If your a 120 and your corps camping a lvl 50-60 just stop its not funny or rage inducing its just sad. Whats sadder is when the lvl 50-60 gets another 120 to help you call all your friends and gank them to. Is this game really that boring to you? Is it really?
Please note this isn’t even a rage post its just a post of disbelief that someone could be so sad.
People are free to do what they want within the rules. If someone considers it fun to gank lowbies, good for them. The lowbie accepted this could happen when wm on.
"If you do not wish to engage in PvP combat, do not activate War Mode."
Source: Blizzard Support
Whats the name of your alt? Or you’re the 120 which got ganked too?
Apologies in advance but …
Can’t stop , won’t stop.
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Nah I was the 120 that got ganked. The lvl 50 was a guildy.
Also Subversòr its really not a rage post though. Its just pathetically sad to sit on a chars corps 64 levels lower than you for 45 minutes. I mean how it’s just sad.
Or sad for them to allow themselves to be corpse camped for 45 mins.
I logged out and played a different char for 40 mins. Then reloged and was immediately killed by them and their two mates. They sat in bootlegger outpost no other skeletons to be seen just me.
Gnomes don’t stop ganking.
There should be built in rule that if Horde is on Alliance territory, he can’t kill players 10 levels below his, and the same rule in opposite, Alliance can’t kill any horde player if they are at level 120 while horde is 10 levels under, we are turning on Warmode not to be fcking ganked, we are turning in to PvP. Being one shotted is not PvP.
Really? What do you find fun one shoting someone 50 lvls below you?
It’s a wpvp philosophy, known as:
The other wpvp philosophy is:
Be excellent to each other.
I know which one I prefer, cos I am no filthy pacifist
Good for you. Still pathetic to corps camp someone 50 lvls lower than you. Rather be a pacifist than a coward that can’t hack someone my own level in this instance.
This is how warmode works
People suck a** and get their a** kicked
So lets make a 5-20 man group and corpsecamp him, how dare he be better than me wtf
Does any other game have whiny ethicals moaning about their pixels being killed?
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Probly, I’m not sure though much like this one many others also have recreant bottom feeders that think themselves to be the Tysons of the fictional world when in fact they are the Mumblecrust’s. Who will defend there right be an absolute tuesday at all costs. Then they moan like a harlot when it’s brought up much like exhibit A here.
If it takes preying on low level zero threat playes to make you feel big, do what you gota do but don’t act like your Richard the lion heart when it’s gets pointed out when in fact you are king John.
Or the ones that like to pretend ethics matter in PvP, and cry when PvP happens in a PvP mode.
Because it’s not just a videogame, and your ethics rules definitely apply to pixels.