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I’m fairly put off by the Frost DK changes, so in a negative mindset right now.

Especially the target cap reduction from 8 to 5 for Icy Death Torrent paired with all the damage reductions (flat sticker nerf and on top of that specific ability nerfs) will likely kill dual-wield Obliterate again, and Frost DK will be near bottom tier once more.

Icy Death Torrent compensated for the Death and Decay requirement for Obliterate cleaving, which is a real issue especially in M+ where tanks often must keep moving mobs. In spite of all of the feedback, they’re not addressing the real issues of the spec. Frost DK with the Riders of the Apocalypse felt really good early on in the beta, it had a good flow and was fun, but all that’s left of that is a pale shadow.

I actually wish I had not preordered TWW and may end up not playing even though I paid for it. I really resent this development team, and the way the game makes me feel is a clear indicator that the healthiest and smartest move would be to ditch it again.

I suppose I can just tank or continue on with my shaman (as a healer), but I don’t know if I really want to keep giving this company money when in the end it’s always the same classes that get all the love and I spend half the time feeling resentful toward the dev team. It’s not sane to keep doing that.

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I’ve been saying this since the start of DF. Tanks are so powerful that Blizzard needed to shift healers’ responsibility somewhere else - onto DPS. In DF we have seen a drastic increase in random damage to the group to make up for the reduced tank healing requirement. But DPS’ HP pool and defences means that in “medium high” keys you will have this pingpong effect where everything takes massive chunks out of a DPS’ HP bar, and in high keys will just kill them immediately.

If you want to balance healing properly, you will need to make the one role that can actually reliably take damage need healers again so you can cut back on damage to the group. Everything else will just be a repeat of DF.

I’ve sometimes tanked in off-spec or on an alt, and there have been times when I didn’t even realise the healer was dead until someone told me to slow down on the pulling because the healer died 2 pulls ago and hasn’t made it back yet. That’s just absurd.

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You were probably doing trivial content or content you or the dps overgeared.

Or tanks are just completely broken OP.

Also, define “trivial content”, because that’s lost all meaning these days. With the way online elitism has spread, people will even claim that 15s are “trivial content”.


Please link me to the M+ run you tanked where you didn’t notice that the healer was dead.

So you were tanking a +15 when you didn’t notice that the healer was dead?

Look at my beloved Demonology :cry:


Can’t remember when it was anymore, so I guess you can call me a liar to make yourself feel better. Doesn’t really matter in the end.

No, it was a 10 or 11. This was just to highlight how off people’s perception of what is “trivial” is on forums. I’Ve seen more than enough “everyone can get to 3500 rating” or “3000 rating is easy” comments on here or over on reddit to know that “trivial content” changes wildly depending on who is making those claims.

The paladin nerfs are depressing, I swear Blizzard has a vengeance against paladins.


Nothing about a fix for Hall of Shadows ?

“Play what we want you to play and how we want you to play or else.”


I am not calling you a liar. But this is just how it usually goes: someone bolsters their opinion with alleged first hand experiences, you ask them for something that backs up the claim, and you get nothing. That makes these debates so difficult if not outright pointless.

I have been in 10s and 12s (the 12s just on my DK, not this shaman - they’re connected on RIO) where the tank could finish off a boss or a mob group with the healer being dead, but those were exceptions, not the rule. I’ve been in many more situations where if the healer died and no BR was available, the group wiped.

I actually find the self-healing and number/potency of defensive personals of some dps specs more concerning than the self-healing of tanks. My experiences doing 10-12s with a weaker healer as a Frost DK compared to doing them with a hunter are vastly different, for example.

  • Protection
    • Melee attack and all ability damage increased by 30%.
    • Revenge damage increased by 25%.
    • Execute damage increased by 50%.
    • Devastator damage increased by 25%.
    • Shield Charge primary target damage increased by 25%.
    • Ravager damage increased by 25%.
    • Defensive Stance reduces damage taken by 16% (was 20%).
    • Fight Through the Flames causes Defensive Stance to reduce magic damage you take by 6% (was 5%).
    • Into the Fray increases Haste up to 8% (was 10%).
    • Punish reduces damage enemies deal to you by 2% (was 3%).
    • Enduring Alacrity increases Stamina and Armor by 8% (was 10%).
    • Indomitable increases your maximum health by 6% (was 10%) and heals you for 1% of your maximum health per 20 Rage spent (was 10 Rage).
    • Defender’s Aegis reduces Shield Wall’s cooldown by 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
    • Impenetrable Wall causes Shield Slam to generate an additional 4 Rage (was 3 rage) and reduces the remaining cooldown of Shield Wall by 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
    • Disrupting Shout cooldown increased to 90 seconds (was 75 seconds).
    • Impending Victory heals you for 20% of your maximum health (was 30%).


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Now they just need to revert the ret nerfs and paladin might be almost playable.

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It largely depends on the circumstances though. On big and/or difficult pulls where the tank gets absolutely hammered and has already blown most of their cooldowns for reasons, then they’re most likely going down. However, with some CC and interrupts, you can do without a healer as a tank. Most of the runs I’ve done as tank I’ve ended up doing 80-85% of my healing taken. I’ve had a 12 Neltharus as Brewmaster where I had 350-400k HPS on some trash pulls, and I am rather bad at playing the spec. Tank survivability is absolutely ridiculous.

I have been considering this because I was also of the idea of tanks being way too sturdy, especially when I did a M0 with my 470 tank with no enchants and I could literally hold for longer than 1 minute on my own because everyone else died.

Turns out that, while survivability is immense, it’s not exactly what causes the “problem” for healers and the disparity. It’s the combination of both being immensely durable as well as being able to output non-trivial damage at the same time. That’s the issue with tanks. Neither healers nor any damage dealing specialization can survive and defeat a boss solo or clear trash.

So what I believe should be done instead is to reduce the survivability of tanks, and at the same time reduce the damage of all enemies by an equal amount, so that tanks do not feel the change, but which would allow non-tanks to also survive more than 1 enemy hit.

Yes. There should be near constant damage so that only the most elite of the elite players and only when overgearing content can manage doing damage in addition to healing and dispelling the group.

Well, Blizzard knows better, of course.
We think we do, but we don’t. Right?


It was like this in the past, and in retrospect it was somewhat boring. I enjoy resto shaman in large part because there is more I can do than just heal and dispel, like stunning, interrupting, stopping, and yes, weaving in damage. It feels like playing the character to the fullest, not just using a subset of the abilities.

Well yea they are devs probably smarter than us random people but if their audience doesnt like what they are doing leave it even if its wrong.
When counter strike came out there was bug (bunnyhop) it wasnt intended by cs devs and they wanted to fix it but players liked that bug and devs decided to leave it till today bunnyhop become part of the game.

I am of the opposite side on this. It was when I liked healing the most, exactly because I felt like a healer, and not as a damage-dealer who prioritized healing.

Using crowd-control (like double Capacitor totem) is beneficial in cases because for a few seconds you can nullify a lot of incoming damage. Dispelling friendlies is something I consider to be the healer’s job as well, but dispelling enemies is something that I think should burden the damage dealers. Plus, if tanks and healers cannot contribute meaningfully to damage by design, not only does it drop more burden on damage dealers to beat the timer but it also reduces the responsibilities of these 2 roles, effectively making them more attractive for play.

I have rhetorical question… how on earth Blizz tested balance of classes and were ok go live with it???