12 weeks to catch-up. Start now and be done in September

Unless this post gains more traction I doubt anything will come of it.

having such a slow corruption catchup is detrimental to alt gameplay.

This just does not feel good.

when I feel like I want to play my alt and log in i press alt f4 after pressing c

since I don’t have much of a goal left on my main, I lost all the motivation to play as usually I would just jump on an alt but now there is so much grinding and stupid boring stuff to do that i just dont play

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I levelled this warlock and really enjoyed playing it but the thought of grinding out everything so I can actually do things just completely puts me off :frowning:

Only thing i do with alts now is try and g3t class specific sets and maybe try brawlers guild since that is easy enough

I should be able to get second upgrade by doing 5mask full-clear if cloak is not capped :unamused:

They should put cores for your cloak in the echo shop. Yes, this includes R1~15. Doing 15 (!!!) runs just to get to the max rank is the worst ever, especially as:

  • visions are the worst content I’ve ever played in wow
  • they are extremely repetitive
  • I can only do roughly 3 a week
  • the memento income is way too slow to support higher ranks of your cloak, especially after they reduced the official amount of runs

Fun fact: my R8 cloak still requires 2 runs, unless I get someone to boost me. a 45% cloak is in no way strong enough without the elite research to do all 4 zones.

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That is a ridiculous argument. Even if a friend of ours comes back now to the game (which he did) he would still have to catch up for 3 months to be on pair with the rest of us (on his MAIN). And he is a very good player. And no, people should NOT be having to play such a long catch up. Also, alts are not only there for flavour lmao, they are there to try new things out, gear them and do fun content with them like high m+ or some alt raids or pvp. Many people play multiple alts. But if you start now, it is almost impossible to catch up and it is highly discouraging to everyone. If you dont care about alts thats fine but at least try to comprehend what this thread is about. There was even a table linked with exact numbers on cloak catch up.

All of this was easy to do in previous expansions so your argument is completely invalid. I played many alts all throughout wod and legion while not feeling like i was slapped in the face and unable to ever try my alt at its full potential. I knew i could get some heroic raid pieces, do some m+ weekly. Done high-ish keys on 2 characters. And didnt need a hundred years to do so. My dps wasnt 50k behind everyone else with only 10 less ilvl.

With this whole 50% extra exp boost I leveled like 6 chars to 120, but dread doing the cloak quest line and leveling the cloak so much I don’t even bother with them, I’ve left all my alts that I leveled and hope it will be less painful to gear them up in shadowlands. I hate doing the dailys in Uldum and eternal blossom on my main, nevermind on alts too…


Trying to think what is reasonable for a cloak catch up. It might take your character 2 or 3 weeks to be capable of clearing 4 chests 0 mask, to get the gear and then to get enough talent tree points to last the distance.

I’ll go with 2 weeks at max level to be able to solo 4 chests (before loads of you say you can do it at 430 with no talent points and 300k g to boosters, don’t care, going with mr average). If you’d hit that today’s reset, it’s now 13 weeks to catch up.

Getting 4 cores for each chest in a 0 mask full clear is still 5 weeks (at the moment) before catch up. Still feels long?

Add another core for the boss chest: Only knocks a week off.

Imo, 4 or 5 cores for a full clear and no cap on catching up resistance, it could be done in a week. It’s gonna take you a while to farm the echoes anyway, don’t see why not.

Dear friend. It seems you have forgot how the previous expansions worked. Dementia?

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Sometimes, Blizzard somehow manages to create problems when good design wouldn’t have created those in the first place X’)

Except that…It’s been since Wotlk that we’re being incentivised to reroll through catch-up (Even late TBC introduced some sort of Catch-up). There is nothing wrong investing a ton of time in order to get 2 “mains”, that you can switch around. I mean, if you really like that 1 character philosophy, then Classic is fulfilling that demand. Also, mechanics are way complex nowadays that sometimes, having too much melee is a headache. So switching to a ranged class for some bosses is actually helping.

I quit WoW last autumn because of health issues. For a week now I think about coming back.

The whole cloak thing, visions, echoes, preserved contaminants and all this kind of stuff keeps me from coming back. I don’t understand a thing and I feel completely demotivated about it.

If I just missed raid instances and gear levels I could live with it. I know it sounds weird but to me it’s like coming back to that phone booth you used to know but now there’s a new telephone book there you have to memorize first and the names are written in cyrillic.

you live in 2020 bro wake up it doesnt have to be a full time job

Yes they are and yes those items should be removed from the game.

OP, just go nuts with R3 TD on every slot. Don’t let the healers dissuade you! :wink:

Ye it sucks big time, people saying this is a great time to come back and wow is going in the “right direction”. Wish I never listened.

Not only is every system in place that made me quit the first time they have added more borrowed power and weekly/daily systems on top of it all lmao.

People would have to be foolish to believe shadowlands is not going to have the same time gateing to promote user logins for share holders.

Sad thing is the horrific visions are fun but as usual tied to daily/weekly time gates, blizz cant just add anything good without muddying it and making it feel bad.

One of the many reasons I’m not doing anything in-game at the moment. What even is the point in trying to gear up when the expansion will be out pretty much the same time you’re fully geared :joy: What a stupid system

Let’s hope the Shadowlands systems will be better.

I’m afraid you’re terribly wrong. Just look at all the other MMOs. WoW’s the most restrictive loot wise. You can’t say MMOs are for single chars when the vast majority of them (WoW included) are not.

If people put in the effort to build and maintain alts, what’s the problem with that? Noone is asking for free gear. We’re merely want to be able to put in the effort, and right now, we can’t.

It’ll be fine for the first patch, but once people start complaining about not enough things to do at max level, they’ll introduce other loops holes and times gates to keep players playing.

The first patch of BFA was only the necklace IIRC? Then it was azurite gear, essences, cloak, corruption, then corruption resistance. So you essentially have to do an entire expansion pack worth of content in order to be caught up. Ew gross.

I remember the good old days of Wotlk etc, when the only thing that you needed to raid was moderately decent set of gear for weekly currency and doing older pervious raids, and you could PvP to get PvP gear :open_mouth:

Completely normal phenomenon. It would be abnormal you do be away and come back and then be on same level as those who played while you were away. If you want to complain about something, then it should be about Timegating.