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I feel you but hey we csn at least nuke aoe if only our st get buffed aswell else no pvp

There are a few tanks who can’t, thus they are generally not considered viable and are often avoided.

There are several tanks who can.

If you can’t, personally, you just need to get better. It’s not terribly difficult to do for the classes who can.

Why holy pala nerfs?
Blizzard? The most skilful healer (all the CC and interrupts, fake casts, not like resto shamans or resto druids) in the game takes the most nerfs.
Buff resto druids and resto shamans and nerf holy paladins.

Why ? All the Tank trinkets are so badly tuned that Tanks have to roll on DMG and Stat trinkets. So the only Change is that Tanks now have to Hope that These trinkets drop of their great Vault If they are in a Raid that uses RC Loot council or other Addons of that kind

I’m just saying that tank supposed to tank
And of course you should be punish for bad plays…
in DF even the worst player no offence to anyone
was carried by blizzard design of tanks
We don’t want SL s1 tank tuning
but i think we don’t want tank being this kind of OP
we need to find a middle ground where everybody is kinda Good so good players shine.

This change will not do much and they should bring them even more down but at least they try :smiley:

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Yey, let’s nerf the beast mastery even more , is not enough that at il 527 i get passed on dps by a 505 war and 495 dk cuz of the new tallents, now it will be worst.

my BM hunter is all nerf.

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Can you please allow transfer of honor between characters?

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How many high keys, and which ones, have you tanked?

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Yeah, it seems that warlocks are getting a pretty healthy buff actually and more importantly they’re fixing the nodes in the talent tree that simply haven’t worked for the last 3 weeks.

I saw the changes for some of the other classes though and it looks like the nerf hammer is truly out for some of them. Were paladins broken or are they just getting getting nuked for no reason - which seems to happen every now and then?

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Where are the nerfs for Fury Warrior?

All good , but u miss a point , all of this changes are for a lv 80 character. Rn we are not in the lv range so dps is *** to say.
As a hunter of il 527 i get declined even in low lv runs cuz rn i do less dps then a war or dk of il lower then 500 cuz of this new talents.
I get that you want to balance stuff, but do that when all the stuff is out not now…
Rn i cant play the class cuz is ****.


You think the game is fine when getting used to the changes and they go and do this.

I have a few Problems with your take, let me explain.

  1. We don’t use Season 4 to look at the balancing of Classes or Roles, since Season 4 is no regualr Season . The multiplire that is used for this to adjust Raids and Dungeons is lower than in S2/S3.

  2. Starting in S2 a new Valor Points were removed and we got a new gearing System, and at the start it was ubeliveble broken 1-2 weeks we’re enough to bring you up to Max. Itemlvl after that doing any Content that is Not balanced around having max. Itemlvl feels easy to Play that includes your weekly +20 and the First few Mythic Bosses in Abberus. If you Look on Warcraftlogs and RaiderIo Up until 10.1.5 Bosses and Keys that were tuned to Max. Itemlvl Play were Challenging to Tanks.

  3. 10.1.5 we got Aug Evokers and their Defensiv Buffs for Raids and groups make them Meta to this day.

  4. In Season 3 and 4 Blizzard gave all Players a 39 Itemlvl jump normaly we would Just get a 26 Itemlvl jump and Tanks scale very good with Itemlvl, and that happend twice so we got Extra Itemlevl. We also got a good Tank trinket that many Tank Chose to Play (that does Not happen often)

Dont compare Retail Tanks to Classic, If you have fun playing Classic Tank thats good but Retail IS a different Game and the Players want different Things and you would lose most Tank Players in Retail If tanking was Like Classic tbc


2nd best dps

doing 21 m+

I think hunter is pretty good right now

but in the world its now “my feelings” > “facts” :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

  • Eye Beam damage increased by 100%.

Lets gooo.

  • Rain From Above’s cooldown has been increased to 90 seconds (was 60 seconds).

Oh no. Anyways.

  • Eye Beam damage increased by 100%.

:dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:

None of this matters to the discussion at hand. Tanks have been busted like this the entire expansion. Several of them were even busted like this in Shadowlands.

Enough is enough. Tanks are busted.

I’m honestly surprised they didn’t nerf tank healing outright. Instead they’ve elected to increase HP and keep the healing the same, which risks just making the tank safer and still immortal.

Tanks are Not busted and they should rather get rud of the Defensiv Overload on DPS Classes , and while they are at it they, should get rid of all the Class Buffs


Sure, they can get rid of some defensives on DPS classes. I’m all for it. Everybody has too many cooldowns. I’ve got like 29 myself; getting pretty annoying really.

But yes, tanks are busted all the same.

Disagree on class buffs.

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Tanks should lose either their dps or their survivability. They should definitely keep their crowd control and movement abilities (unless they use it to run away from the healer, in which case CUT IT TOO!!!). In fact I am not against the idea of compensating some nerfs in survivability for longer crowd control abilities.

If a dps or a healer on their own cannot defeat 1 or 2 dungeon mobs, then neither should a tank regardless if it’s through attrition.