We’ve complained about it ever since it became a thing. It was a step in the right direction to makes us more competitive in aoe, but it has always fallen short, and I’d say that the fix could easily be a 10 sec CD rather than 20 sec CD and maybe have the target cap at 10 rather than 8.
On another note, having mastery be 0.75% per 700 points instead of 0.50% per 700 points could help us in both aoe and st
As for our capstone talents, they all need a slight to full rework.
N’zoth was already hated back in BFA when it was a corruption, honestly if they just made it deal it’s damage instantly and tuned it a little higher it could be good, and also maybe proc SA
Inescapable torment / Y’shaarj was BIS legendary in SL but was generally disliked because it breaks the rotation a lot. If Y’shaarj just made bender a permanent pet with slightly higher damage, the rotational problems would be fixed
Yogg-saron is fine, just needs better tuning for both st and aoe
C’thun just needs to proc a bit more
The talent Malediction should just be a basic part of Void torrent, as the majority of the time Void torrent keeps getting pushed down the priority list, or it should also reduce channel time by 50% as it’s extremely low damage for the length of the channel, and with movement being crazy all this season a shorter cast time would really fix it’s shortcomings
Mental fortitude I would change to work as warlocks Soul Leech, as aoe damage is high this season thus not really letting us gain a benefit from it
As for the base tree talent Void Shield, I would change it to be Inner Fire, old school armor increase aura, but just as a passive talent. Or make it the first triple talent node, 1 Inner will (mana regen) 2 Inner Fire (% armor increase) 3 Inner turmoil (passive insanity regen in and out of combat). Or again make it work like warlocks Soul Leech
And in general our DOT damage is so low that they either need to buff it or buff the DOT related talents
I for one think that SW:D should deal more damage than Kill shot / kill command / execute as it comes with the drawback of dealing damage to ourselves
As for Archon it’s pretty good, though for shadow only, I would probably make Power surge make Halo passive and automatically just cast halo every 5 sec while in combat and remove the healing portion to not make it OP
As for the defensive talents I would probably change Heightened Alteration to just be a 5% base damage reduction as shadow is crazy squishy in pve
For Voidweaver my only note is it’s clunky and pushes us to use the worse option for burst, love the Void Torrent movement though