acheivements, why is this? Is it because timewalking is interferring?

How many people in the guild are there in the group? You need a min of 3, so that may be the problem

We were four, it even said on the mini map that we were a guild group.
And we got personal achievements, but the guild got nothing.

Many guild achievements have been bugged since 10.2.7 dropped. I think yours is another one to add to the list.

Here’s a thread with several examples and, if you just want a list, this post is perfect.

We had a Blue Post reply in the first thread saying that it was being looked into but that was a long time ago and we’ve heard nothing since.

I really hope these bugs have not been put into the ‘never going to be fixed’ pile.

That’s not good, I didn’t know as my guild is too small to actually do that content with.

Hey all,

Our developers have fixed some guild achievements in a hotfix / patch recently, however we’re aware that some of them are still broken. While we don’t have an update to share at this time for these other achievements, I can confirm that it’s still on their radar.

Please do keep an eye on the hotfix blogs and patch notes published in the News section of the main site.

Sorry for the inconvenience that this has caused so far, and thank you for your patience. :pray:

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I hope this gets fixed before the release of the final pre-patch for TWW (Next level cap). I’ve read that the due date for release for The War Within is the 26th August 2024.

Update after the weekly reset:

Master Crafter guild achievement is still bugged and not rewarding any progress when crafting epic items (I tried this with both Draenor items and a Dragonflight item, just to make sure).

This is the achievement that lets guild members buy the Cloak of Coordination .

Thank you for keeping us up to date, by the way, Yryadorne. It is very, very much appreciated. Keep fighting the good fight as one of the few humans left :slight_smile:

All the achievements I listed a few days ago still seem to be broken (except for ‘The Daily Grind’ I think that working, (edit: Nope this is still not working on the Guild Achievement ‘The Daily Grind’ (35,985) but is on the character one ‘5000 World Quests Completed’ 3803/5000)).
It looks like this company don’t give a damn, they’re probably of the mind that we’ll just put up with the game in this state anyway.
I doubt the Stay Classy one will get fixed and players will have to wait and level class/race combos to the next level cap when ‘The War Within’ releases. This is the same thing that happened when I levelled the Gnomes and Dwarfs through Cataclysm just before the release of Mists of Pandaria (2 months before). I opened tickets and posted about it then as well.
Posting here on the forums and submitting bugs in game and opening tickets doesn’t seem to do anything, its just a waste of my time.
Why they have decided to raise the level cap for the Stay Classy achievement before that level cap is obtainable by players, without letting players know it would be happening is a poor way of implementing things.
For the Crafting of Epic items it wouldn’t surprise me if they made it Dragonflight items instead of Draenor items, its the sneaky sort of thing I expect these days from this game now. :rage: