I don’t usually write in forums but Im spending hours in LFG queueing so might as well…
Blizzard must do something about aug being in nearly every 15 key. I know its partly because of community copying top teams using meta. But Aug is literally ruining high m+ experience for majority of players. Evidently, aug is taken in 99% of 15+ keys and above. While rest of dps classes gotta compete for remaining 2 dps spots remaining. This is not only unfair but is unhealthy balancing. Blizzard need to do something since m+ system is already annoying without aug ********.
ty for reading and let me know your thoughts.
The balancing of classes atm is not so bad that only enh/fdk are the viable dps specs, evidently by raider io timed run 15+ and above. There are boomy, assa rogue, fmage in those runs (even in 18s). So for those saying meta will be meta, ofc but actually I see from those runs that 5 dps capable of doing 18s (not including aug), however aug has to be in all of those runs, and thats the point im making, its unfair and not good design imo, m+ was fine without aug (I like evoker class and the other 2 specs so much though ngl, just aug is just ruining m+ for me.). And by majority of players I meant majority of players pushing 14+ and above, maybe not many relatively, but still a wrong thing should be looked into by blizzard regardless imo.
Lets just be clear who we’re talking about here. 15’s are the top 0.1% of the M+ community. 14’s are about the top 0.3%. So its a tiny tiny sliver.
Frankly, if you’re at that kind of rating you’re in rarified atmosphere. The way to get into keys is to know people and to have proved your competence with them, not to hit “apply” and hope for the best.
Here yea go, you just finished a 14 with a prot pally and disc priest, any attempts to “add them to do some keys” or was it just “gg” and scoot?
I don’t understand the “majority” comment… do you not understand what I wrote?
The addition of aug is pointless and ruined the opportunity for diversity of classes and combs. people been pushing before aug and if a boss did too much dmg, blizz nerfs it, simple. you add aug then everything is centered around aug in high keys which is stupid design imo. Meta will be meta but atm a lot of classes can do 15s atm beside fotm enh + frost dk, like assa rogue, boomy, ele, fmage and more. but all those ppl gotta compete for a spot for 1 spec that no1 in wow community asked for.
Top pushers never had any diversity. The fact that people think some comps are mandatory for +10 has nothing to do with balance and everything to do with tier lists and stupidity.
It’s like in soccer GKs are now expected to be able to control the ball with their feet, pass it around and handle pressure.
To me, soccer is garbage now because teams just pass it around their own half and pretend to get injured then maybe try get a tie game with a dubious handball VAR penalty. That’s the meta and people like it so FIFA aren’t going to ban in it.
so right now fdk + enh the go to as dpsers, and aug as 3rd. if you remove aug, u will see the 3rd spot will be open for several classes and this is the diversity Im talking about. many classes imo can fill that 3rd spot. but regardless 1 spec being taken into every 15 is stupid and if not changed now this will be the future of wow m+ high key experience… simply unhealthy.
So you take away aug, then the next best pick will take its spot. Its not the case that suddenly teams running 15s will just stop picking the best spec, they will still do that it will just be another class.
Looking at the top keys it will just be a frost mage.
Its not going to open the door for all specs to get an invite.
Mythic+ is about speed and efficiency. If a class does the tiniest amount more damage than all the rest, it will be picked. Sadly meta will always be a thing. A week into a new expansion or patch people will go straight to WoWhead or Icyveins to find the best damage output. There’s no solution sadly unless they make every class do the exact same damage
Cause why would you take aug in anything below 12 when 3rd dps is more valuable and it will make you run faster and smoother
aug is cringe in lower keys just as every that ramp up it’s dmg over time
go look in raider IO dps classes for keys 15 and above, there is aug in almost all keys, and there are other specs beside fdk and enh, like ret/assa/mage/boomy/ele (ranging 4-8% of keys each), while aug is 21%. So yes aug took those specs and no fmage wont be the only meta if aug wasnt there, like I said the balancing of classes atm isnt so bad that only 2-3 dpsers are viable. So as I said aug is taking the spot of those other specs beside enh/fdk for free and for no reason beside blizzard want aug as sup spec for high keys which no1 asked for.
So to answer you, no, not only 1 spec will take over as 3rd dps spot as you can see with statistics from raider io timed run