11.0.2 Updates—Now Live!

Has the same energy as “I’m not trapped in here with you, you are trapped in here with me”.

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Yes. Which is why Blizzard looked at it after a couple of weeks, saw how badly other ranged classes were doing, (especially warlocks because at least one of them has to be in the top 3 each season) and after recovering from a hyperventilation spasm after seeing how well Frost DK was doing hit the panic mode button. Except for Affliction and Outlaw because they stay exactly where Blizzard wants those specs.

Now we have had our fun for a few weeks, it’s back to normal, ie MM if you want play as a hunter, SV if you want to laugh and cry at the same time, and if you want to play a DK you play Unholy or Tank or just submit to the inevitable and either play Warrior or DH.

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Literally my reaction. This talent allows paladin to be played by focusing on offence to charge its heals. Without it the only alternative is to play it as a hard casting healer

Keep on nerfing BM why dont you just remove the spec you hate but we love.

So Billiard either reverts this DS Change or we will need another spec rework .

No one that played BDK in the Last years would use this analogy.
BDK revolves around DS it’s not only our Main source of healing, it’s a also a source of DMG and our only real Spender for RP ( Death Coil IS a Dead spell in Blood spec).

It seems Like the WoW Devs don’t Like Tanks. These Change for the Tank role was never a dialogue between Tanks and the WoW Devs but rather what healers want Tanks to be.

The trinket Changes are Ridiculous , Tanks will still try to get their hands on DMG trinkets to get Out the Most value but now we are dead Last to get them or Hope to get them Out of the vault

We are in for a rough First season in TWW if Tank Players are getting treated this way. Worst case would be less Tank Players in the LFG tool and remaining Tanks having to kite big pulls due to timer Changes and death Penalty Changes.

So thanks Blizzard you solve your healer Problem by creating a Tank Problem


Seems its just under the holy tree think retri is safe :slight_smile:

I also think you are in a minority groups.

Finding Tanks and healers for your weekly Keys was already hard in DF. Most Tanks and healers react allergic to such Changes and No one wins If Tanks start to reroll for DD


Just like Sword Art Online. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nerfing unholy and frost dk while buffing demon hunter? :ok_hand::rofl:



  • Havoc
    • All ability damage increased by 13%.
    • Eye Beam damage increased by 100%.

oh boy … here we go again.


This 11.0.2 patch that is coming out next week only includes the latest class balance updates from the beta. The expansion’s release date is not changing.

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so confuse why nerf bm not even great begin whit honest mean also why nerf ret like not even meta

they keep buffing havoc, they keep nerfing veng, everything about this game seems balanced around m+, not anything related to pvp

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Real question is why you doing some changes players dont like?
Whats the point of that?
To loose even more players or what.


all part of the plan to get us to play these new dwarf race

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What’s with all the Windwalker nerfs? Isn’t the spec already only average at best? While Fury Warrior just remains untouched?


Tanks are busted and broken, and they have been for a while now. Not all of them; there is a rotation where sometimes some of them are broken while others are not.

Right now the game is in a position where tanks are completely self sufficient - at least the good ones.

You don’t need to ever heal them, no matter what. They have basically infinite aggro and infinite health. They can straight up tank bosses to death from 100% in virtually any M+ dungeon at any difficulty level with any affix. They’ll never raise their key that way though because the only area in which they are balanced is damage, and they have a timer.

The issue with that isn’t just that it’s tremendously unfair to see tanks outheal healers, it’s also that healers aren’t even useful to them, and in order to deal with this massive amount of self-healing on tanks, Blizzard increases the damage of everything.

At present, this means that DPS are dying instantly when they mess up. Sometimes even small mistakes can bring you from 100 → 0 immediately. Classes that don’t have enough immunities just plain die with no recourse.

Obviously this also means that DPS don’t need to be healed either. Even if you reduced DPS health by a further 40% to discourage people from playing them, healers would still not have to heal more. Healers literally can’t heal; the health moves up and down too fast. There is no time to heal. This recently culminated in a situation where on very high keys people stopped bringing healers altogether. I’m sorry, that’s ridiculous.

So they increased the health of everybody by about 50% to avoid DPS and healers getting instagibbed like this and to tone down the stress level of healers because people aren’t pingponging even when they don’t die instantly.

This is an entirely appropriate thing to do, but now tanks want their healing increased by 50% to along with it (many of their heals are percentage based).

No. The whole problem in the first place is that tanks are absolutely busted, and the suggestion that tanks only tank because they are busted broken OP is insane. There is no reason for tanks to have the healing of a healer and survivability greater than 3 DPS combined.

The only major danger of these changes is in fact that they do not come along with yet another well deserved nerfs to tanks: Threat. Tanks generate so much threat that I fear we will get a kite-meta, where tanks will simply pick the mobs up and run away forever, and DPS and healers will never have to worry because tanks generated the mob’s entire HP worth of thread times two in 3 seconds. AoE.

Tanks should have to stand toe-to-toe with mobs most times (though kiting should be a valid strategy in other times) and they should need heals to do so, and they should not die or heal themselves so quickly that healers end up becoming unemployed.

Ideally, many DPS should also receive a nerf to the healing, including mine, but even so - I supported this change when it was made, and I continue to support it. It needs some iteration in terms of tuning and balance, but Blizzard has like 6 weeks before the competitive modes open. We’ve got time.


No thanks i didnt played dractyr and i wont play new dwarf no mather what.


Tanks : Playing 4 of them .

Healing ability that surpass healers . Doing m+10+ and as a dh-pala i never bother of being in need of heal since already have 2+1 healing abilities and some insane cds
Should i say about Dk tank ??

What about Dps of tanks . At the end of the Runs with my Dh i ended sometimes 250k~ dps while the other classes was 450-500 . So as a tank doing so much dps is in question .

What about survival ? Plenty of cds - health % higher , armor …higher .

In terms The Tanks are just overpowered at the point they perform other roles while you don’t need .

What about dying in Raids ? i cleared 6 weeks of Hc~M. I never had an issue or in a need of bothering about Bosses dmg …

It’s kind of stupid to think that in Classic-Tbc the role of a tank was ok but doing Dungeons -Raid you need Healers …
I can easily solo M+ up to 3 not talking about nm/hc that are a joke for tank . In what period tanks were able to solo m+ having both dmg/heal/surv.
I remind i never be able to solo any nm/hc vs from classic Tbc up to wotlk-cata-mop.

So any nerf in order to make tank be tank and not perform other role is 100% approved.