10.2.7 Guild Achievement Broken


14/05/2024 RIP Stay Classy.

Blizzard, anything? Game is broken and we can’t do what we want… seriously, why does thing have to be broken for years before being fixed…

Summary of bugs introduced by 10.2.7, some of which have been folded into this thread:

Guild roster problems - FIXED
Guild bank problems - FIXED
Guild vendor problem - FIXED

Guild achievement problems:

  • The Daily Grind - still needs fix

  • Stay Classy - still needs fix

  • Stay Classy sub-achievements, e.g. Classy Worgen, Classy Trolls - still need fixes

  • That’s A Lot Of Bait - still needs fix

  • Pandaren Angler - still needs fix

  • Master Pandaria Crafter - still needs fix

  • Master Crafter - still needs fix

  • Guild Cataclysm Dungeon Hero - still needs fix

Torghast achievement problems:

  • Avenge Me! - still needs fix

  • Rampage - still needs fix

I’m betting that there are lots of other guild achievements that are also bugged but have not received any attention because they do not have any tangible rewards (unlike Master Crafter which awards the Cloak of Coordination, Guild Cataclysm Dungeon Hero which awards the Standard of Unity and Stay Classy which awards the 8th tab for your guild’s bank).

To everyone with a bug listed in this thread, let me know if I’ve missed anything or have made any mistakes.


Excellent post Forlorna. I was silenced for a few days. :frowning: .
Guild Classic Dungeonmaster also not working with a guild group of 3.(Also Guild Dungeon Challenges (Complete 50 Guild Dungeon Challenges) and Challenging (Complete 50 Guild Challenges) both on 32/50). My guild is not big enough to try any of the Raid Achievements.
The Pen is Mightier (Create 2,500 glyphs)
Dinner Party (Place 1,500 feasts)

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The guild I’m in, which was formed after Pandamix started, has no guild achievements showing at all. Even though we have a crest etc - the first achievement in the general tab -and have done pretty much all the DF dungeons in a guild group


My guild on ravencrest is also having same issue new guild
No bank tab achievements no crest achievement
No critters etc


Our guild achievements are not progressing anymore since the update 10.2.7. This problem remains since more than one month and it’s very frustrating !


Is there any update concerning these issues it’s been almost 8 weeks now since it was first reported ?

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As far as I can tell, no update, no word that they even know it’s happening, and no fix.

Which is a shame, since I was hoping to work on my Stay Classy.

But thing is, if things are as they usually are when it does get fixed it will be done so without any mention anywhere. No hotfix patch note, no post, just suddenly it works, if you remember to check it and log in all the relevant characters.

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Problem with stay classy achievement still persists, please fix this Blizzard


Thanks Aegrid, I’ve only the Worgen Druid now as the link shows from my post 21 days ago. They are/should be aware of it, if they read the bug reports… and if the CS moderators pass on information from the forums/tickets. I have logged in on the druid every day for the passed 8-9 weeks.

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We can only hope they fix it before prepatch, but I’m not optimistic, since from their pov it’ll fix itself then.

Classy Blood Elves also not working.

Yet again the CS team and the game developers have failed to fix issues with things that became broken with the 10.2.7 patch. I made them aware of the issues with the guild achievements on the day the patch got released, I was told to post on the forums… which I did and still they focused fixing bugs with a temporary game style (remix) and classic versions of the game. We all pay for the retail version of the game, not remix, SoD or any of the classic, they are just piggyback games.
I think it’s absolutely disgraceful that none of the guild issues have been fixed in the months that have passed since the patch got released. With under a fortnight to the release of the pre patch for TWW this will be my last post on this issue. I won’t be renewing my subscription fee after my year has run it’s course.
(Although I’ll still be logging in with my druid daily in the hope we get stay classy before the pre patch).


Apparently this is fixed now, I’m currently logging my remix chars and they’re all ticking off in their respective classy lists! :slight_smile:

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Very happy for you guys if Stay Classy has indeed been fixed, especially Faethor who has helped keep this thread going.

I just logged in and, sadly, Master Crafter is still broken.

Fingers crossed it - and any others that are still broken - will be fixed when the prepatch drops next week.

Here’s a list of some of the achievements that people have reported being broken in this thread and their current status:

  • Stay Classy - FIXED?!
  • Stay Classy sub-achievements, e.g. Classy Worgen, Classy Trolls, Classy Blood Elves - FIXED?!

  • Master Crafter - still needs fix!

  • The Daily Grind - still needs fix? To Be Confirmed.

  • That’s A Lot Of Bait - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Pandaren Angler - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Master Pandaria Crafter - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Guild Cataclysm Dungeon Hero - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Guild Classic Dungeonmaster - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Guild Dungeon Challenges - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Challenging - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • The Pen is Mightier - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Dinner Party - still needs fix? T.B.C.

Torghast achievement problems:

  • Avenge Me! - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Rampage - still needs fix? T.B.C.

To everyone with a bug listed in this thread, let us know if your problem has been solved.

the daily grind is fixed. I suspect a lot of these are fixed, but I can’t check em all out as I’ve completed many of them already.

Actually, it looks like Master Crafter has been fixed (well, mostly fixed).

If you are tracking the achievement, when you craft an epic item, the progress counter (the one that you see in the quest log / objective tracker area of the screen) does not update. That makes you think that nothing has changed. But after a little time passes (several minutes?) or when you relog, you realise that each craft has counted towards the achievement. So it’s working…but with a UI glitch.

My Revered guild members can now all buy Cloaks of Coordination at long last!


Here’s the updated list of some of the achievements that people have reported being broken in this thread:

  • Stay Classy - FIXED!!!
  • Stay Classy sub-achievements, e.g. Classy Worgen, Classy Trolls, Classy Blood Elves - FIXED!!!
  • Master Crafter - FIXED!

  • The Daily Grind - still needs fix? Conflicting reports. To Be Confirmed

  • That’s A Lot Of Bait - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Pandaren Angler - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Master Pandaria Crafter - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Guild Cataclysm Dungeon Hero - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Guild Classic Dungeonmaster - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Guild Dungeon Challenges - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Challenging - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • The Pen is Mightier - still needs fix? T.B.C.

  • Dinner Party - still needs fix? T.B.C.

Torghast achievement problems:

  • Avenge Me! - FIXED!
  • Rampage - still needs fix? T.B.C.

Hi Forlorna, the daily grind is still broken as of My guild is still stuck on 35904/75000 even after a few hours of doing WQ.

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Hey, Faethor. Thanks for the update. I’ve edited the above post accordingly. With The Daily Grind, maybe it was fixed for a little while (see Reïchard’s post above) but broken again by pre-patch? Who knows these days…

But what I really want to know is, how about Stay Classy?! Did you get it in the end? In my opinion, that was the real biggy that needed fixing before The War Within screwed you guys over by requiring Level 80.

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