I am level 60

I have just reached level 60!

I know positivity is generally discouraged in this board, but I wanted to share my excitement as no one seemed to give a damn when I said it in game.

6 months - specifically, 17 days and 13 hours, aka 421 hours to reach the end.
It has been an extremely fun leveling experience and it feels very satisfying to finally beat the game (the leveling section of it… at least), and to catch up to where everyone else seems to have been for some time.

Thank You Blizzard for listening to your customers for once and re-releasing this brilliant game that I fell in love with as a child. It is just as good now that I’m an adult.

Onwards and upwards now.

Have a nice week everybody. :slight_smile:

Peace out,


Well done mate. Enjoy your journey.

Why has it taken so long? Seems like you have been playing regularly

@Arbet: Congratulations from me! As I have severe alt-o-holism and school, I have not even reached level 20 yet on any of my numerous characters. :smiley:


Your kind ain’t welcome here! screech

Congratulations, I’ll get there eventually next year with my rogue.


Woohoo, well done! Gratz!

Yeah I play regularly but probably nowhere near as much as many people. I don’t like spending all my free time on a videogame :stuck_out_tongue:
Outside of my 40-hour work week, I spend a lot of time in the pub, a lot of time in the gym, and going to the cinema, seeing friends, visiting new places.

Also I have been leveling slowly as I take my time to enjoy what I’m doing. Lots of messing around in the world, and also a lot of PVP. I’ve got to rank 8 before reaching level 60 so spent quite a lot of time in battlegrounds where you are not getting much XP. :slight_smile:


Good for you dude!
Grats on 60 :slight_smile:

I m pretty sure your next char will reach 60 lvl a bit quicker. :slight_smile:

Well played and i hope you will enjoy the endgame content : everything you want to do without bothering for the XP!

I’m sure it would, but the thought of another character is quite a lot of effort…! I would like to have a healer, but the thought of leveling a druid or paladin is mind numbing lol. Would like a shaman but would have to be on a different server so idk.

People have said that Warriors are the hardest to level, did you board and sword it or use another spec. My first character I got to 60 was a Warrior way back in Vanilla, I levelled cooking as I was always needing food.


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Congrats my man!

Finally some competition in PVp


Hey! Congrats !! :partying_face: It’s awesome to hear your story! :smiley:


Its alive!

I tried leveling cooking to keep up my food supplies but gave up after level 25 and I outleveled the mobs for the skill level.

It’s challenging solo, so it incentivised me to always do quests with other people. So I would run round the zone and when I found someone, do their quests with them. A much more fun and sociable way of playing the game than trying to do everything on my own like Mages do etc.

And Arms 2handed > all other specs OBVS.

Welcome to true world of warcraft!

And gz :slight_smile:

Lol slow

In the sh*thole of AV whining and pvp cryers in forum,
there is Arbet
and he is level 60

Congrats man