10.2.7 Guild Achievement Broken


Yes we finally got it. :crazy_face:

Woohoo! Congratulations!

Hope the Guild cata achivement soon works really need that G flagā€¦ I swear Blizz is turning Beshada and breaking their games.

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Iā€™m bad. Iā€™ve been doing World Quests not Daily Questsā€¦
I have a go at doing old daily quests a bit later and edit this post to let you knowā€¦


They have always been a little buggy going off randomly, even though they have been obtained years ago, but since the patch they have been going off about 10-15 times a day (3 of them for 15, 25 and 55 reputations) Itā€™s insane :eyes: :joy:
I have reported this a while back ingame, but it only seem to have gotten worse :frowning:
I know i can turn them off, but it does not unable them from popping in my screen or making that sound. Just removes it from chatboxā€¦
Plus, I would still like to be able see actual earned guild achievements. Without getting sound blasted every 30 minutes or so :sweat_smile:
Please fix this :pray:

@LĆ®lĆ®th, this thread is about a group of achievements (mostly Guild achievements but a couple from Torghast, too) that were broken when patch 10.2.7 dropped. Unfortunately, itā€™s not related to your problem, which I believe involves getting spammed by guild achievement announcements and was introduced with 11.0. Good luck with that one; it sounds annoying! (but doesnā€™t really belong here) EDIT: I noticed an addon that might help you while this is getting fixed: ā€œsuppressguildachievementsā€, available on CurseForge (canā€™t leave a link here, sorry).

To recap, hereā€™s the updated list of some of the achievements that people have reported being broken in this thread:

  • Stay Classy - FIXED!!!
  • Stay Classy sub-achievements, e.g. Classy Worgen, Classy Trolls, Classy Blood Elves - FIXED!!!
  • Master Crafter - FIXED!



  • Thatā€™s A Lot Of Bait - still needs fix? To Be Confirmed.
  • Pandaren Angler - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Master Pandaria Crafter - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Guild Classic Dungeonmaster - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Guild Dungeon Challenges - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Challenging - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Dinner Party - still needs fix? T.B.C.


Torghast achievement problems:

Just an update Forlorna. I have just completed the 10 or so Daily quests that were available to one of my characters at the Argent Tournament. ā€˜The Daily Grindā€™ is still Broken.

ā€˜The Pen is mightierā€™ also still Broken.

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Thanks, Faethor!

Hereā€™s the updated list of some of the achievements that people have reported being broken in this thread:

  • Stay Classy - FIXED!!!
  • Stay Classy sub-achievements, e.g. Classy Worgen, Classy Trolls, Classy Blood Elves - FIXED!!!
  • Master Crafter - FIXED!



  • Thatā€™s A Lot Of Bait - still needs fix? To Be Confirmed.
  • Pandaren Angler - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Master Pandaria Crafter - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Guild Classic Dungeonmaster - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Guild Dungeon Challenges - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Challenging - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Dinner Party - still needs fix? T.B.C.


Torghast achievement problems:

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Ok, second update on the same day. The achievements are working but not as intended.
The count has been updated after a relog of my character(s).
Inscription made 1 glyph then relogged and the number had gone up. So I made 2 more and it went up again after a relog. The count did not go up if I stayed in the game.
It is the same thing with Dinner Party and The Daily Grind. I havenā€™t tried ā€˜Thatā€™s a lot of Baitā€™, but I would place a bet on it being the same.
Will try the Dungeon/Challengeā€™s later this week.
About to go and anger the Homeless outside Sentinel Hill by placing a lot of Dragon Feasts, they just wonā€™t be able to eat it. :rofl:

Might even place a few on Seat of the Aspects :stuck_out_tongue: Broiled Bronze Dragon sounds especially fun at the momentā€¦

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Thanks again, Faethor. Iā€™m sure the good people of Westfall will appreciate the food.

I happened to have a character in Pandaria so checked the fishing achievements there. Your bet was spot on :slight_smile:

Hereā€™s yet another updated list of some of the achievements that people have reported being broken in this thread:

  • Stay Classy - FIXED!!!
  • Stay Classy sub-achievements, e.g. Classy Worgen, Classy Trolls, Classy Blood Elves - FIXED!!!
  • Master Crafter - FIXED! (but with a UI glitch*)
  • The Daily Grind - FIXED! (but with a UI glitch*)
  • The Pen is Mightier - FIXED! (but with a UI glitch*)
  • Thatā€™s A Lot Of Bait - FIXED! (but with a UI glitch*)
  • Pandaren Angler - FIXED! (but with a UI glitch*)



  • Master Pandaria Crafter - still needs fix? To Be Confirmed.
  • Guild Classic Dungeonmaster - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Guild Dungeon Challenges - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Challenging - still needs fix? T.B.C.
  • Dinner Party - still needs fix? T.B.C.


Torghast achievement problems:


*UI Glitch: if you are tracking these ā€˜fixedā€™ achievements as you go, the progress counter (the one that you see in the quest log / objective tracker area of the screen) does not update. That makes you think that whatever you just did was not counted. But, after a little time passes (several minutes?) or when you relog, you realise the achievement counter has progressed. So the actual achievements are workingā€¦but with a UI delay glitch.

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