10am, 6200queue

It’s wednesday, workday, on retail there was weekly reset and everything, yet it’s 10am and there is already 6200 queue, which from my experience is gonna take 2 and half hours… awesome…


What the hell, Firemaw has like 8-10k queue now. Did people completely abandon BfA?


Yes… yes they have… it’s BFA is a terrible game.


Not really. Same crowds near weekly chest.

Some BFA tourists are defenitely trying Classic now but it won’t last for long. This tedious and brutal grinding is unbearable for many players. Wait a couple weeks and there will be not so many ppl in quees.


Change to one of the new realms.

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Just switch servers.


yea, sure, if blizz gives me free transfer and can guarantee the server won’t be dead after 2 years, which none of those is gonna happen

Ye retail has few milions of players, classic few thousands. Means players left bfa for classic lol :smile:

I switched from mograine to stonespire last night as i’m not willing to wait 2hours, i don’t care if it’s low pop in time - i want to play now :smiley:

So you dont want to move,and you dont want to w8…how do you expect them to fix then this?They cant add more layers,since then they cant remove layering for phase 2,and there is no point to add servers since none want to move from there current realms(time investment,streamer,high pop)…so can you tell me explain to me how to fix this?

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People don’t want to.

Few thousands? Are you serious by now? If you search through the forums here you will run in to a post where someone managed to calculate that there was over 200k people in the EU just waiting in the que…
Those were just people from Europe who wanted to play but couldn’t…


And what if, let’s say, 70% of Retail tourist really like Classic and keep playing ??? Queues will last more than everybody thinks hahahaha


I just kinda did? Give people free transfers to move to low pop servers, and give them guarantee the server won’t be dead?? Or instead of that guarantee the moment people transfer to low pop server they also get one more free transfer which they can save and in the future use to go back to their original server…

I’m aware, but you can’t have both. I know everyone wants to be at the highest pop realms, but you gotta be ready for huge queues.

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They have already said even the low-pop realms are as full as the original classic servers at full capacity. What more can they possibly do?

Why do people keep adding “Workday” to their posts?

European schools are still on vacation, not everyone works during the day, & judging by the forum posts, quite a few people took time off work for launch.

So “Workday” means absolutely nothing right now.

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perhaps that I just said in the comment you just replied to? have you even read it???

if you think the que is harch now, wait till the weekend when everybody and there mother start playing.
Why free tranfer ? you could not play you said so what lvl are you now. Probbally just a few hrs playtime and you get it back on track

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That is the best possible solution,but people also give flack blizzard with the “i reserved my name wtf indie company”,not to mention your inital post was also cynical :